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Properties of utm projection pdf

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  • Coordinate Systems and. Furthermore, future senior projects could investigate other map projections than the Mercator projection considered in this paper. The system used to por­ tray a portion of the round Earth on a flat surface is called a map projection. Each zone has a longitude width 6° as shown in figure (3) and all properties of UTM system are given in table (1) [4], [5]. For instance, for the Shapefile format this is a file containing an ESRI Well-Known Text ( WKT) representation of the layer’s CRS. Because UTM projection and GAUSS-KRÜGER projection have the same character, so there is a similar exchange relation between them. = R. a. For UTM, E0 = 500 000·000 meters. Gauss-Krüger projection is an ellipsoidal form of transverse Mercator projection and is widely used as the basis of UTM projection and many national grid Projection Properties. surface into a plane. 000 Adindan_UTM_Zone_38N 20138 Ethiopia - east of 42°E 4. This curvilinear property adds complexity to a map projection’s transformation of the Earth model or globe to a flat surface. Universal Transverse Mercator’s Projection(UTM) The UTM is a modified version of Mercator’s projection. Grids To simplify the use of maps and to avoid the inconvenience of pinpointing loca­ tions on curved reference lines, cartogra­ Mar 9, 2024 · The whole UTM grid system uses 60 horizontally oriented cylinders secant to the globe. The continent outlines and properties of the map (such as distance and areal accuracy) are shown with mini­ mum distortion. g. For areas This map is the layout for UTM projected data. To help you understand what topographic maps are and how to use them, see National Topographic System (NTS) and The basics. Lynn U sery, Michael P. The steps in the transformation as follows: The UTM projection is conformal whereas the cassini projection is not. May 2017. The The European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ( ETRS89) is an ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) geodetic Cartesian reference frame, in which the Eurasian Plate as a whole is static. Important Map projections . Click the “+” next to Raster. Although figure 4 is a map of UTM zones, it is not a Transverse Mercator map. 12. This centering minimizes distortion of all properties in that region. The ellipsoidal Earth is used throughout the UTM projection system, but the reference ellipsoid changes with the particular region of the Earth. ; Geodetic. k is defined ,the value of. 8 Information sources 35 7. 5 degree zone overlaps are permissable for projects located on a UTM zone boundary. projection’s most general form, with the reg-ular and transverse projections being special cases. 2 , f = 0 Jan 25, 2023 · The Universal Transverse Mercator is a system of map projections divided into sixty zones across the globe, with each zone corresponding to 6 degrees of longigude. Finally the optimal transverse Mercator projection is outlined by solving a boundary value problem of the d’Alembert-Euler equations ( Cauchy-Riemann equations) of a biaxial ellipsoid (ellipsoid of revolution) where a dilatation factor of a central meridian is to be determined. Mercator Projection: It is a normal cylindrical projection with conformal property. While horizontal and vertical cylinders make up a Mercator and Transverse Mercator, an oblique aspect projection uses neither. Map projections designed for small-scale data are usually based on spherical rather than spheroidal geographic coordinate systems. 1 Overview Conformal projection is one kind of map projection, and the Gauss projection and UTM projection are two kinds of conformal projection. The UTM system is a world-wide, metric system that essentially describes places on Earth in 60 different zones that are 6° wide at the Equator. Commonly used map projections: 1. Universal Transverse Mercator Zones Figure 4 is part of a diagram showing the locations of UTM zones. 110 42. The areas not included in the UTM system, regions north of 84°N and south of 80°S, are mapped with the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) projection. 000 12. the projection method of each of the 60 zones is the Transverse Mercator projection with secant useful projection formula was found and this is now implemented for actual usage in surveying in Japan. Apr 11, 2010 · Lemenkov a Polina: MSc Student Assignment ’MSc GEM Course 2009/2010 Lund University Adv anced GIS Course. The zones are numbered 1-60, beginning at 180-degrees longitude and increasing to the east. This projection is best suited for north-south oriented areas. Due to the Earth’s curvilinear surface, map projections always hold a degree of distortion. 3. 1 Definition of UTM 32 7. UTM projections are really the Transverse Mercator to which specific parameters, such as central meridians, have been applied. Aug 24, 2023 · Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) The Universal Transverse Mercator is a system of map projections divided into sixty zones across the globe, with each zone corresponding to 6 degrees of longitude. All map projections distort the landmasses (and waterbodies) on Earth’s surface in some way. Common Projections and Coordinate Systems for Canada. Analysis, LLC, 3011 Cheyenne Dr. Angles, areas, directions, shapes, and distances can become distorted when transformed from a curved surface to a plane. To obtain conformal coordinates on the cassini projection Map projections are the different techniques used by cartographers for presenting a round globe on a flat surface. 000 11. Map projection is very important because it is the bedrock of map based construction. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 32 7. The UTM system consists of 60 zones, each 6-degrees of longitude in width. In some cases, data will need to be assigned this projection or reprojected to match UTM. However, as we noted earlier, the Feb 19, 2023 · The UTM grid system uses a series of these cylindrical projections that are tangent to different latitudes. proj-string: +proj=tmerc. The Gauss and UTM Conformal Projections and the Plane Rectangular Coordinate System. xyz. Projection Characteristics. E-mail: mld@geodetic. i. A Transverse Mercator projection is applied to each zone with the central meridian of the projection at the center of the Future work should apply methods derived here to spheroidal Earth, to improve the accuracy of calculations as well as investigate further the properties of the stretching factor displayed in Section 2:4. The UTM grid system divides each zone into a series of squares, with each square measuring 100,000 meters (or 100 kilometers) on UTM has its own coordinate system, unique to each zone, so if you are working with UTM coordinates, you need to know which zone the coordinates are for. The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid. 1. plane) requires iteration and is slow; the second method (traverse computation on the. 990 Afgooye_UTM_Zone_38N 20538 Somalia - 42°E to 48°E, N hemisphere onshore 0. Jan 1, 2009 · The GIS Manual 1. Each zone is 6 degree wide and wrapped along a particular line of longitude. Egypt is covered by two zones. The UTM is a mapping system that uses the TM projection with certain restrictions (such as standard 6°-wide longitude zones, central meridian scale factor of 0. 5 ]l∈− +DD in Gauss- Krüger projection). 13). Contrast in terms of the properties preserved and projection class the Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic projections. 3 Examples of computing l, f , given Z, x, y 33 7. 7 Convergence of the meridian 35 7. MAP PROJECTIONS 7. We shall return to the transverse Mer-cator projection shortly, but first a word about the earth’s assumed shape. Inverse projection formulae transform plane coordinates to geographic. This tool allows you to transform a raster dataset from one projection to another. 520 48. The white rectangle represents the area you want to map. CHAPTER 8. 2 Mercator projection 7. Its precise formulas were found through later analysis by Johann Georg von Soldner around 1810. 000 These differences sre due to the mathematical treatment required to portray a curved surface on a flat surface so that important properties of the map (such as distance and areal accuracy) are shown with minimum distortion. Central Meridian: mid-longitude of each zone. Conical projections are good for areas near the mid-latitudes. Click Add to display 'Modify Datum' dialog box. 9996, rather than 1. Different projections do not overlay one another. How the UTM grid system is divided. projection of a dataset that is known but missing from the dataset. It can be seen that UTM and Gauss projections are related by a similarity transformation, based on which, one can write out the formula for computing the UTM projection according to relevant formulae for the ETM is also TM projection type, conforming to the main concept of the world wide used UTM system. e. The relation between the projection coordinate formulas of them is: x = m x , and utm gs. To minimize this distortion, the UTM divides the Earth into sixty zones, and uses a secant transverse Mercator projection in each zone. The Universal Transverse Mercator system, commonly known as UTM, divides the Earth into sixty discrete zones, each representing a vertical slice of the globe spanning six degrees of longitude. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate May 3, 2017 · A Guide to Selecting Map Projections for World and Hemisphere Maps. Download the zip file of World Data Grids In the development history of Gauss-krüger projection theories, formulae above have different features, for example, real power series expansions of longitude difference l are often limited in a narrow strip (e. The transverse Mercator projection in its various forms is the most widely used projected coordinate system for world topographical and offshore mapping. 2 If a dataset has been built with documentation about its spatial referencing, then it is said to have a projection or coordinate system “defined. At every point location, the east- west scale is the same as the north-south scale, making the projection conformal. The objective is to obtain the coordinate transformation parameters from cassini to UTM. One map projection might be used for large-scale data in a limited area, while another is used for a small-scale map of the world. Planar (Orthographic) Projections Projections transform points in n-space to m-space, where m < n. A dialog box opens. Recall: From the properties of each of the raster datasets, the DEMs are in projected The first method (trav erse computation on the UTM. There are 60 zones. The transverse Mercator map projection is an adaptation of the standard Mercator projection which flips the cylinder 90 degrees (transverse). 6 Hierarchy of subroutines 34 Polar stereographic and UPS 8. Jun 1, 2017 · PDF | In this chapter, we give the different formulas of the cartographic projection UTM. 5 we established the relationship between geodetic elements on the Earth’s surface and those on the ellipsoid. UTM PROJECTION UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) – a transverse Mercator projection, an adaptation of the Mercator projection, is a projection in which an ellipsoid intersects a cylinder whose axis lies in the equatorial plane. The coordinates and maps in Europe based on ETRS89 are not subject to change due to the continental drift. Apr 9, 2024 · This PDF is available locally at <install location>\Desktop<version>\Documentation\geographic_transformations. Therefore, the conformal No projection is equidistant to and from all points on a map. Mar 4, 2021 · The important feature of the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection is that the zones are standard and readily identifiable, so that an area may easily be designated as lying within a specific zone. La géodésie est la science de la forme et de la dimension de la Terre et de son champ de pesanteur Pour les besoins cartographiques, on doit représenter sur une surface plane l'image de la terre assimilée à un ellipsoïde, ce qui nécessite l'utilisation d'une représentation plane (ou projection). 5 Given l, f , compute Z 34 7. 1 The map projection process 7. Only the pole zones are coverd by the UPS Universal Polar Stereographic projection) for whole world mapping. ellipsoid) is simpler and quicker. The results demonstrated that UTM projection and local datum (Karbala1979-UTM-Zone-38N) were the best for study area according to RMSE test. Conical projections with one standard parallel are normally considered to maintain the nominal map scale along the parallel of latitude which is the line of contact between the imagined cone and the ellipsoid. It’s not important to always know what projection 1 day ago · For data supported by GDAL, QGIS relies on the presence of a recognized means of specifying the CRS. Properties of projections Cylindrical Projection Ex: Lines of latitude and longitude are parallel intersecting at 90 degrees Meridians are equidistant (Figure 5). Click Apply. 5 , 3. Adindan_UTM_Zone_37N 20137 Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan - 36°E to 42°E 3. UTM Projection System The UTM projection system is based basically on the Transverse Mercator projection. Grids To simplify the use of maps and to avoid the inconvenience of pinpointing loca-tions on curved reference lines, cartogra- Figure 2. 2 UTM coordinate system zone characteristics. 5 Scale factor 7. 23. To overcome this problem, in Flood Action Plan 19 (FAP 19) study a new projection system was evolved from the UTM, and is known as BTM projection system. Canada – Lambert Conformal Conic. 7. ) ν = radius of curvature in the prime vertical at φ; i. 5 ]l∈− +DDin UTM projection; [ 3 , 3 ]l∈− +DD or [ 1. 8. 1 Meridians and parallels 7. 2 Mercator mapping equations Conic projections are used frequently for mapping large areas (e. Edmonton – 3 TM 114. Red lines parallel to the central meridian represent the two standard lines employed in each Transverse Mercator projection. Geographers use GIS software to store, manipulate, analyze, and display geographic data. prj extension. The Earth is divided into 60 zones each For all projection groups, even for azimuthal projections, the terms normal, transverse and oblique aspect or normal, transverse, and oblique projections are correct. The equidistant cylindrical projection being used by Google Earth for the depiction of its imagery. NOTE: AS "h’s" ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL GEODETIC DATUMS, THE Δh CORRECTION WILL NOT BE APPLICABLE WHEN TRANSFORMING TO WGS 84. For UTM in the northern hemisphere, N0 = 0; for UTM in the southern hemisphere, N0 = 10 000 000·000 meters. In this grid, the world is divided into 60 north-south zones, each covering a strip 6° wide in longitude. Department of Defense definition of a global reference system for geospatial information and is the reference system for the Global Positioning System (GPS). 1 Introduction 7. Oct 19, 2018 · Baselines Data Processing 6. True Origin Location: intersection of latitude 30° N and CM. Using MUTM projection, Area of Nepal is divided into three 3 degree zones, namely 44. 2011. These include equivalent projections (which preserve areal relationships), conformal projections (angular relationships ) on UTM projection for a number of points. Negative coordinates are thus avoided in this projection. Keywords: Gauss, Gauss-Krüger, Map projection, Formula, History . Conformal or orthomorphic projection retains the angle and shape of a small area. Download Free PDF. View PDF. Mathematical calculations in the map projection are used to convert the coordinate system used on the curved surface of earth to one used on a flat surface. Select 'Coordinate System Management(D)' in Tool menu to display Coordinate System Management dialog box. 0 for mapping. Because this is a narrow piece of the earth—within 6° of longitude—you can use a UTM zone. The Transverse Mercator projection is the basis of many maps cov-ering individual countries, such as Australia and Great Britain, as well as the set of UTM projections covering the whole world (other than the polar regions). 2 Examples of computing x, y, s, g , given l, f, Z 32 7. Regular cylindrical projections are an exception, because parallels and meridians are straight lines on these projections. In book: Choosing a Map Projection, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography zone. . The system used to portray a portion of the round Earth on a flat surface is called a map projection. S. The paper deals with Helmert's transformation of these two nissrine mguiada. 4 Conformal projection 7. The UTM projection is designed to cover the world, excluding the Arctic and Antarctic regions. It is proven that for a non-symmetric and a symmetric UTM strip Jan 1, 2017 · The two projections most used in our geospatial are the Gauss-Krüger projection and the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection. [2] It is the transverse aspect of Map projection. 1007/978-3-319-51835-0_9. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection Projected by wrapping a cylinder around the Poles, rather than around the Equator. Introduction . Even though Google Maps used the Mercator projection because it preserves shape decently, and north is always up. 000 22. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system and Gauss-Krüger coordinate systems are based on the transverse Mercator projection and the State Plane Coordinate System uses it for all north-south zones. important properties of the map (such as distance and areal accuracy) are shown with minimum distortion. In cartography, a map projection is any of a broad set of transformations employed to represent the curved two-dimensional surface of a globe on a plane. When this condition Equidistant Cylindrical Projection: It is also known as simple cylindrical or latitude/longitude projection has correct scale along all the meridians. But Mercator map projections are really bad at preserving area. Layers with the same coordinate system can be overlaid on one another for the purpose of analysis or display. 2 Properties of projections 7. ) N' = N – N0 (N0 is the offset of the origin latitude; check the value for each zone. ETM is also TM projection type, conforming to the main concept of the world wide used UTM system. The Mercator projection of the sphere is a conformal projection with the datum surface a sphere of radius R with curvilinear coordinates φ , λ and Gaussian fundamental quantities. ” If a dataset has no projection defined, it is possible to use the software to define the projection, that is, to add extra data that describe the projection and coordinate system of the dataset. Coordinate systems allow them to locate the data on a map as a layer. WGS 84 is the standard U. The simplest kind of projection, illustrated below, transforms the graticule into a rectangular grid in which all grid lines are straight, intersect Mar 10, 2024 · The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a standard set of map projections with a central meridian for each six-degree wide UTM zone. This shows Nepal has ranges approximately 8-degree E-W and 4-degree N-S. Figure 2: Zones of METM Projection System in Egypt [10]. E. You should see the data transform before your eyes. The projection of the data frame is changed. Basic Polar Stereographic 35 Three Zones are named: Purple belt (Western Desert), Red Belt (Nile Valley), and Blue belt (Eastern desert). 4 Administrative rules 33 7. Jan 20, 2018 · Distortions of lengths in a UTM projection are obtained directly as reduced scales by multiplying the Y and X expressions by the module of distortions or multiplying the big semi-axis of the reference ellipsoid by the constant linear module. In the lower window, click Predefined > Projected Coordinate Systems > UTM > WGS 1984 and select UTM Zone 18N as the projection. This projection file has the same base name as the . The units of Δф and Δλ are arc seconds ("); the units of Δh are meters (m). The step by step procedures to consider when applying the software have enumerated. MATHEMATICALCONICALPROJECTION. Each of the 60 longitudinal zones has its own cylindrical projection. 400 36. Even so, projections can be designed to preserve certain types of relationships between features on maps. Keywords: GCP, Map, Projection, GPS, 7 Parameter Method Change the Map Frame’s Projection. 5 and 45. 0, 44. y. , the Gauss projection and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM WGS 84 is based on a consistent set of constants and model parameters that describe the Earth's size, shape, and gravity and geomagnetic fields. Which type of map projection would be best suited for large-scale applications. 2 General Condition for Conformal Projection 6. Thegeneral conditions for aconformal projection are based on this property. Report for the Practical 6: ’Coordinates and Map Pro jections’, April 25, 2010. Throughout the processing of data the UTM projection will be used. 850 47. Each square grid cell in the illustration spans 500,000 meters on each side. 4. shp file and a . Over time, and depending on location, UTM coordinates have been based on different ellipsoid models. 3. Based on the above, the main characteristics of the UTM projection can be presented as follows (Table 3. 12 Under the Coordinate Systems section, select the NAD 1983 (2011) UTM Zone 10N from your favourites and click OK. DOI: 10. UTM ist a projection zone system covering most areas of the world through 60 6°-zones between latitudes 80°S and 84°N. It is a conformal projection in which a chosen meridian projects to a straight line at constant scale. It divides Egypt to five main zones, the width of zone is 3° as shown in figure (2) and all properties of METM system are given in table (1) [3]. M ugnier. UTM divides the earth into 60 zones. Mercator projections on the sphere and the ellipsoid with full deriva-tions of all formulae. The Earth is divided into 60 zones each generally 6 Oct 31, 2006 · For this, UTM-K (Univercial Transverse Mercator-K) was established in 2005. 3 percent) when sample datasets were reprojected to the UTM projection, while the sinusoidal projection showed the highest Jul 11, 2016 · School of Civil and Construction Engi neering, Oregon State Univ. 9996, defined false origin offsets, etc. Once the value of according to the scale factor. 000 Aug 9, 2019 · In each case, numbers increase toward the East and North. Map Projections. Dec 27, 2023 · In the lower window, labeled Select a coordinate system, a different coordinate system can be selected to display data in the Data Frame. Although this projection is under this name, it is essentially Gauss-Krüger projection applied in a special way. The mercator projection preserves angles and direction, but distorts distance. Being a Choice of the projection to be used will depend upon the true property or combination of properties desired for effective cartographic analysis. And both are members of a family of TM projections of which the spherical form was Oct 10, 2019 · The Minna datum properties, as well as the NTM and UTM parameters, have been detailed for effective use. The development of ETRS89 is related to the global ITRS Aug 5, 2007 · 21. 1): The UTM system is a plane coordinate system based on the Mercator projection system, and among the most commonly used coordinate systems. In Chap. Cylindrical: Different cylindrical projection orientations: The most common cylindrical projection is the Mercator projection, which is the basis of the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) system. 000 42. Grids To simplify the use of maps, and to avoid the inconvenience of pin-pointing locations on curved reference lines, car­ An important physical characteristic is its non-straight, curvilinear surface. There are two basic types of projections: w Perspective - distance from COP to PP finite w Parallel - distance from COP to PP infinite 2 days ago · The Universal Transverse Mercator is a system of map projections divided into sixty zones across the globe, with each zone corresponding to 6 degrees of longitude. PNGMG94 is a UTM projection (Southern Hemisphere) with three Zones: 0. T ransformation of geographic data is necessary Δф, Δλ, Δh =. SF at CM: 1. Sep 21, 2005 · other properties) can occur when doing analysis using this projection. ν = a 1 – e2 sin2 φ € ρ= a (1−e2) properties of the map (such as distance and areal accuracy) are shown with mini-mum distortion. , Laveen, AZ 85339. Abstract. The projection plane of the UTM projection is a secant cylinder in a transverse position. Oct 19, 2023 · Therefore, cartographers classified the map projection into major and minor properties. Generally speaking, you can use three UTM zones together, and still get acceptable results if you use the projection for the centre zone of the three (check). Map base construction, the first stage of map-making processes, involves the projection and co-ordinate systems on which Jan 1, 2014 · The only difference between them lies in that for the UTM projection, the central meridian has a scale factor of 0. Finn and Clifford J. Projection Basics for GIS Professionals << Adindan_UTM_Zone_37N 20137 Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan - 36°E to 42°E 3. 5. The Cassini projection (also sometimes known as the Cassini–Soldner projection or Soldner projection [1]) is a map projection first described in an approximate form by César-François Cassini de Thury in 1745. pdf. Now in India, Survey of India is using UTM projection with WGS 84 ellipsoid (Fig. Different projections have been designed where the distortion in one property is minimized, while other The scale factor (denoted k) and convergence (denoted ) are found by functions: = h1(φ,λ, a, b, map projection parameters) = h2(φ,λ, a, b, map projection parameters) Finally, any given point on a map projection has a linear distortion that is the ratio of a very small distance on Earth’s surface to the corresponding very small distance on May 1, 2002 · The geographic coordinates, however, showed very low accuracy (65. 1. corrections to transform local geodetic datum coordinates to WGS 84 ф, λ, h values. 6 Map scale 7. The major is the conformal and equivalent, and the minor is the equidistant and azimuthal. A map projection is the means by which you display the coordinate system and your data on a flat surface, such as a piece of paper or a digital screen. The Intergovernmental Apr 4, 2014 · This chapter, however, is primarily concerned with the two conformal (orthomorphic) projections used in geodetic survey, i. 11 Double-click on the map name in the Contents pane to open the data frame properties. In 3D, we map points from 3-space to the projection plane (PP) along projectors emanating from the center of projection (COP). The system used to por-tray a part of the round Earth on a flat surface is called a map projection. This chapter further establishes the corresponding relationship between geodetic elements on the ellipsoid and those on the plane. (WGS1984-UTM-Zone-38N) to local datum (Karbala1979-UTM-Zone-38N) were performed, but also producing new maps for the purpose of comparisons. For many general-purpose map projec-tions, the earth is treated as if it were a sphere. , the whole Bangladesh Map). from other projections. 3 Mapping equations 7. 010 42. UTM is the acronym for Universal Transverse Mercator, a plane coordinate grid system named for the map projection on which it is based (Transverse Mercator). UTM zones. The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) (formerly the Defense Mapping Agency) adopted a special grid for military use throughout the world called the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid. , states, large countries, or continents). 1 Introduction. 6. The system of transforming from spherical to the plane surface is called map projection. Yellow represents areas in which UTM coordinates are valid for a given zone. The mathematical equations used to project latitude and longitude coordinates to plane coordinates are called map projections. Since PNG94 and GDA94 share the same realisation, the GDA94 technical manual can be used with PNG94 and PNGMG94 (substitute PNG94 for GDA94 and PNGMG for MGA). 5 , 1. [ 3. Mar 11, 2024 · Transverse Mercator. ) and the Gauss-Krueger system is similar. Map projection linear Jul 2, 2012 · Therefore, problem arises interns of projection accuracy when someone go for mapping the area of Bangladesh that falls in both of the UTM zones (e. The USGS uses the Transverse Mercator in their 1:24,000 to 1:250,000 quadrangle maps because they can be joined at their edges. A medieval depiction of the Ecumene (1482, Johannes Schnitzer, engraver), constructed after the coordinates in Ptolemy's Geography and using his second map projection. UTM projected coordinate systems are conformal and their distortion of other map properties is minimal. Jan 24, 2024 · The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a standard set of map projections with a central meridian for each six-degree wide UTM zone. Map projections. Map projections are designed for specific purposes. Zone Width: 4° degrees of longitude, two degrees at each side of the central meridian. Double-click Project Raster (aka Reproject). Here are some examples about the major world projection. 2. 0. Alberta – 10 TM Forest, or UTM Zone 11 or 12. Mercator projection: Mercator projection is a conformal cylindrical map projection. In this paper, the level of distortion was analyzed with respect to the central meridian and scale factor of UTM-K. wc uh em dz hc rx jz sy et kb