Tattle life jodie mccabe

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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27 minutes ago. Talentless, self-entitled morons, promoting mindless consumerism. highlights are that she SIZZLED between the sheets when they first met but that soon ended because she preferred to stay out all night getting drunk on free vodka. Jul 17, 2020 路 Phew! I think we will all sleep a little easier now! Good to know that as we emerge from the greatest crisis in this country's history since the second World War, Kate is tackling all the challenging issues she faces head on. I knew she would get one of those slings - insta influencers are predictable now! Aug 11, 2019 路 Thread locked. Well Kate, they lie . They’re also failing Jodie. She is absolutely foul. life/threads/the-lodge-guys-52-still-on-the-scam-wont-drive-the-van-dont-ask-them May 14, 2024 路 Jodie Marsh #24 A literal show for Jodie Exotic, stuck on the bog from diseases zoonotic. Sex with Jodie sizzled until she got sozzled, said an ex. e. Apr 5, 2024 路 And Jodie, missing the point as always, defended herself by saying “I don’t even drink Southern Comfort” 馃槀馃槀馃槀 What a VJB liar. You can't even call her a home maker, because she isn't domesticated in the slightest. Kate you have behaved so incredibly irresponsibly and selfishly this year, and more and more people are waking up to what a waste of space you are. It's like sitting with your sisters / friends having the lols. It’s all about you & gingerbread man. She has no idea what she’s doing and considering her usual standard of care I’m really worried about them. I know she did a vlog without much explanation once about going on a trip to the Edinborough Festival. lodgequeen. Begs for money for vet bills too but doesn't mind paying hundreds of pounds on a doll. Bangs on about clearing her debt which plenty of us have, but then goes on sprees and works with companies like Aldi Dec 1, 2019 路 Already putting baby to sleep unsupervised on a monitor so she can exercise everyday at 1 month post partum 馃ゲ She's mental. I completely agree about reaching out to others. She's leaving her bright flowers out for a while yet before changing to more seasonal decor. Some days she doesn't even get out of bed to post a thrilling 'story' on her IG. I don't think Jodie the IT genius understands that it's possible for one person to be blocked from seeing a profile. I'd just moved back to London from the states after nearly a year and hadn't been in the loop of I actually messaged her recently asking her not to use filters when showing makeup as it doesn't show the true colours or shades and she replied and Apr 26, 2024 路 Can you recommend a couple of good cleaning accounts please? I need some inspiration. sheleg said: It was a forum called Jodie Mush, active in the early 2000s. I think of friends and family who have children with life limiting issues, additional needs and on the autistic spectrum. Her latest tattoo of Freddie Mercury is horrendous!! I am addicted to following. Feb 28, 2024 路 Follow the latest gossip on Jodie Marsh, the former glamour model and TV personality, and her feud with Claire, a tattle life user. All she does is plug her instagram with it. This is a huge problem for birds of prey in Aug 11, 2019 路 Jul 10, 2020. BFF Dave Rainbird vanished soon after Elvis appeared on the scene. Jul 17, 2020 路 Louise works, meets good friends and seems to have a great social life. Probably because he has everything that she craves. Apr 5, 2024 路 What a shite life lies ahead of that lamb. For someone who has always been used to getting what she wanted, this must be difficult for her. May 8, 2024 路 More proof that I am a no-life VJB. Before her bodybuilding phase. Replies. May 15, 2024. Oh god my heart nearly sank here! she was literally millimetres away from those candles and Dad especially didn’t even move! J did bat her hands away but not sure how H was even able to get that close. I like her personality but the endless hauls of wasteful products are starting to grate recently. I always have chips with May 8, 2024 路 Congratulations @bluecups on the winning thread title. Rufus is more entertaining and he's often asleep! Aug 11, 2019 路 Oct 24, 2021. She went to Edinburgh once to the Comedy Festival but never said why. Something we've sll been missing so long. A brief recap as I'm working: Jodie got sick after kissing sick lambs, which a vet had told Apr 26, 2024 路 Thanks to @Fatman74 for the shiny new thread! Prev thread here: https://tattle. Seeing how she has talked about her ex’s just proves how vile she is. I kept waiting for him to say she was there but the vlog ended without mention of THE Jodie Marsh He even got to introduce Weller to the audience. The End. How does it feel Jodie when the shoe is on the other foot? You chased your elderly neighbour calling him a Nov 9, 2021 路 Right I give in, I’m going to need to get this book 馃槀 Make sure you buy it second hand though 馃槀 Oct 23, 2020 路 Jodie confuses me with her morals. If Jodie and Aaron can’t be arsed looking after Oakley, they should privately pay people. Dec 1, 2019 路 absolutely cannot stand her! She constantly markets herbook and her knowledge on nutrition but refuses to tell people her calories intake? Help people out, or if you’re willing to open up your life to people, share that too. Nov 7, 2020 路 Yes Jodie you are the most important person here not two little boys wanting to enjoy being a child and expressing themselves in colour and cartoon while they can Reactions: 9 ahtisyourself Jordan seems to be happily married, Jodie never mentions them or her nieces. They have a norland nanny AND the oldest kid goes to nursery. She can't cook, paint walls or sew to make alterations to anything. Thirdly, she says that a black jumper dress she has bought would be good for Louise (it probably would because it looks cheap and naff like her). Feb 8, 2019 路 The whole influencer thing is really getting on my nerves, hardly any of them are genuine and just in it for the love of fashion. Translation - my little family is well provisioned to have a nice warm, cosy winter (in between jetting off to Mauritius that is). #good - good what, exactly? #fun - I'd rather eat horse tit #banter - too cool for school #instagood - losers #dogood - should be the default position, doesn't need to be asserted by normal people. They collect animals from all around the universe, gets bored with them and then locks them in cage. Aug 11, 2019 路 I can’t stand her! For someone who is an anti bully ambassador she is one of the biggest bullies out there. it just makes good content her small sanctuary mortuary against a big nasty corporation. Jo is a fuckwhit pure and simple. TURNED him off with her sozzled performance when she finally got home. However I’m smug knowing what an almighty shock she’s got coming when that baby gets a bit older. Annabel89. I remember when I first heard of her. Someone also asked in comments for £20 back they sent him. Her content is interesting and varied, and she's witty and infectious. And I’m sure she has plenty of individual qualities but still I, like most people, will always think of her as a knock off Jordan. I commented on one of her videos once. The recent few days have been a bit of a shitshow with tattle members turning against each other. Nov 10, 2022 路 Absolutely agree! She has a gorgeous healthy baby thank God. 9081. I think she’s a bad egg. The children’s bedroom inspo. Apr 5, 2024 路 He said: "Whenever I discussed cooking a healthy meal or going out to a restaurant she'd say no. That dress she is wearing in her Instagram post today from everything £5 is horrible. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Apr 5, 2024 路 Seems as good a time as any to dig out this Jodie quote from 2006 when Liz Hambleton of More magazine made a comment about her hair, Marsh demanded that she take part in a 'pulling contest'. Aug 11, 2019 路 Feb 8, 2022. Views. Honestly just what is the point of Kate? Each day, gets up, snaps a picture of her hallway or her sink with some flowers in, makes a coffee, sits round on her flabby arse, spends some of Lee's money, rinse and repeat. I saw him sitting on the stairs outside the hotel live earlier and now he’s walking the streets apparently looking for food. Apr 5, 2024 路 Something for Jodie to bear in mind is that her neighbours may not give a single tit about the welfare of the mice, and may happily kill them, possibly with poison, which takes about 5 days to kill - and if they are predated or scavenged, this poison will spread to the wildlife that eat them. What happens when it goes out with the others and they all push it out of the way to get to the food? Jan 13, 2021 路 Feb 23, 2022. He has a son called Milo McCabe also an actor/comedian. How in the world would she influence her ‘audience’ to drive a Mazda pray tell! 9. May 27, 2023 路 Joanne Larby #11 gifted a baby from Adam's spunk, now on the beg for free baby junk. Jul 17, 2020 路 Mar 14, 2021. She treats the dollies better than her own living animals. For longer content I follow aurikatariina (annoying laugh but so relaxing to watch) Apr 5, 2024 路 So Jodie is whining and denying she's racist. EBE2021 said: They're all the same. May 1, 2024 路 I don't doubt they love animals, but someone like Jodie will use that to their advantage - "you can't leave me, you're ABANDONING the animals" . Mar 14, 2024 路 As the old saying goes, "he who laughs last laughs the loudest". So glad to see others e. James ignored her. I bet Jodie was seething. Bet people think hes hers when she has him all the time, they look so alike. He was filming the Weller gig and Fatty was jumping around at the front of the stage looking for attention. M. SPENT all day in bed with a hangover Jan 24, 2021 路 Jodie has been a guilty pleasure of mine for many years - was once a musher - and I find her deranged witterings very funny. Nov 7, 2020 路 Jan 19, 2023. Yaaaaaaaaay - another freebie. Tone deaf, stupid, entitled and completely lacking in any self awareness. 45 46 47. Terrie McEvoy #17 Terrie Poppins and the Repromed lie, us tattlers will never let that one die. She is so cringe worthy. It seems like Jack is there 24/7, he may as well move in. Always gets some great items. Jul 17, 2020 路 EBE2021. 'I think it's fair to say, she was left a little red-faced as the men drew gasps of delight at my flat brown belly and whopping melons and gasps of horror May 30, 2023 路 Joe Wicks Gossip Forum. HesterPrynne. Mar 31, 2024 路 good thing she’s not a charity then I bloody reported her & I have no affiliation with PETA, she’s clutching going after them, I doubt PETA even remember who she is. Her twitter can be comedy gold too - last week she was contacting Sky on Twitter as their phone wait time was 30 mins and she is 'far too busy' to wait. Thread. Frequently caught out in lies with former partners, alleged partners, and media organisations. And her reply was "I know" I also noticed that someone commented on the "life update" video saying they had sent her something before and would like to send something again and she said "that's sweet, but dont worry" just seemed a bit ungrateful. Joe made a fortune during COVID-19 as his youtube channel and social media was promoted by schools and the media. The podcast is amazing! Beatrice has such a gas sense of humour. Almost a dozen of them all at once as well. He's actually funny! He has the same father as Kate so he must be a brother. Cut to weekend and she’s tagging the brother over in Marbella with the girlfriend, not staying in their house at home in Ireland. I find her condescending and she seems like an absolute twit. It's the Sainsburys email all over again. Jesus. That day really showed the idiots of the influencer world!! Jul 17, 2020 路 Just watched her latest Cherryz Haul vid. She doesn't really talk about it much anymore, but it does feel weirdly at odds with what she does as a job. a brief recap: jojo managed to manifest a child, showing a "baby bump" in the first trimester, exhaustively describing her love of morning sickness, and finally admitting that the bump is more of a bloat. How she got a man to deal with her and knock her up, I'll never know! Deffo think "beard" and "turkey baster" Apr 5, 2024 路 Just watched James Buckley’s vlog. Louis Walsh is widely known as gay - it's just not really talked about. 2. Apr 10, 2021 路 Stephanie Vavron #42 Bubbles DeVavron has a new blush out, chasing wee boys on TT she’ll do anything for clout. Jul 17, 2020 路 Sep 2, 2020. If his carer can take him to softplay, why can’t Jodie? You don’t need a nurse for that. Fuck off, Jodie. #team - until we all fall out May 8, 2024 路 The chief executive of Uttlesford, who according to Jodie is also a corrupt VJB, was appointed in September 2021 way after the barns were completed. Sounds like an old-school club comedian. Destined to join the "I exist, but have no quality of life club. New toys for doll plastic for plastic but can't spend £5 on getting her cats spayed. She always seems to be searching for true love so she can build a family but it eludes her. May 7, 2024 路 She then said he's claiming that his account was hacked but all of her friends could see his profile. Now she’s stuck him in his own room to cry it out at 17 weeks. Jul 10, 2021. Apr 5, 2024 路 New to the Jodie Marsh threads, been following for a few weeks and I’m dismayed to see she now has marmosets. I unfollowed so many people, particularly on the day that awful video circulated from Rafah. Nov 7, 2020 路 I like Jodie - I follow her mainly for the kids stuff as I have little ones too - I usually skip past her beauty posts cause I would never ever have the time to get my tan, nails, make up and hair done everyday. Travel Trolls TV #4 No more travel in their pee stained van! It Galz #18 J walked up the aisle, L was spitting bile. Feb 18, 2024 路 Mr Carrington's vlog of them pawing over the charity shop/skip tat was so cringe they must be such good friends that they only spent about £3. Social services are failing that little girl. She is mentally disturbed (IMVHO) and at the route of it is being spoilt by her parents. WOW. People are saying Jodie kicked him out. It was around the time she married that head called Dave, and had Paddy & Lyla. Jun 8, 2019 路 Mar 13, 2020. I wonder if she managed to use / find somewhere in her house for the £100 worth of tat she bought from there a few weeks ago? Her spending really is out of control. I. I wonder what Lee makes of it. Apr 30, 2024 路 Jodie never thought strategically like that, because she was far too clevah to keep an agent. I hope the end is finally in sight, and she's shut down, letting those poor animals have a decent life with professional people. May 8, 2023 路 Jan 2, 2023. just seen her mum has cancer, she says terminal, but with Jodie, the smallest thing is blown out of proportion sometimes so you never know but hope that’s not the case. Thought I would start a thread on Kate McCabe, so hope I'm posting in the right place?? She does a lot of vlogs where she gets items from car boot sales, charity shops, and also poundland, etc hauls. Have a look she has the same eyes as him. Jodie Marsh has never tried to rebrand herself as less salacious though as far as i know. Karl often forgets to mention redd in his opening speech about who he loves. According to one of the latest photos on Katie's home Instagram account, she has some new mugs which tell her she is 'gorgeous'. She mustve bought out every Home Bargains & Poundland in her area of their wedding section in the last 6 months. @Rascal Thx UC, Child Element, PIP, Carers Allowance, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit, Child Maintenance, Cost of Living Payments, Warm Home Discount, YT income, paid Jodie interests me, she's not as bad as KP but she's still not great either. She has tiny eyes and a wide nose. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Catherine Carton (Dainty Diaries) is in another league. For those not in the loop. A Co Armagh woman appeared in court today accused of having the “full spectrum” of drugs, cash and counterfeit football clothing. I exist only to feed Jodie's Messiah complex. Appearing at Newry Magistrates’ Court by video-link from police custody, Whitney Hughes (30) confirmed she understood the 14 charges against her, all alleged to have been committed on July 4 this Jan 13, 2021 路 Apr 27, 2021. 50 on each other for Xmas Actually I don't think Kate gave anybody anything She is just like a blob with eyelashes if you see what I mean! Plus I think it is her fakeness coming through. She is trying to make herself look like a friendly, nice person in the thumbnail, but deep down she is just a greedy, selfish inconsiderate cow. Jul 17, 2020 路 She then goes off on a lecture to women to get their smears done and check out their boobs and she includes a link to Rosie Henshaw's video where she talks about checking out your boobage for lumps and bumps etc, because Rosie Henshaw really needs a mention from Kate 'celebrity' McCabe. She's never ever mentioned him. she has such a delusional of grandeur, like when she tweeted instergram & said she was Jul 17, 2020 路 Maybe they stayed in one of her holiday lets. 1K. She's a horrible woman. If she is somehow successful in her dwa license, who is to say she won't suddenly find a poor abandoned lion cub DESPERATELY in need of a home. Well burglars jodie herself an just announced an empty gaf for you! 5. May 20, 2019. So it's not like she can sell them being a rescue eh Jodie Exotic 2 litters a year with an average 2- 3 babies per litter and she has at least one breeding female. May 7, 2023 路 I saw the new guardians of the galaxy movie and the main villain is Jodie Marsh. Might just be me but thought it was a shame she didn’t mention who had kindly sent her the wax melts in the first place. Kate you are not a model, you are a dumpy, lazy, middle aged mother from Norfolk with a serious shopping addiction. Saturday at 12:00 PM. May 8, 2024 路 Jodie Marsh #24 A literal show for Jodie Exotic, stuck on the bog from diseases zoonotic. Jodie & her resting smug face back on this morning boasting about their new car. It’s truly the icing on the cake for me, so selfish and what a bad example to set. a very active 5 year old who doesn’t nap anymore, wants entertaining every second of the day and can’t be trapped in a chair whilst you get 10000 steps in or whilst you clean your house for an hour and a half Apr 5, 2024 路 *insert biggest eye roll evah " Here we go again. 7. I know a lot of these “influencers” do Cherryz Jul 17, 2020 路 Sorry to double post but I came across Milo McCabe again on Facebook as a character called Troy Hawke. And Jodie changing her settings to make the Fripps Farm page unavailable all over again. Jul 17, 2020 路 All I saw was a talentless, dumpy middle aged mother desperately trying to be funny and relevant and failing miserably. Love Rosemary, she is honest and open but not in a self indulgent way. He donated the money from the school workouts but is estimated to have personally made millions from ad money from other videos as well Apr 5, 2024 路 But also wants a young 20 something but doesn’t want a mummy’s boy Jodie as a mother of a young 20 something boy ( and I don’t care if he is over the age of consent) , let me tell you if any woman in her 40’s tried to get with my young 20 something son, I’d annihilate them ! Absolute predator ! Feb 24, 2024 路 Omg jodies carer looks the same as oakley. As already mentioned, it apparently to protect his mother. Your prize is going to Buckingham Palace with Jodie as someone to blame when Jodie sits on a corgi and vomits in a pond after too much champagne. She is desperately immature, the whole Christmas decs in October is just wrong for a grown woman and she blocks people that don't like 'The Greatest Showman'. New thread for LMD - make up artist, entrepreneur and one of the biggest covid flouters out there. To your peasants who can't afford to stay warm this winter. Reactions: 16 Nov 7, 2020 路 Obviously a weak ploy for viewers to assume her house would be occupied and to deter burglars. Owner of LMD makeup store and LMD cosmetics, Louisemcdonnell_ on Instagram Thanks to @Pammy75 for the title 馃憦. Spanor511. I wonder if he is Kate's brother or stepbrother. The consultant would have recommended the care package Oakley would need depending on his disabilities, the rest of it must be social service recommendations because she’s a tit mum who can’t bring all the kids up without constant supervision! Bryony Farmer #3 the know-it-all that knows nothing. Google Mike McCabe comedian. dave! that’s the one. Delighted for all her good news lately. In 2011 he was accused of sexual assault by another man which threw him into the papers in an unflattering light, though it was proven to be untrue and May 8, 2024 路 She’ll have them running about daft for her for a long time, they will forever be in debt to her because she was the one who put out an appeal for the van ---I wonder if that fox rescue has had a word about her handling the cubs so much because she made a point in her story earlier saying they’re not picking them up or cuddling them or anything like that! Oct 4, 2022 路 I've seen her infamous hallway on my grid today . g Mr Carrington soaring ahead of her in terms of opportunities. Aug 28, 2022 路 6273. She is very obviously a victim of narcissistic abuse. Most consist of a mug, a dog and a happy whatever day it happens to be. Brace yourselves for the onslaught of "altered" hall pics. the list goes ON. A bit like Tattle but just for Jodie. Either way, they were at her house before they went to the car boot sale, so I don't think it would have been too much trouble for her to provide some breakfast. Replies: 1,005. 49 50 51. Apr 29, 2021 路 Nov 23, 2022. We have 0 respect fo. J. Forum: Influencers. What I don’t get when she shares screenshots of messages from her followers stating how “real” and “relatable” she is the woman is minted, her husband is minted, both of their families are minted. Dec 23, 2020 路 Dec 27, 2020. Kate McCabe Start date Jul 17, 2020; New to Tattle Life? Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about: . Kate Lawler #16 Parenting is so unfair, I didn’t sign up for this round-the-clock childcare. What is she now Kate 'Captain Birdseye' McCabe? She lives in a fantasy world. Gosh, he truly sounds like he's missing a few screws. she's Dec 4, 2023 路 From what I can tell, the oldest son (redd Payne) is the father of Max Payne. It would seem to be his money she is spending, seeing as Jul 17, 2020 路 Instagram feed = photo of a mug 鈽戯笍 photo of Rufus 鈽戯笍 photo of a mug (sometimes hers) 鈽戯笍 and repeat 馃攤 YouTube = Poundland haul 鈽戯笍 Cherryz haul 鈽戯笍 Everything 5 pounds haul 鈽戯笍 Home Bargains haul 鈽戯笍 and on and on and on. Take a look at the evidence in the link, it's horrible. Instead Jodie lived off takeaways and her favourite chips with melted cheese on top. Marks absence hasn't gone unnoticed by followers so why keep everyone in the dark, or has she yet to invent a reason for his swift exit from FF. She mentioned using wax melts because she’d been sent some and she really likes them. Sarahh4. Mar 18, 2024. Any wonder that people stopped booking her, really. Get them a Spider-Man bedspread like a normal perso. Dec 15, 2020 路 Dec 24, 2020. Aug 22, 2021. She alludes to things that could potentially ruin their lives but doesn’t give details and then lets her ‘fans’ harrass them. A video supposedly caught on CCTV was posted on Instagram, of Katie Price's two youngest kids whilst at their father Kieran Haylor's house. Jul 15, 2021. He was fairly well known on the scene in Dublin. The BFFs have a habit of disappearing. " Let's all prolong suffering FFS. As Jodie is so worried about corruption and planning issues in Uttlesford maybe the planning applications on her own house going back to 2006 should be investigated. Busy, busy week in Caister. May 20, 2019 路 Kate1970. Mar 29, 2023 路 LMD Louise McDonnell #2 LMD walks about like the Queen, flaunting the rules of Covid-19. FayeJay #7 FakyeJay dirty minging narc mother. Still haven't a clue why their friendship blew. Her chewed up dining chairs give me anxiety, all those animals in the house including ponies what the actual?? I had to look away after her mother died, it was all a bit much and every now and again she pops up on my insta doing another project with the funeral flowers. Feb 24, 2024 路 Surely there is going to come a point where social care have to consider that she doesn’t need the ridiculous care package she has for Oakley. She always seems fully, intensely present and constantly talks about her feelings and emotions. Mar 24, 2021. Weird! She has so much potential for interesting content but Jan 13, 2021 路 Sep 10, 2022. Jul 17, 2020 路 Her dad is an actual comedian/actor for a job. Kate McCabe, Freya Farrington and Luke Catleugh. Jul 17, 2020 路 Dec 25, 2021. The only things in her fridge were bottles of vodka and Southern Comfort. so a friend of a friend, overheard Jodie at a beauty salon on the weekend moaning how Axton won’t take a bottle which is “really annoying cos I wanna go out with my mates”. What a tragic list appended to that post. She seems to be getting more pretentious with her posing too. Aug 11, 2019 路 Jodie Marsh Haha. Dec 1, 2019 路 She is, it’s her main interest. thanks to @dotiedot for the thread suggestion. " Mar 15, 2024 路 So the lead consultant recommended the care package she got because there are 2 other babies” involved! duck off. Everyone is struggling with price increases and she is making out it is so easy to earn extra cash from FM and preying on vulnerable mums who may be desperate or be on maternity leave. Parge must be paying them a fortune to stay I don't know how the pair of them can stick Jodie's useless management. Her contribution to the home is to fill it with as much tat as is humanely possible and then to take pics for Insta. Jul 17, 2020 路 A matter of hours later he’s at the supermarket, the next day he’s meeting up with mr carrington and taking public transport, then he’s at an event with instax, then he’s at a cafe, meeting with friends, in Sainsbury’s. Sep 3, 2022 路 Today's 'smug of the day': 'We've got lots of logs left over from a fallen tree' to go on our open fire. Nov 7, 2020 路 Wednesday at 11:07 AM. Sir Joe Wicks became knighted for his self promotion and HIT workouts. 5. Changed locks, Darren staying over and installing extra cctv, Jack on night feeds all speaks volumes. I hope she's planning to separate them or get the males snipped being a rescue and not a zoo and all that. Surprised she’s a Mazda brand ambassador since she’s never in the country long enough to drive it. Hopefully it won't be long until people like Josie are irrelevant, although it won't matter to her she'll be laughing all the way to the bank. She'll regret this when she goes back to work. It looks as cheap and naff as it is. Love it. What a ridiculous post to share, her brain cells must be disintegrating as we speak such is her gripping content. Mar 14, 2021 路 Mar 14, 2021. Jodie posting about the atrocities and in the same breath starts talking about a bleeping jumpsuit she is wearing and that story about the earphones. I don’t think redd is Jodie’s. Kate has a Poundland haul this afternoon. 6. Who knows. Just to clarify - I am not anywhere near Jodie-level disgusting but my place needs declutterring, tidying and cleaning Sure. S. Christ Kate you must be boring yourself at this stage 馃挙馃挙馃挙 Nov 7, 2020 路 Cringing at herself and Will in the car. She goes on mini get aways with her husband, bakes, cooks and looks after her 2 boys, also goes on realistic family holidays and manages to fit in the gym too. I would've thought being in a dissociative state would Yeah they got famous at a similar time, manipulated the tabloids and outrage culture for their gain in a similar way. Dec 4, 2023 路 Jan 9, 2024. I don't recall ever using #hashtags for anything other than a sarcastic joke or pisstake. Lots of people have lost a baby but sabrina expects the world owes her something. Having her brain zapped made it seem more like a neurological thing. I think he got a few generic pretty genes instead of decent brain cells poor guy 馃槄 Ohhh dammit I missed this, is he proper dim? 馃槵 May 15, 2023 路 Jun 2, 2023. pj nt en ip tj mf al tc tp bh