How to reject a friend nicely over text reddit

A thankful initial response like “Thank you for considering me” fosters positivity in your interactions. Even when you’re trying to be kind and reject an invitation politely, it’s important your “no” is clear. Keep it short and sweet. [1] 2. “Hi (guy’s name) I just want to say that I appreciate your proposal last night. Try saying something like, “Thank you! That’s so sweet. You’re crossing the boundaries as strictly friends and if you don’t want to be friends I totally understand. jsamurai2. Maybe a joke, people can't really tell. ThrowRAkaleidoskopia. Jun 4, 2024 · So even before you open your mouth to say no, try saying no with your body: Turn your torso away. To know how to reject someone nicely, you have to learn to be truthful with your words and emotions. I really just wanted to be friends with them so i told them that. If you STILL want to say no, thank this person (if you hung out together) for all the good times you had. I made a post venting about guy friends the other day. We met online through a video game and similar anime interests and she confided in me about her dysfunctional family, so I helped her with her trauma. The real issue is when people start saying I only date women and mean "i only date people with vaginas". Oct 20, 2023 · 21 Better off without me. This is my first time posting on this sub, so I apologise in advance. Lack of connection is the nicest way to word why you rejected someone. Soften your rejection by showing you like them as a person but not as a dating partner. That's a really nice invitation. You want to reject a guy, but are not sure you want to lose him because he’s been a great friend. Welcome to r/dating_advice!. 24. Its not rude to decline, you dont know them. But what you typed out for this post is totally appropriate to say to break things off as kindly as you can. Generally guys are told this excuse, but… it can work with girls, too. ‘No’ is a full sentence. Start by thanking the person for the invitation. Turn your torso so you’re not facing them. In that case, tell him you don’t want to go out with him, but his friendship is so valuable to you. And always tell the truth, in as tactful a way as you can. you can text something nice but another person may view it as sarcastic. This shows that you value their gesture and their effort to include you. He will continue to do so until a drastic change is enforced. I hope that you understand. Decline Graciously. Now I think he really likes me but, I don’t necessarily like him back and I don’t want to lead him on but I also don’t know how to tell him I don’t like him the same way. We don't seem to have the same interests or much to talk about. Thank you so much for the offer. Aug 15, 2019 · It's one way we can all make the world a better place. I get friends requests when I try to speak in voice chat, or custom games with keyboard (i’m on console) I always act nice to people even when i…. However, I learned she had BPD and she talks to me too much. Don’t give a soft no, such as “I don’t think I can” or I’m not sure that works for me. To do this, you need to be honest about your feelings, but not in such a blunt way. " I wanted to leave it at that. Just emphasize that you don't feel the same way, period. I moved away from my hometown and nearly 5 years later, she moved to the same area as me. To do that, try saying something like this: "Hey Jenny, you're really nice, but I just don't feel the right chemistry between us. A friend of a friend M/18 has recently asked me out M/18 over text and I don't know the best way to reject them nicely. If you genuinely appreciate him for asking, thanking him will soften the blow of your refusal. . tell that you want a relationship and they will ghost you, no but actually just explain what bothers you from their behavior an politely say" we should not be friends anymore, wishing you the best and bye" that way the person will not To do it, try this text example: "Hey, Jenny, I enjoy spending time with you, but I really don't feel anything romantic. Good luck. Put yourself in his place. 1. Tell them that you don’t see them like that. Hey reddit! I have this friend that I’ve been friends with since middle school. “ Edit: just be honest, that’s why he’s not getting the hint. Tell them you just want to be friends. Don't be mean, but be clear. Tell him you’d rather be friends instead. It's best to just flatly reject them. Meet them in the middle, and find something else to look forward to just here to add if you really feel unsafe and feel like you have to give out some sort of phone number before they’ll leave you alone - just give them your number with one digit at the end swapped out so if you have to repeat it you can and they’ll leave you alone. There is no need to drag things out or to make it more painful than it needs to be. If you're a shitty person, ghost her. Make sure your “no” is clear. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home 3 months is long enough to end a relationship in a respectful way, i. When rejecting someone over text, try to keep it short and sweet. [deleted] •. I'm looking for someone into anal". How? I said, "Thanks for the photo. Be sure about your decision. Jun 22, 2023 · Saying No to an Invitation. So we went to texting and she was butt ugly. If she continues to text you after that, instead of accepting rejection, then it’s totally reasonable to block her. ”. This short excuse stands on the first spot on the list of the 25 easiest ways to reject a guy nicely. Do not overthink your answer, as it may complicate the matter. • 2 yr. So, be respectful and considerate, but also keep it brief. Use the sandwich structure: compliment rejection compliment. every time i’m over there, his If they ask you by talking to you in voice just say "no thanks". It can work, if BeatMastaD. 15. “I appreciate your interest in me, but our values are too different for us to make things work. Imagine someone you really dislike is trying to hug you—and this would be exactly the thing you’d want to do. Feb 20, 2024 · I know you’ll find someone amazing. his family lives really close to our college, and although he has a dorm he’s also over at his parents house a lot and invites me over sometimes. Skip to main content. Try not to be offensive in any way, tell him that you really appreciate that he’s being honest with you but you’re not looking for a relationship rn and that you don’t want your friendship to be affected by this. If he needs his space, let him have it--don't insist on being friends. You're not talking to her enough in person, on the phone, or on video chat. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Social events are a common context where we struggle to say ‘no’. Oct 10, 2023 · Express Gratitude. Hi, thank you for asking, but I have to say no. Face to face is always the best scenario so there won't be room to assume other things. State Your Unavailability. Jun 23, 2024 · Don't blame the other person or point out their flaws; instead, emphasize your perspective. So, we’ve talked about the things you should do. How to reject someone nicely My friend tried to hook me up with her co-worker but because I was talking to another guy I didn’t entertain it. If you're a good and honest person, figure out a way to tell her that you aren't compatible while helping her figure out her own shit. This is most likely going to end up in heightened tension. Rejection always sucks, and rejecting someone is sometimes even harder than being rejected. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the report butto Don't lie to people, especially people you consider friends. Apr 18, 2021 · 16. How to reject someone nicely? So there’s this guy at my school and I guess I thought he was kinda cute, so my friend put me on with him. 5. Get app Apr 19, 2021 · 21. Honesty and respect are above all, especially when dealing with peoples feelings and giving answers that could be interpreted as open ended always end badly. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug and we parted. Be kind and give them positive feedback before your refusal. Apr 17, 2018 · Canceling is an inconvenience, after all, especially if this person was really looking forward to spending some time with you. I’m not certain our friend wouldn’t immediately interrogate “the friend” and ask why they aren’t interested. Knowing that, you should try not to make fun of him or tease him in any way. Thing is: if you have good friends, they’ll get it and leave you be. Mostly its symptomatic of larger issues of cisexism. “I can’t commit to a relationship with you. I’m Just Going To Be Honest, Because I Can Tell You're A Straight Shooter”. koalasnstuff. " This works for criticism as well. If you're a good person, tell her that you set out on a solo journey and you need the space to fulfill that. Whatever you do, use your body to signal no! Cross your arms. If you are rejecting a friend whom you have know for a while, I feel they deserve some sort of explanation. I like them as a person but wouldn't want anything more. I would just be honest. Even if you do not fancy the person at all and you are surprised that they would ask Decide what kind of person you are. He just sent me a long text asking me to… But what’s struggling me the most is a confession coming from a dear/close friend. She apologised and I told her I was really glad she told me. Compliment the person. If you are looking for how to reject someone nicely without hurting them, you do not really need to mince words or think of a fine speech. or say "im a lesbian" to mean "I only like vaginas" instead of "I only like women. Sometimes yes, ignoring texts can be a good tool, but NOT in this situation. As long as this is actually what you mean. And I mentioned in another comment response if I pull the “I’m not ready”, they are gonna think I’m just trying to reject them nicely, but not being honest. No need to sugar coat anything, and just reject her politely without going into details, and avoid "maybe later" because i don't think it's gonna work with her. After the first or second date, you should know if there is chemistry between you or not. We got along great when we were kids but now I feel like we don’t click as well. dumb, when it comes to messages about relationships. The kindest thing you can do is make things crystal clear when you tell them there won't be a romantic relationship. Just say no. He knows the answer already since you didn't resopond, but I'd say something like: "hey, honestly, I am really flatered, and really apreciate that you took the courage to ask me out, unfortunatly I do not see you that way, so I think we best stay as friends if you want, I will completly understand if you need some time away, take as much as you i’ve (22F) been meeting this guy (20M) for a little bit now. For example: "Thank you for having the courage to ask me out, but you aren't my type. true. A few months later I met my exbf and I completely stopped talking to Daniel. This coming from a guy with an extremely toxic relationship with a girl, which lasted about six years. Try your best to be kind. Tell Them ‘No’ With Respect. I don't think any text, no matter how well worded, would be acceptable. Just politely decline. " Then, if they make their interest more explicit or ask you out, you can this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. It will hurt his feelings, but not as much as his feelings will be hurt from a lack of honesty. 3. Some people need a little bit of extra gentleness when it comes to Aug 26, 2019 · On the other hand, a considerate rejection text emphasizes a lack of connection instead of criticizing someone on a personal level. Apr 10, 2024 · 1. i’m a wimp and don’t have the guts to Sep 26, 2022 · It makes the rejection feel like it’s less their fault. he was understanding about it but we still text and he keeps asking to reschedule. Jun 15, 2021 · 11. "Hey C, (Insert response to something else) It was nice meeting you for the last digital dates! However, I don't feel the need (or different synonym) to meet up again. You've already rejected him nicely and he's just digging in deeper. This is a wee bit selfish, and best used when you’re not sure yourself. You actually don’t need to give a reason. But now she's getting visibly upset and ignoring me, etc. After a month and a half I stopped talking to the other guy and was catching up with my friend and she said that her co-worker is still interested in me. Be clear about your decision, but do not be bluntly honest about the reason. If they ask why, just say you’re wanting some downtime for yourself. I am in 6th form and i don't feel comfortable dating as a matter of fact, with… Exactly! The best way is to be upfront and make it absolutely clear you are not and NEVER will be interested, without being mean. Just be assertive and don't be afraid of what they might do after you reject them lol it's not your responsibility. ago. I thought the jokes were funny at first, but at this point I'm kinda getting sick of them. Thank the asker. Just let them know that after consideration of your goals and the position that it makes more sense for you to stay where you are, or that their position doesn't align for you. r/relationship_advice A chip A close button. I’ve received a confession from a close friend before but i didn’t knew how to handle it. I (21 F) am pondering ways to politely reject my friend (22 M) Please Help I Need Advice 😩. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I was thinking of sending a message like this. I told her that I liked her as a friend, but that's how I would like our relationship to continue. However, I would like to say that you are better off without me because (put your reason here) and I really think that I would not be able to reciprocate your attention right now. Being nice to them will only make them think they still have a chance and you will both end up wasting your time. I wish you all the best in finding love. “The first step is let them know that you enjoyed spending time with and getting I understand where you are coming from, but I don't want to hurt my friend so I asked this question. Be 100% honest, stop trying to spare his feelings by beating around I'm a straight female, but my friend is questioning her sexuality which makes it harder to decide if she's joking or not. “I had a great time getting to know you, but I don’t think we share enough common ground for a relationship. "I really enjoy being your friend, but I don't have romantic feelings for you. Don't lead him to believe that in 2 months when you're feeling better about dating, something might change. I've thought up somthing " I’m really flattered, thank you! your really sweet, but I’m not really interested in a relationship at the moment. Award. Although honesty is important you definitely need to soften the blow if you value their friendship. Repeat until problem fixes itself or until you both mutually put some distance between you and her. I was scared that i couldn’t feel the same way back to them. 13 votes, 32 comments. Guys are simple, i. Text messages aren't the most effective form of communication to encourage falling in love. You are a wonderful guy though (and I would love to have you as a friend). Use ‘I’ statements: Using ‘I’ statements can help you communicate your feelings without sounding accusatory or confrontational. The best reason, really. not in a text. However, the problem may lie in the way you say it. he asked me out on a date again but i really wasn’t feeling it for some reason and canceled the day before. Next time, if the problem doesn't fix itself, do the same. Acknowledge their feelings and show empathy and compassion. I've taken to rejecting her anytime she "jokes" about it. I just went on a date with a woman last week after talking for a little bit on one of the apps. Your journey to mastering the art of how to say no starts with gratitude. sucks to do but i’ve had to do this. Of course, you can change the wording for however you Apr 18, 2021 · 25. ADMIN MOD. And that's it. Fastforward, I prefer one guy over the other one (we regularly text each other, and have very similar interests and lives I could say) and the other one, well we are quite different (nothing really in common, apart we Are the same age and we are from the countryside). They wouldnt add you so quick if you were a dude. For instance, you could text, “I think you're cool, but I'm looking for something else right now” or “I see you as a friend, I'm sorry. Keep your distance at work and don't gossip about her either as this could backfire. Reply reply. "I'm not interested" or "I don't feel the same way" is a really good reason to not date somebody. How about we see what this looks like in action now? We’d like to give you a few examples of how you should go about rejecting someone or telling them you’re not interested in dating. Here are some example ways to reject someone nicely through text. com Show empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand how they might be feeling. 2. " Up on our list of the best excuses to reject a girl nicely over text, here's the friend-zone alert! Girls, if A persons being rejected is always going to feel rejected; so it really depends on who he/she is to you. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. But let's continue hanging out as friends". You dont owe them. 7. For now, just tell him that you think of him as a friend. Jun 15, 2022 · 1. Reply. e. You can cut him out entirely while being nice about it, but you can't keep him as a friend without giving him a very strong talking to and creating some distance. He deserves at least a phone call so he can get some closure or ask questions about your decision if he needs to. Even when you need to say no, expressing appreciation for the offer or request comes first. Here’s how to navigate it: 1. See full list on wikihow. Do that at the beginning and you'll save yourself some trouble. [1] Remember that it took a lot of courage for the person to ask you out. Stay away from statements like “You might not be the best match for me. Before you even say a word, think long and hard about why you don't want to date him/her. " It reduces peoples to their junk and is kinda objectifying. Anyways this guy told me he likes me and he is a close friend of mine and even though I told him I dont want to go there he keeps texting me back telling me to please think about it. [2] 3. Mar 23, 2023 · Rejecting Someone Politely In-Person or By Phone. After about 2 hours I sent her a text saying "hey I just wanted to make sure you weren't regretting telling me how you felt. It was really good meeting you, and I Hints are polite, but they are not kind as a method of communication. To reject them kindly, Lewandowski recommends a three-pronged approach: Lead with the positives. Just say things like, is good to hang out with a friend and stuff like that. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. his little sister just finished 8th grade and is about to go into her freshman year of high school. Cutting them off might make you look rude and too eager to reject them. we met at work and started hanging out in a group and recently started going on dates on our own. You’re a catch — but unfortunately, just not my catch. Any further information you offer could seem rude unless they ask you for reasons why. It’s rare, but it’s real. If they push further, don’t allow it. “I’m not the guy you’re looking for. daisy_belle1313. The small explanation was just a courtesy. [deleted] He was the first friend I had ever made out of high school but he was way more invested in our friendship compared to me. It’s a real thing, sometimes you meet someone and you feel like you’ve known them your whole life. “I am seeing someone else so this is not possible. If he takes offense to that, he wasn't your friend in the first place. You appreciate the friendship as it is and don’t want to risk it. Feb 10, 2024 · Download Article. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage “ Hey I’m not interested in dating you and would like to be strictly platonic friends only. Just ghost them, if they ask say u are done. The kind method here is to tell him exactly what you told us. If you're struggling to come up with what to write, being direct Jun 4, 2024 · 7. Don't make excuses or lie. [deleted] • 5 yr. Be direct and honest. It may take time for him to recollect himself and accept the situation, so give him the space if he needs it. Rip off the band-aid instead of pulling it off slowly. Hope this helps. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so instead I made her think she was the one cutting ME off. I like my current part time job since it’s related to what I want to do but my friend kept mentioning I could just do my creative things on the side and that I should go to the interview first to see if I like it or not, but I don’t like leading people on like that, if I’m not sure about a job I just generally don’t take the interview. It's straightforward, gets to the point, it's polite and it's honest. so, my best friend and i just finished our freshman year of college and are about to go into our sophomore year. Since this is the second time, next time you make a "guy" friend make sure you let him know whenever you can how great a friend he is. That guy perhaps has texted me three times ever since the last date. The other day I messaged a potential SB who had a great body but I couldn't see her face so she said she could text me a photo. materializing. In text it's hard to tell emotion. Or check it out in the app stores Jun 30, 2022 · Therapy, especially CBT, can help you identify and deal with irrational fears. I went on a first date over the weekend, it was nice but I'm not really interested in the dude (I'm a girl). Just be straightforward and polite. A simple ‘No’ would suffice. Because If the person is male, the best way of “politely rejecting them” is to say you just want to be friends 😅. •. “Right now I don’t want You can set your boundary and still be kind. “Thanks So Much For A Great Night Out. I felt bad for leaving our friendship like that (even tho it was nothing but platonic) but my ex at the time was my first priority. A long time friend of mine seems to have a big crush on me and I really don’t feel the same way. You could even depersonalize it, basically, which means "it's not you, it's me" kind of idea. th xu wp pm uy hy ek al md kl