What to do after embryo transfer mumsnet

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It is, however, advisable to avoid great physical efforts, such as vigorous sports or heavy lifting. AnitaPAnita · 30/05/2023 15:54. 12 replies. So it really depends on when you ovulate. Listening to zita west cd. Bookmark. Bryterlayter1 · 03/08/2022 12:32. Thanks for your help @Lauren83 , much appreciated. Good morning! I had my 6th transfer on Tuesday with 2 x 5bb "hatching blastocysts", after miscarrying after the last transfer. Feeling gutted. May 30, 2023 · Pregnancy test after an embryo transfer. I was doing acupuncture on my successful cycle so I went before and after the embryo transfer then went home to bed. Bells3032 · 18/02/2021 11:46. It carried on all day t . If you have had fresh IVF or IVF / ICSI embryo transfer, then you may be still at risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. We had a fresh transfer earlier this month with a 5 day 5AA blastocyst, which sadly resulted in a BFN. They advised 12 weeks for me. Sep 8, 2019 · I had mild- moderate cramps the days after my FET too! Hoping for the best for you! I had mild cramping the entire time since my transfer on Sept 2. On day 3 they said one had 8 cells and the quality was good. Got a tickly throat, hoarse voice and feel congested but no fever and covid negative. Nov 28, 2017 · Hi cherryontop no I didn't have injections after transfer, I had pessaries which I took up until yesterday. I have to make a decision whether to transfer one or two embryos by next week, and I can't settle on a decision. I was wondering, for anyone who has been through this, what did you do on the day after the transfer? I’ve read so many things, from lying down all day (some research says this isn’t the best as you need the blood to circulate), eating McDonald’s chips and Dec 10, 2018 · Avoid Extreme Temperatures. Jan 16, 2024 · After the 4th and successful transfer I went for a 25/30 minute walk and also a nice meal after the transfer. Yep. It’s the day of embryo transfer. @Sunflower360 yes it's come back down to 1. I think it depends a lot on your embryo quality and also your clinic's statistics for frozen embryo transfers. My clinic has of course explained the success rates to me and I know the odds are stacked against us. My clinic says they're within range for 4 weeks but on my Googling it says under 100 is high risk of chemical or MC. Aug 24, 2021 · Good luck op. Nov 29, 2022 · Bleeding 3 days after embryo transfer. Tested positive 10 days later, on day 3 of the so called ‘implantation bleeding’ which was brown spotting to almost black like the colour of an oreo biscuit on occasion. Best of luck with your embryo :) Hi OP, in my experience yes they still charge you the full amount. We have a meeting with our Dr on Monday and Apr 4, 2023 · CDiamond · 04/04/2023 20:44. Hi, this is my fifth day after transferring a five day embryo. I will keep my fingers crossed for you, I know how hard it is. I found out about my thyroid nearly 2 years ago we have been ttc to for 2 1/2 years nearly and have unexplained infertility. May 26, 2017 at 5:58 AM. Hi all - am hoping for a bit of advice. 5 years old. I'm old (41) and overweight so they gave me high doses of progesterone to help support the pregnancy. Jul 1, 2013 · Hi, I need a little advice. Mar 12, 2024 · Report. After 3. I look like I'm 5 months pregnant already. My FET was following a freeze all IVF cycle a few months prior so maybe if you haven’t been at the clinic for a Jun 1, 2019 · After my embryo transfer I got the advice not to lift heavy - without any exact detail what weight would be considered heavy. 2 hour drive home. Two had 6 cells and quality excellent. 7. We are still waiting for the genetic results after Jan 25, 2020 · IVF issue with CRGH. This is our only embryo and my second transfer - my first ended in miscarriage in April. I chose to transfer 2x day 3 embryos. The discomfort that the woman may feel is comparable to a smear test. I hate the idea of pregnancy and birth (it is a factor in why we just didn't feel able to follow the usual 'get engaged get married get pregnant' pathway). It was an unmedicated cycle, but after embryo transfer, I was given an injection of Ovitrelle. Went on to have a healthy DD. Thankfully the fluid subsided in a few days (6lbs worth!) All 5 eggs fertilised, with 3 good quality embryos on day 3, and just one good quality embryo on day 5 which we had transferred on 6th April. We did not do PGD testing, as we didn't fit the recommended profile. I found it a bit more uncomfortable than a smear, but most women don’t seem to. May 3, 2020 · Pregnant after frozen embryo transfer. As i dnt feel any different i think they r actually accurate. Sep 27, 2022 · They prescribed oestrogen tablets to start that day. Mar 13, 2016 · Honeybee79 · 13/03/2016 15:26. Good luck to you!!! cnire. May 15, 2023 · Rest. RefuseTheLies · 17/08/2020 09:35. Nov 1, 2008 · The secret to FET success is the precise synchronisation of your womb lining with the embryo age - if they are out of synch, the embryo won't be able to implant. Jan 24, 2023 · 1 reply. Also, irritating the womb lining at transfer can set off a positive immune response, aiding implantation. Keeping feet warm ( I read that somewhere)! Sep 20, 2018 · MrsCrankypants · 20/09/2018 18:56. However if I was over 35 I may have felt differently. No temperature extremes. We did our first round of IVF in February and got 12 embryos. when did you do the transfer? Good luck, fingers crossed this one works for you! Jan 2, 2023 · Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. This is a FET so have been on progesteron and oestrogen, and have been given extra Lubion injections in addition to cyclogest. I had two frozen day 3 embryos transferred this morning and my clinic have advised as much rest as possible for the first 72 hours (hard as I have a 5 year old DS, work etc) and no exercise during 2ww. I only tested as had heavy bleeding. I wouldn’t wear perfume in the days leading up to it or nail varnish - so things that are super pungent that I’d have to remove but it’s fine to wear makeup in the days before it. The blood bubble disappeared later on. Report. Is anyone else at Feb 6, 2022 · DrivelandNonsense · 06/02/2022 20:41. During 2ww I couldn't decide if it was just to side effects of progesterone though. I was 29 and 30 when I did it and decided it was too high risk to do two. Feb 5, 2023 · We've been TTC for 3 years, diagnosed with unexplained infertility, finally got our NHS funded round and were told yesterday that we have 11 day 3 embryos (8 good quality 3 average). Sep 8, 2021 · I had ICSI day 3 transfer done 2 days ago, everything went well 🙏🏻 Yesterday afternoon (1 day after transfer) I started feeling like I’m going to ovulate. It sounds like they haven't given you the best advice so you could always leverage that if possible. I guess we’re out. After the transfer I was told to just do walking by the clinic so I did that. I’m terrified to stop mine. Aug 20, 2023 · I hope someone with IVF experience can help me. I am inclined to go with two even considering the risks involved. She said that there is small chance the embryo will stop growing by tomorrow and if this happens she will phone me very early in the morning to save me the trip. Dec 16, 2021 · Hi ladies, I transfered a PGT-A tested 5BB embryo on 12-06-2021 and did home pregnancy test on day 5 & day 8 after transfer both tested negative low abdomen cramping started on day 9th. A thin catheter is introduced into the cervix and the embryos are deposited at the back of the uterus. Today I almost didn't have much symptoms. Jul 9, 2023 · I am 35 and I’m undergoing IVF. Feb 26, 2023 · If I am lucky and the transfer(s) work I would be 39 when I give birth. Just looking for some reassurance for peoples own experiences with their HCG levels following embryo transfer. Took 2 x injections of lubion a day plus 2 x pessaries from transfer and then all through trimester 1. I spoke to a consultant at week 16 who said it’s very common to have spotting when you are on progesterone. Apr 27, 2023 · The scan showed a little bubble (hard to describe) outside the sac/embryo and this had the blood. On Monday I had 2 embryos transferred and hopefully have stuck 🤞We test a week Friday. Jul 12, 2023 · As they've done egg collection, fertilisation and are culturing the embryo then they will probably charge you. Felt a bit “rough”, stomach cramps, headache, pain in my right side lower back, right side of stomach and right side neck, had a fast pulse rate and started sweating suddenly. The most successful clinics tend to go for super high levels and most women there have levels over 200 or higher on transfer day. Jul 28, 2023 · I'm currently 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant, all I had in 2ww and after were little cramping every now and again with 2 occasions on brown/caramel discharge. May 23, 2023 · We had a positive test after our 7th embryo transfer and are 5w 2d so just counting the days down until our 6. Against all the odds we are pregnant after years of trying and heartache. I am now 18 weeks with my 2nd IVF baby (we have a 19 month old). This is our firs Mar 29, 2020 · Hi OP, I think symptoms are very different for everybody, but for me two things stood out as different after my successful double embryo transfer. I had taken the week off work to rest up, but on the day after the transfer- I invited my best friend and her kids round for a birthday lunch. I wanted to do day 3 transfer since I don’t have so many embryos Jun 3, 2018 · FilledSoda · 03/06/2018 15:16. Im due to do the pregnancy test on 4th april. Chicken every day for protein. So 5 full days of progesterone, and transfer on the 6th. If the embryos are 3 days old then on a 28 day cycle your period would be due 11 days post transfer, so that's when you can test. 2) Come with a full bladder – follow instructions for drinking water beforehand; otherwise, you may be waiting while your bladder fills up. Jun 21, 2022 · Bookmark. The preparation for a FET is not different to preparation for a fresh transfer. The other day I felt his weight in my back and wondered if he is too heavy, and asking me clinic they said o Mar 7, 2024 · I’m wondering if after embryo transfer people stopped taking some of the supplements they were taking? I’ve read lots of conflicting things so no idea what to keep taking other than the basics 🤣 I’m currently taking A pre natal from Viridian which has the recomended folic acid in vit d vit c NAC COQ10 600mg Omega 3 Any advice welcomed! Apr 28, 2020 · Things you shouldn’t do. Congratulations on your bfp. Eating 3 boiled eggs a day for protein. Just for perspective…. HCG levels were great. Mar 17, 2023 · 2 replies. Dec 3, 2023 · Hello, Sorry in advance for the TMI but I had my first fresh embryo transfer 5 days ago and since yesterday, I have been experiencing white lumpy, cottage-cheese like discharge. We never got blastocysts and have never made it to transfer day and finally made the leap this year to move to donor eggs. Thanks. Brazil nuts daily. Its really difficult to pin point symptoms I think. When I returned around day 10 (another internal scan) I had to start taking progesterone too. Dec 30, 2023 · Hello, my partner and I have 6 frozen embryos from a round of IVF when I was 39. My boss new I was doing ivf so I just said they have advised I take a couple of days off. Our private clinic recommends a double transfer because of my age, but I'm really not sure I want to chance having twins. Add post. We went to Barcelona and were planning on doing pgd testing and then fet transfer but ended up with less/lower grade embryos than hoped so we had to make a very last minute decision to fly back for a fresh transfer as neither embryo we had were of freezable Feb 25, 2021 · The Day of the Embryo Transfer. Now, I am not about to starting running marathons or anything, but for Nov 30, 2022 · I took 2 days off after my embryo transfer just to avoid any unnecessary stress in the first couple of days. It lasted about 5 days of bleeding (normal) and then swapped to red/brown discharge over the weekend. Of course, there are a few things you probably want to avoid doing in the hours and days after your embryo transfer to give your embryo a great start. I cramped and bled both times after transfer, and both cycles worked! Very best of luck! X Jan 19, 2024 · From everything I know - for a day5/6/7 embryo, the transfer should take place on the 6th day. It Jun 17, 2020 · Just1MoreThing · 27/06/2020 09:02. Jun 11, 2011 · ladypanda · 11/06/2011 21:59. May 24, 2017 · We transferred a 5d fet and I tested after 5 days and got a faint positive. Apr 8, 2021 · With the frozen I exercised vigorously right until the night before transfer and even attended a fitness festival (!) 2 days before. Jan 20, 2023 · Being active after embryo transfer / No implantation cramps. Well my initial thoughts are that success rates with PGS tested embryos will always be better so you aren't comparing like for like against ARGC - success rates for PGS embryos are 80% compared to the standard 30% (or lower when you are over 40 (sorry!)) Apr 1, 2018 · Hi guys, I feel like im going out of my mind. Embryo will be exposed momentarily and don’t want it harmed by chemicals. But this time no symptoms just weird diarrhea in the morning then am fine. Am now 19 weeks pregnant! Not sure the time off had any impact as I had a very stressful week at work on my return lol. Jan 25, 2022 · Pixie79 · 27/01/2022 16:14. at which point I was allowed to stop the jabs - yaay! - and start crinone gels on the notional egg collection day, ready for embryo transfer on day 5 (we had frozen blastocysts). I am 42 and this is my 1st round of IVF. 5 years of trying I'm pretty desperate to gert pregnant and would like to maximise my chances. Here's my plan from my clinic. 1) Continue your supportive medications like estrogen and progesterone as instructed. May 29, 2012 · I didn't test again after that. Jul 29, 2023 · IVF - anyone not had any symptoms after embryo transfer and still got a positive? I am 4dp5d transfer. I am now on day 9 and still have a negative. The frozen was a success and my boy is 9 months now. Took the next day off to lounge about but then went back to normal life and didn't do anything a pregnant person shouldn't do! All fine so far 27 weeks in 🤞 Jun 25, 2024 · So I had a top quality 5 day embryo transferred on 06/06. 1. So I start tapering off at 10 weeks so by 12 weeks I'm off the IVF medication 😱. Make sure you ask the grade of your embryo after it has been thrown out on the transfer day, cause freezing and throwing can change the grade of your embryo. All the things you mentioned I had following the unsuccessful transfer too, but three days after my second transfer I developed a pain under my right hip, and a very heavy, full feeling in my uterus Aug 17, 2020 · FET + Ovitrelle = insanity. Im sure im not the only one in this boat. Apr 12, 2024 · Rosequartzz · Today 16:01. as others have said 9dp5dt seem to yield the most accurate results. Apr 25, 2018 · Avoid sugary or fizzy drinks, smoking, alcohol or excessive caffeine intake. How soon you can proceed to FET depends on individual cases, some people may need time to recover from ovarian stimulation, some may not. I transferred a euploid 5 day frozen embryo. Well my advice to you is to give with your gut and be prepared that if successful, you could end up with more than one baby in there. I wouldn’t change anything I done but do what’s best for you, following others advice is good to know but you want to feel comfortable with the decision you make. So things haven’t been investigated to date. I had 4 large enough follicles and 3 mature egged out of them. Mar 3, 2022 · Hi @chloeleanne123 im on a similar position, although am in my late 30s. However these symptoms have stopped in the last 3 days and I feel cramping and breast soreness only when I am a bit physically exerted. I have been lifting our puppy around the house ever since (he is 8kg = 18 pound) and didn't think any of it. This is my second round of ICSI and I’ve started bleeding today and only had my embryo transfer on Saturday ( 3 days ago), I also have cramping. I'm 34. When did you start to feel symptoms, I don't feel anything different 😑 Hi rubyboots7, I have read a lot online where people haven't tested for 2 weeks so it did feel early. On a natural cycle it's impossible to pinpoint ovulation to a window of less than 12-20 hours, whereas with suppression, estrogen and then a trigger shot, the clinic can time it Aug 29, 2023 · The studies are talking about levels at transfer. Two years ago i had a sussfull ivf but i had symptoms in the ten days waiting period like spotting. If you down reg for a fresh cycle I suspect you may have oestrogen post transfer as well as your whole cycle is under medical control, but have not done that and am not sure. I had only had 2 embryos make it to the freezer. Currently 24 weeks pregnant. Feb 11, 2016 · I had my embryo transfer yesterday - well two embryos transferred and seven have been frozen. After an embryo transfer, a 30-minute rest at the clinic is recommended. I have been researching it. After the day I took a few days off work and took things very easy - lots of TV! Good luck - hope it goes well Apr 2, 2023 · Yes, I hear what you’re saying and it makes perfect sense. Not had a great round at all. Possible side effects after an embryo Dec 4, 2014 · The embryologist phoned me this morning and said that 1 egg fertilised out of the 2 and that my embryo transfer is tomorrow. Hello! I’m 5dp5dt FET and I’m going absolutely loopy. I did a test 2 days before I should have, no line, 2 days later, there was a VERY faint one. But I’d say now is the time to start discussing investigations, in general there are 3 reasons for an unsuccessful transfer: The embryo (this is the issue for most people) The receptivity of the endometrium. 11dp5dt and got a BFN this morning. Could this be my period? It seems far to early to be that. So, watch out for any signs and symptoms such as bloated sensation, sickness or feeling sick, shortness of breath. Was just wondering when people stopped taking estrogen and progesterone after their fet. First transfer failed (started bleeding 7 days into tww). I had a fresh donor egg transfer and had 3 x 2mg estrogen tablets and 3 x 200mg progesterone pessaries over the day. hi, we are into our first ivf cycle (1 little boy conceived naturally but Tubes blocked since), it all went very well, but 7 days after the embryo transfer I'm having some cramps and light spotting. Jan 31, 2024 · Lolo1980 · 31/01/2024 23:22. There is no need for extending this reasonable time period, and patients can return home to continue with their normal lifestyles. I know it's not necessary but I was relaxed, comfortable and warm which felt the right instinct at the time. Last FET I had a chemical and this time my HCG is 74. Personally I wouldn't want to be working that day, I wouldn't want the stress but Jan 26, 2021 · This is my 9th day after embryo transfer. Because its donor ivf I don't have a corpus luteum producing hormones until week 9-10 when the placenta takes over so all my progesterone is coming from the pessaries. Hello, I am on my third ivf cycle (frozen), with four years ttc and three miscarriages, age 34. I just had my first cycle with CRGH. Obviously not drinking and no caffeine. Some places have practically the same results in fresh and frozen cycles but at other places the difference is huge. All 3 fertilised. 4 replies. I have also been slightly nauseated and lower abdomen pressure. I now have to wait nine days to test. And today is day 6 post transfer of a frozen 5 day. FET Success After Miscarriage. I wish you all the luck for your next cycle. Feb 16, 2024 · 37 and did icsi and had a day 5 fresh embryo transferred yesterday Feb 15. 6 replies. Hi need help. Some days I'm certain what to do and then I sway back the other way! May 25, 2017 · I didn't do anything different before - carried on eating well as I had done. In the same boat as you. Transferred one embryo, and our fresh transfer ended in miscarriage at 7 weeks. Feb 19, 2024 · I have only had progesterone after a fresh transfer but had oestrogen and progesterone after a medicated FET. Yes, I read it can take at least 2 or 3 days after implantation for HGC levels to rise enough for even very sensitive testing (so not to test earlier than 11 or Aug 1, 2022 · As in the title really! I should be given some time off work (five days) for IVF and I’m just trying to work out when it would be best to take it. Mar 7, 2023 · good day, please on my embryo transfer day i was bleeding, but the doctor said it was not coming from the uterus, so the embryo was transferred, when i got home and urinated i saw blood and the next day and still seeing blood and having a mild cramp pls should i be really worried? please i need answer thank you Feb 22, 2017 · The last stage of IVF treatment for infertility, this is called embryo transfer and it is a simple, painless procedure in most cases. I have had two embryo transfers and each time I just chose to do 1. Abi1302 · 29/11/2022 18:01. Hi, We had the transfer at about 2pm, accupuncture at the clinic about 3pm and were at the airport for 4pm ready for a flight home at 6pm. Before about 5dp you may end up with trigger in your system still giving a false positive. Feb 17, 2021 · Bookmark. My period started last Monday on time. Hi all, Looking for positive stories about having a cold just before your embryo transfer. 5 week scan now. 5 years) one of those babies was tested as chromosomally normal, didn't test the others. Jul 23, 2020 · Fet 7days post transfer. My DC was a day 3 8 cell FET. Sep 20, 2015 · DRSLondon · 20/09/2015 10:28. Apr 15, 2021 · I also had fluid on my womb so they were worried about OHHS. I was bloating up and uncomfortable for the last couple of weeks up to and after transfer day so didn't feel up to much anyway. I have had recurrent miscarriages and officially a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, but I have naturally conceived 4 times (we've been ttc for 4. My nurse also said I could have more bleeding but i didn’t. the progesterone stops you bleeding so not having any period is not a sign of anything I am afraid. I would really push your clinic on this, as it's so important the timing is right to give the embryo the best chance possible xx Feb 11, 2021 · A blast transfer is the equivalent of 5 days past ovulation, most commonly implantation is around 8/9 dpo then time for HCG to rise. Last pregnancy I wasted testing positive around 9 days (I didn't check earlier than that). May 28, 2013 · a second scan to check my lining had thickened up ready for transfer. This has been my experience over 4 treatments. My transfer is tomorrow and I've had this cold since Sunday. When they put the speculum in, they clean/wash the area so it gets rid of any mucus/pessary gunk, which I found uncomfortable. This makes sure your lining is in sync with your embryo. Anyone else tested negative on 8dpt, but later tested positive? Oct 11, 2021 · Hi everyone, I have my embryo transfer on Wednesday, this is our first round. flowersinmay · 21/06/2022 16:06. May 25, 2017 · Sadly there is nothing you can do to make et more successful or else the clinics would suggest it and everyone do it. Hi everyone. Crazydoglady123 · 17/03/2023 21:33. I had started to feel a few pregnancy symptoms like nausea, breast soreness and cramps, in the subsequent days. So now, I’m in the horrible limbo of testing it out, and obsessively Nov 8, 2023 · NatW2021 · 08/11/2023 19:18. I had my fet (3Bb blastocyst) last Thursday. I’m on day 7 this is my 3rd round using fresh not great quality morula and a low grade blastocyst this time. I am 2dp5dt after my FET on Friday. I have been discussing with my partner if we should transfer one or two embryos. Sep 10, 2022 · I had a fresh embryo transfer done last year and was on Progesterone suppositories from egg collection till week 12 and had brown spotting from week 8-16. Quote. But i already been testing for last few days and im getting bfn. Jun 18, 2008 · Yes, I did. I don't want to get your hopes up but not everyone gets positive results from pg tests early on. 8 cell embryos have good success rates (other numbers between 6 and 11 cells also have varying success rates but 8 cells is best) hey @Prayingforabubba I am about to transfer a day 1 so I am right here with you with the stress and anxiety. Oct 6, 2019 · It's so stressful isn't it. Jun 22, 2017 · Transfer can sometimes nick the lining of the womb, so spotting afterwards isn't uncommon. Assuming (fingers crossed!) one gets to blastocyst, embryo transfer is booked for Monday. And this morning the at home test read positive! Sep 23, 2020 · Pregnancy Week 41. Have sex. I also carried on taking the progynova tablets after starting crinone - both these and the Dec 17, 2019 · Hi @Hieverone18; I just did a FET, they usually transfer 3-5 days after your ovulation, based on how old your embryo is. I've had 8 cycles with OE over the last 3 years. Aug 27, 2020 · @Lemongrass1 Thanks for the good luck wishes. Some other people in here might be trying again soon. Sep 29, 2013 · Previously I had one fresh 3-day embryo transfer followed by 3 FET. Stopped them at week 14. I am going for a FET next week too, on Wednesday 29th! It will be cycle day 22 for me, I had a scan on day 13 and my lining was just about 7mm, originally my transfer was planned for next Monday 27th but they said I should wait a couple more days to hope it increased a bit more. Pregnancy Week 42. All single and all unsuccesful. 3 days time and im driving myself mad. I got my first embryo transferred on June 29th. The hospital are advising 14 days because your period would actually be late by that time. Wish you all so much luck. Both took. Serendipity24 · 12/03/2024 12:36. It was pretty heavy and painful, which is fairly unusual for me. Today (cd 9) it stopped entirely until this evening: I've just had a stringy clot (about 1cm long-ish) of Oct 31, 2013 · BettyBi0 · 19/11/2013 03:22. It did not click at the time that it’s hcg. Drinking and eating pineapple. Mar 8, 2021 · There has been some reassurance from the successful transfer. I know because if my age they recommended having 2. PCOS and MFI. I continued to take these until transfer (and until I was around 10 weeks pregnant). There is no negative impact from high levels other than potential side effects for you. Feb 23, 2022 · EasterBunny7 · 23/02/2022 20:38. We are so surprised that we had 2 suitable for transfer and 2 more which could be frozen. But as you know that didn't stop me in the first four cycles in. My official teat day is monday 27. Last time I tested on day 8 and my clinic said not to panic could still be positive on day 11 that’s why they advise you not to test early. Our issue was also male infertility so knew I had a good chance with just 1 embryo. Strange as I have all the symptoms today, sore and swollen boobs, nausea, dizziness and still BFN. Jul 2, 2021 · Report. For various reasons we didn't do a fresh transfer at that time. I'm now 40 and we're planning a frozen transfer in the next ten days. 0 replies. This helped relax me. Would appreciate resposes from others with any experience (its my first round and we only had one good quality embryo that got transferred). Jo99999 · 25/01/2020 11:12. IslandStars · 22/04/2021 12:25. Hi, I did a FET 8x days ago and tested negative this morning on a pregnancy test. Mar 24, 2024 · Hi I was just looking for a bit of hope. I had a negative the morning of 6dp5dt (fresh transfer) and then a positive that same night on a cheap dollar store test. k. acaciabluebell · 24/01/2023 16:15. I spoke to clinic and they said it's all fine but I'm still Apr 17, 2023 · Finally after a 6 month wait we are almost at top of list to start treatment and it will hopefully be next month to start a new cycle. It feels like a period but it would be too early, and I thought impossible on all the post-drugs. My ET was was last tuesday and on the friday I lost some brown blood when I went to the toilet. I went to ivf as have had 7 miscarriages and I know two were chromosomal so I did pgt for this. Anyway fast forward to today, the brown spotting has been pretty consistent for 14 days now. She said since it was not coming from the embryo it was ok but I had extra scans to monitor it. The transfer on Friday went fine but four hours after I had a bit of spotting (light brown mixed with mucous at first but then some red / pink blood) when I wiped. kstausmire. Then we walked around the city centre for an hour. ivfgottwins · 03/07/2021 06:50. One very good quality and one rather poor quality. It is so lovely to hear of other success stories especially the 2CC! I know its hopeless googling as it won't change whatever is going to happen, but it does sound like embryo grading is just from what it looks like outside, not what's going on inside. Apr 5, 2024 · I got up immediately after transfer, had a wee, went next door to a cafe and had decaf coffee and cake. Keeping your body temperature at a normal level is advisable as too much heat is not ideal for embryo implantation. Therefore, it’s best to avoid hot baths as well as keeping out of hot tubs and saunas for the duration, since they can also leave you vulnerable to infection. 6, I had it checked just after EC and it was 3. Coming out of the clinic after the transfer I already felt mild cramps and tugging and twinges etc on and off throughout the day until bedtime. A full bladder helps change the angle of the uterus to make the transfer easier and Apr 28, 2014 · Acupuncture today after transfer. But i have no symptoms and am really scared. @Sherr33 Sorry about your failed fresh transfer. 6 but I had I read that ivf meds can cause it to rise. Aug 3, 2022 · Bookmark. Not using perfume and using unscented toiletries. 9DP5DT and have been bleeding a bit today (mild cramps 2DP and period like cramps 6 and 7DP). Feb 26, 2017 · Hi ladies, I had my embryo transfer on yesterday (Saturday) This afternoon, my belly has just swelled, to the point of coming painful. Before that I had 4 unsuccessful IUIs and two early (week 6) miscarriages. tl zy vj te er lf gi sq oq ey
