1 week cut reddit. Yes, ive not done a real cut in a couple years.

6 Week aggressive cut results Hi team, long time lurker of LG and thought I'd share my (short) but positive experience whilst on a cut after gaining a few kilos from the holidays. I have gotten smaller and weaker. And to reduce my wate throughout the week. Next week will be a smaller drop. com The program has a scheduled deload week every 4 weeks and Im considering doing a 1 week mini cut during that time. It would look like. 13 votes, 29 comments. 5 lbs a week is right on point for a regular cut and not all that aggressive. You may find you need more sleep during a cut. If you keep training intensity high and try to keep progressing in the gym, you won't lose muscle. That cut saw me lose 10. MembersOnline. If not, then don't. Half a pound a week is slow as all balls, I've lost 2lb a week before, it was fine, I'd up your deficit to 1lb a week at least, cause otherwise, as you've experienced it's just agonisingly slow progress. For example I was able to maintain 190lbs 7% BMI while doing HIIT 9 times a week and lifting 6. Lol. I started my cut at 154 lbs and had a Dexa scan 2 weeks ago when I was 146 lbs and my bf% was reported at 23. Jeez crazy physique brother!! How tall are you? Went from 192lbs to 177lbs in 8 weeks. Body Fat: ~16 > 9% (terrible estimation) TDEE: ~3000 calories. Maybe do a once-a-week fast, and a couple days of 16-8 with only protein intake during the feeding window. you should be reducing your training volume in general on a cut if you're needing to deload. 5 lb Week 4 - +250 gain 0. I also work full time construction, 8-4:30 Monday And thus ended my one week cut : r/xxfitness - Reddit true Yes, likely you had way less salt and sugar this week. Bulk for 4-6 months, cut for 4-6 weeks. Lyle McDonalds piece on whooshes and squishy fat is probably the most relevant piece on the internet to this. 🤡. Basically the title, everybody wants to put on mass and no one wants to be fat so We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Exercise: 6 days lifting PPL. Like you said, you can easily negate a week of cutting with one cheat day. Try eating 800-1000 calories per day with a lot more exercise. 5kgs (23lbs) in 12 weeks, finishing up at 59. We just don't know what 3 weeks is worth to you because we don't know how lean you already are. I started a cut six weeks ago, starting at 6'0 200 lbs, 22% body fat. No experience with cutting but as a college runner we typically had one day a week off from any form of training and at least one day of light activity stretching/swimming light volume running. 5kg of fat. 5lb per week of weight loss on average. At least for me, the flavor of mint is not very compatible with other food flavors, but it still tastes good enough to enjoy chewing. I'll start at a deficit that should yield 2lbs/week and adjust. • 6 yr. . I try to stay relatively lean, which for me means being able to do a short diet to see hints of abs within a couple weeks rather than large swings in body fat levels. Regular cut is losing . Anyone who has read more than one of my comments on this forum knows that I did an aggressive cut from January to April of this year. I am 32 and 6'1 tall. I would suggest a 3 weeks-long bulk at 350 cals over and a week of cutting at 500 cals under. Heavy = work up in singles, doubles, or triples to a heavy set of 1, 2, or 3. No less than two weeks but no longer than six, the mini-cut is a tool that can reduce fat gains without too drastically disrupting the momentum of a longer bulking period. Drink water. If they schedule you, you have every right to work those hours. Keep at it; if you're strict, you'll lose weight. Losing 40 pounds in 16 weeks would bring that up to 2. The goal is often just to lose a little bit of fat before going into a bulk. 2. A mini-cut should be used in the middle of a prolonged bulking phase. The general rule is 1% of your bodyweight, so you could technically lose 2lbs per week and suffer minimal muscle loss. A few tips that might help: 1 Chew gum, specifically mint gum. -3. Doing intuitive eating for a whole week has a pretty good chance of reversing course a bit in regard to weight. If they cut your posted shifts without giving you a choice that is a violation. 25 mg and the data shows that. So 1. Setup the macros as such: training: 2195kcals, 44g fat, 150g protein, 299g carbs, 31g fiber. Sick bro! Wow. Would that negate the benefits of the deload? Would it be better to just drop down to maintenance during that time? The current goal is gain 0. 7-11lbs. I know to do huge cardio and cut my carbs. I can link studies that shows fasting does not lead to muscle loss if you are interested. A better approach would be a 3-4 week mini bulk(1-2lbs)followed by a 2 week cut(. Most guys would get fat on that diet. •. I tried various routines from January to March trying to figure out what worked best for me and was just Everybody in this post agrees 1 mg is better than . You will lose more mass than normal. That's too much, generally speaking. 3lbs / 76kg. Finish those two week and then start to increase calories slowly so your body can adapt without adding extra fat. Week 1 - +500 - gain 1 lb Week 2 - +300 gain 0. Take at least one day of complete We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But the best advice is to cut gently. A good rule of thumb is to lose at most 1% of your bodyweight each week. 2 to 2. You'd lose roughly 6 pounds a month or 1. Been training for 2+ years. Not abs but not too much fat in my stomach. For the average person who has never done keto before, it takes a good 2-3 weeks just to figure your diet out, get over the brain fog and massive lack of energy, and for your body to realize what the fuck If you are on a 300 calorie deficit 6 days out of the week. Cutting this way you'd be more likely to lose weight in the form of water and muscle mass. Finally, making sure to get enough sleep would definitely help improve your energy levels as well as better your mange hunger levels. That should equate to about a pound of gains per month, which should be about right if you're a noob as you say. Im now ~142 lbs and still cutting, we look fairly similar so I'd say around the 20% mark. 5kg/week is usual for weight gains. Broad defined muscles. Male, 29 Years old, Height 5 foot 6, 190 Pounds currently, Goal weight = 150 pounds. You can keep your RPT program but on a cut you'll We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm also doing my first attempt at a cut. Done right (and slowly), a cut isn't miserable until you're very lean. Diet. k. this sub-reddit has NSFW content; feel free to share your medical stories, or questions you may have! This is an 18+ subreddit. Meal 3 (once a day): 2 whole eggs, 4-6 egg whites, scrambled, and M19 5’9 148lbs. In this article from Dr. You want to lose 10lbs fat in 2 weeks, that's 5lbs a week. 5 pounds a week. 5 lb Week 3 - +250 gain 0. In your case, I'd say that deficit isn't too aggressive (based on your bodyweight). For breakfast: 2 scoops mocha cappuccino protein in water. I started at 216 and am now 203. That way you'll preserve as much muscle as possible while in a super deficit, and not have to count calories. If you only want to drop 2lbs a month you should be able to keep progressing on your lifts just fine that's a pretty slow cut and wouldn't require much of a deficit. However if you diet properly, the increased cardio will help tone your muscle and not destroy muscle mass. He didn't mention anything about a transition period, but I also wonder how useful that could be as well. although you are allowed to discuss the process of your own circumcision, any negative posts or pictures will be deleted instantly. Comparison with a slow cut. 5lbs per week sounds almost too slow in my humble opinion. Lifts going up, weight going up, noticeably more muscular in the mirror. You'd lose roughly 9 or 10 pounds in that 6 or 7 weeks and at the end wouldn't be super lean or anything so the New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That's 1. Can always extend the duration of the cut and raise your calories. You won't be used to it so will probably feel hungry See full list on barbend. Just play around with it and see where . I've been able to keep my body fat pretty stable while building muscle. 5lbs / 71kg. r/leangains. Probably going to switch to this 6/2 or a 4/1 soon. I'm fairly active so I'm cutting at 1744 calories. LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). 142 mg which what you quoted says it demonstrates decreased scalp DHT so YES you should see some type of benefit. ago. Limit backdown sets, limit anything in higher rep ranges, including accessory work. Cutting 0. • 10 yr. 15k steps. I disagree. 75, whatever you want. 3% in 6 weeks. Most people who have no idea how to cut may spend 1-2 weeks figuring out their We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 3000 calories a day doesn't sound like a cut, unless you're 6'5" and have a ton of muscle on you already. It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. You should listen to Renaissance Periodization’s guide on mini-cutting on YouTube. Height: 5'8" / 172. This is the entire purpose. That comes to about 500-750 calories a day under your TDEE. I’m 21M, 5”6 160lbs. 279K Members. Drop your nutrition details if you're comfortable. For 2 weeks. So I am running a 6 week mini cut with about a week left running a ~1200 cal deficit. The last month I've been dieting to cut my bodyfat percentage down. I'm starting a cut soon and I'll be aiming to keep progressing on my lifts while cutting 1-2lbs a week. -1000 isn't particularly "harsh" as far as cuts go, pretty typical. 72cm. I am eating about 2200 calories a day in order to cut 2 lbs a week. I’ve just finished my second successful minicut of my current 14 month bulk. Personally I think this is a good strategy, but if you're looking to maintain weight it should be 4 weeks at +250 followed by 1 week at -1000. It was a big deal for me, and I’ve spoken about it more or less constantly since I finished. Meals: I ate 6 times a day, 3 different meals. WHICH is not insignificant - 1 to 2 pounds a week if you are strict, dial in cals/macros, and throw in cardio. Meal 2 (thrice a day): 8 oz chicken, 1/2 cup white rice, 1 Tbsp sauce. Instead, the pattern of alternating short cuts and bulks is designed to maintain a similar BF% all around, while still reaping more benefits than just eating at maintenance (a. Oh, and I want to say someone else mentioned that a month long cut would likely still be necessary every now and then. (Sometimes have a cheat day with eggs, hashbrowns and toast) For lunch: (This varied a little bit) 10oz chicken breast w. The plain and simple rule to lose fat is to remain in a caloric defict of around 300-500 calories (depending on how fast you want the cut) and keeping your protein intake minimum at 1gm/lbs. 5, 1. 5lbs per week). Only cut aggressively if you wanna do a 3-4 week mini cut. • 7 yr. A mini-cut should not be used to get shredded or as the “kick-off” for a sustained fat loss phase. 15 Online. A 2,600 cal defecit would require you eat nothing while excercising. It defeats the purpose of the deload week. You probably need more than 2 weeks to build much at all, but not to lose fat. jono20. Try fasting every other day. 5. TDEE was just about 2400kcals, and aimed for 1lbs a week loss over the 12 weeks. I'm 5'2 starting 140 and only doing 6 weeks (shorter one) however I don't have as good as a muscle base as you! Second week and at 138. 5lbs per week. But those are for special circumstances anyways and not advised. 6-8 pounds of fat in a month, to me, is effective. MOD. You'd be better off consuming maintenance calories and looking at more of body recomp. Would a 4 week bulk with a pretty strong 2 week cut be effective? I'm 5'10 170 skinny fat but not really too bad. I know that mini cutting more then 6-8 weeks at a high deficit can start to lead to muscle loss. I’m aware I’m super light in weight and probably borderline underweight. Your cut has been sabotaged. Then if you go full yolo drinking beers and eat a whole pizza on Sunday and go 2000 calories over, your new weekly net calories is +200 and youve gained weight. I cut for 6 weeks at 150-200g protein per day, lifting PPL 5 days a week with the sixth day being soccer. I decided beginning of the year I was going to go to the gym on a regular basis and try to lose some weight as I had started to feel slow and heavy at 212lb (the heaviest I have ever been). It's one thing to have a couple days where you can have Mickey D's or something from Olive Garden while maintaining the diet from weeks prior the other 5 days of the week, but a totally different issue when you're eating whatever you The best thing to do, and this is dude-bro as fuck, is to lower the carbs and salt this week (to shed some water weight) and get a good upper-body pump the day of the party. Make your bulk shorter if you want to hit a goal weight by that time. So, spending 1-2 weeks dropping 1. Workout (~2 sets of arms at the end) 2 sets each [lbs x reps] Back (Day 1) Chest (Day 3) Leg/Shoulder (Day 5) *Dead went to 435x2, but decreased due to minor lower back injury; went down to 225 lbs, but quickly went up. Reply reply. I'm rather scared that the rest of this weight I've put on is fat, so am I correct in assuming that I should reduce my carbs? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Progress Post: 12-Week Strict cut. 12 Week Cut - Who’s in? I’m gonna start a 12 week cut and want some accountability. Keep cutting, you will need to be somewhere in the low 130's to see abs. Some people find that they do great on a 1 lb/week but terrible at 2 lbs/week, so you could do something in the middle if you want. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere, a stomach full of water will help a bit with hunger. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Mike Israetel, the topic of "mini-cuts" is explored. Do cardio 2-3 times per week ( 200-300kcal) and go in a 500kcal deficit. 5% of bodyweight a week and very likely should be in a daily 1,000+ calorie deficit. debating if I should maintain current My meal plan went as follows: Tried sticking to a 1800-2000 TDEE plan, 40p/30c/30f. you shouldnt need to deload on a cut. 1. Aggressively cut for 4-6 weeks where metabolism isn't too low and get the most of the cut, then do a 1-2 week diet break at maintenance to reset, then repeat. If you cut back drastically on calories you're body may start attempting to store calories and water. Total exercise time is about 7 - 10 hours per week, with most of that being a 4-day upper/lower split. I just don't eat anything except lean protein the next day Six Week Easy Cut. Did a body fat scan today and have dropped to 178 lbs and 21. Maybe start higher and cut back a day on the next week. If you want to be extreme, you could do a protein sparing modified fast (PSMF) and lose 3-4 lbs a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Next time try cutting slower. Cut back - alot, instead of daily, try 1-2 weeks. Your question was our thoughts on if you do 1 mg per week not per day. Strength was through the roof the week after. IF is just a tool that helps in remaining in caloric defict. Micro-cycles tend to have a lot of wheel-spinning and are generally uneffective except for higher level athletes/bbers. You'll probably drop like 2-3 kilos of water weight within the first 1-2 days, after that a 1 week cut will maybe lose you 0. This is assuming a hair can lift 100 grams, which is usualy but not always the case. take a pic now. Crni_Bombarder. Just have a refeed day every couple weeks and you'll be fine. However I am realizing that I have more fat then I previously thought. The poster recommended doing 3-4 weeks with a 500 calorie surplus, then cutting for one week at a 500-1000 calorie deficit. Around 6 months of weight lifting experience. I’m gonna fast two days a week with calorie counting in my next cut. 31 votes, 37 comments. The regular pattern of alternating long cuts and bulks is designed so that you "peak" every time you end a bulk/cut. As long as it's a healthy cut. I have read some young science on this, though typically the bulk phase tends to be a little longer than 2 weeks. 1 pack lightly sweetened oatmeal. Multiple sources have said you shouldn't lose more than 2 pounds a week. Is it viable/good to do a mini cut every 3-4 weeks for around 1 week. The results have been quite nice; I lost a total of 7lbs during the last month (from 161 to 154). First drop is large. Also try adding more cardio instead of going into a big calorie deficit. Like I stated, this I'm just finishing the third week of my cut so far and I am incredibly low on energy. 32M 8 week cut progress pics. Archived post. A good cut is approximately 1-1. If you are in a cut and don't account for diet/cardio ratio. Estimated bf% 22% but who knows tbh I'm 66kgs, 171cms, approx 19-20% bf, and a bit sedentary on non-workout days, although I try to do about 2-4 hrs per week of cycling, depending on the weather. There's been a lot of speculation on this sort of thing. No idea on calories, I just cut out carbs during the week and relax a little on the weekends. I just make up for cheat days the following day For me 2500 calories is a cut, so I may eat 5-6 on an all out cheat day with drinking. 3. Losing 15lbs in 6 weeks you'd have to lose 2. I have been using MyFitnessPal to help count calories. If you want to preserve muscle as much as possible, a slow cut would be better for that. Lower the weight a bit, higher reps, and smash that push-pull-abs day like your life depends on it. Your body needs time to recover especially if you’re very physically active. If you get a pump, good lighting and angle the pic from low to high you sure can, especially when he had virtually no love handled to being with. No energy to workout. The logic of your post 1 mg over 7 days is . EDIT: you shouldnt be judging your fat only being 3 weeks into a cut. one week is nothing. My strength has suffered a bit (deadlift went from 3x5 @120kg to 3x5 @110kg), but the visual change definitely made up for it! One month cut progress. doing a recomp). I massed from about 175 to 215 in the span of a year. The plan: Dates: 3/21-6/5 Goal: 10 pounds. Current macro split is approx Carbohydrates 35 %, Fat 30 %, Protein 35 %. 5% to 1% of bodyweight a week, which would be 1. cut for 4-6 months. ADMIN MOD. Disappointing Cut Results 22%-21. otherwise known as cut cock; this sub-reddit was created in appreciation of circumcisions. Meal 1 (twice a day): Protein shake, half a banana, few strawberries, scoop of ON protein, ice, 1/2 cup milk, and creatine (only in the shake after my workout). Also could be fun to do it and track with others. Training volume should be lower yes, but the experienced fatigue will likely be just as high, probably higher when cutting than when bulking. 5lbs/week and then try for a 1-2lb cut for that one week. Final weekly average weight: 155. General consensus is you should aim to lose between 1% - 1. 137g of protein, 56g of fat (usually go a bit over), and 173g of Wholeheartedly agreed, a 7 week cut, keto or not, is not going to give you a beach body, and will more than likely hinder your muscle gains. 0kgs. Yes, you can still get fat by eating 3000 calories worth of vegetables, chicken, fruit and eggs. 2% - this really surprised me. That, or be clear on what exactly it is you want to achieve and commit to either a cut or lean bulk and begin the endless cycle of cut and bulks We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Also, don't go balls to the wall days in a row, you are going to mess up that sleep you worked on. Activity Level: Moderate. Sleep deprivation is a frequent contributing factor of overeating. If you want it strongly enough, then do it. If you have your heart set on 5/3/1, do four weeks bulking four weeks cutting. a. Lift hard and eat hard! You can cut effectively in 2 weeks but don't do it with large caloric deficits and tons of cardio. PS - I'm also averaging 2lb a week loss. They absolutely must ask to cut your posted shifts, if you need those hours and did not agree to be cut you should contact someone above whoever cut you. Focus on developing everything. If you are fairly lean then 3 weeks can make a difference. Layne norton has talked about ~4 weeks of bulking with ~1 week of cutting. 5 a week. There would be a genetic component to this also. Six weeks should be around six to ten lbs lost. You may have cut too much too fast. A healthy cut should be about one pound per week, MAYBE two. cutting doesnt have to be hell. Great way to spin your wheels. 5 lb Week 5 - -300 or 350ish depending on Minicuts tend to run between 3-6 weeks for the most part. To be fair, a "normal" cut of like a 500 cal deficit for 1-2 weeks probably wouldn't be worth it, the PSMF is key. This is more sustainable than just doing a 12 week cut etc. They cannot cut you without asking you. Because it takes longer than a week to build muscle. Award. 5 lbs would need 22. Until you get to ~14% loses in fat will really not be that noticable coming down from 20%. When I started I calculated my macros according to my weight and caloric needs (~120-130g of protein per day, ~65g of fat and ~430g carbs), but I've read 0. That means your net deficit is 1800 calories. Usually those plans involve short-term or more complex bulk/cut cycles. Nice work man! I have also been on a cut since late February and lost 7. Next drop will be half this weight. Your weekly defecit would need to be 3,600x5=18,000 calories, or a defecit of ~2,600 calories. 1 Banana. I found that cutting back 1-2 times a week since late dec 2020 helped my sleep normalize - and I still can partake. Limit your weight cut to 1% of bodyweight per week, lift heavy on bench and squat twice per week and deadlift heavy once per week. ChokingVictim. 2-4 weeks. 5-3 pounds without any loss in strength is a convenient way to keep your fat low. For serious though, your shoulders and arms look solid, but your upper chest and especially lats could use some growth. 3rd week or so, you'll Have better hold on cravings and different satiety levels and you'll see the usually 1-2lbs loss trend. If you think it's a good time to cut, 3 weeks can definitely help, as long as you keep realistic expectations. 3% body fat. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I still do extended cuts when necessary, but use short cuts to keep fat within acceptable limits while bulking. Take this with a pinch of salt and make sure your calorie counting is spot on. Lost 9 pounds of fat and no strength in under 3 weeks. 5kg in a week. You'll gain 2-5lbs, most or all water weight, & it will come off in 1-2 weeks when you start dieting again. One pound of fat has 3500 calories, therefore if you are on a deficit of 500 calories per day, you can reasonably expect to lose about 1 pound per week. I'd prefer to eat at a light surplus like 200-400 calories over baseline and adjust accordingly if gains are too slow or if you feel you're putting on too much fat. If you keep switching from surplus to deficit week after week you’re literally going to end up wasting your time and looking the same. It's just two weeks, it's not going to impact your strength or your muscle mass, chill. Long cuts aren't exactly optimal but the difference is likely pretty small. I am 6'2" 220 lbs, I started at 227 lbs. 4 lbs a week. I believe it is because I didn't manage to reign in my drinking so well (I am in academia) and, although I managed to lose a consistent 500g a week, my macros suffered because of it. If you want to cut quickly, eat at around 500 calories under your TDEE. Yes, ive not done a real cut in a couple years. You can do 0. MisterGrip. Regardless, you don't have to do 2 or 1. Ate 1600-1800 calories. 150g protein minimum. 68 human hairs to lift. Calories: 2000. Its time for a First of, I do understand that you should aim to lose 1% body weight per week as a most, but I plan on doing a 4 week cut instead of a 8 or 12 week one, so it shouldn’t be too bad. Take your average daily calorie intake and drop it by 300. Take a week off every 3-4 months. 6kilos but have not managed to get as shredded as you. Starting weekly average weight: 167. From 18/2/13 to 1/4/13 and continuing Progress pics taken in the morning and apologies for the shitty resolution on most of them. At maintenance and without training, my TDEE is at 2100 kcal, so considering a 25% calorie deficit (which is I think on the higher range of a "slow" cut), I would have burned 525 kcal per day, so it would take me something like 44 days to reach the same fat loss results, considering 1 pound of fat provides 3500 kcal. Not 500, not 1000just start with 300. remember to always be 'in tune' with your body and know when to reduce/increase calories. I’ve dealt with skinny fat my whole life and after bulking up last year to 175 I finally got around to my first proper cut and I’m about one week out from my goal (I’m actually on week 15 right now). I've been doing 3 weeks bulk @500-1000 cal surplus followed by 1 week PSMF and it's working just fine. Yes of course it will be effective -- at losing the pounds you can lose in a month. Presumably legs, since you're not showing them. pz wp zk kb by mc mo ac gn ti  Banner