AITAH for asking my wife for a divorce? I (41M) have been married to my wife (36F) for over 4 years now. Even my ex-wife who is a 5 at best, we managed to have two pretty good looking kids (who are now YAs as well). AITAH for wanting to divorce my wife for jealousy? Ok this is my first time posting stuff like this. We've already booked a venue, set the guest lists, food menu etc. Tldr: wife lied to me about hymen surgery when I wanted a virgin wife saying that she did what she did cause she knew how I'd react and wouldn't be with her. Of course, I gained full custody of her, since I had a better paying job and she was a criminal. If CPS caught wind of these habits she does with our daughter’s meals we would instantly lose custody. That's why I wasn't comfortable sleeping with her. Update - 18th March 2024. We still tell the kids and everyone 9. Let's just be grateful we did not waste eight years of our life with him. We got married while still in the military, and decided after the military to move back to my hometown where my family farms. Your children, for being inconvenient. Did you both decide to stick it out until the kids went, and is the divorce already known to be forthcoming (by wife and the kids). Meanwhile here I am, actually wanting to feed her, but I can’t because she’s busy doing this cycle of messing with the high chair. A friend of his posted on reddit why the guy stopped posting. After my wife and my ex-wife got into a few intense arguments, my ex-wife threatened my wife with a no contact order which would also "protect" my daughter. Me 34M and my Wife 33F have 2 Kids together 11M and 9F. In college, we worked at the same restaurant, that's where we met. We are in a dead bedroom. We have been happily living together on my farm ever since. I had two daughters, 12yo Velma and 10yo Audrey. If a false accusation can rob a person of time, then the false accuser should face the same amount of time that crime could have cost the accused. Divorce means the cheating trauma is triggered much less often. I hope the property you bought is iron clad in your name. As for my wife. It was transactional and he was paying for some fun behind my back. My girlfriend walked into my life 3 days later. We've been together 12 years married for 10. A false accusation can lead to jail. My wife won't let me take my daughter around her because she is enemies with her mother, my ex-wife. We've discussed kids before marriage and both agreed that we wanted kids. You married someone you barely knew, this is the consequence of that egregiously impulsive decision. • 1 mo. No one in the family liked his wife she was not a nice person, ie, she'd ask for ideas on what to 'spend his money on', was the type of person that celebrated her birthday for 2 weeks and expected everyone to do We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I found out after snooping through my husband’s phone that he had been cheating on me with a woman who he called “Cake”. So, one night while she was doing this, I asked for a divorce. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. I knew from the moment I met her that I wanted to marry her. Next time you meet a girl you want to marry, try living with her for a year or two first. Trigger Warnings: Original Post: April 16, 2024. YTA OP. We had been going through a rough patch in our relationship and I had been AITAH for divorcing my wife? 26M married to 25F for almost 3 years. . She should have known having kids was important to you since that was obviously a wedge issue in your relationship with her, so she shouldn’t have been shocked that you went on to achieve that goal. I felt angry at this and asked her politely for atleast 5 days which she refused repeatedly. It was on life support/ICU for 5-6 years before that. Go to AmITheAngel. My soon to be ex-wife and I are both in our late 30s. Every time you suspect her of offences, you’ve been watering that seed of revenge. I (27M) married my wife (26) for 2 years before that we been r/AITAH. Fictional AITA. • 8 mo. We met when we were kids and grew up together in a small town. Again, only in cases where it can be proven the accuser is lying. Even 2 to 3 weeks after delivery she had not been spending any time with me. Based on face value of the post, the court my not be so forgiving in granting the divorce. But you are also YTA for exposing her secret to your entire family, she is your wife till divorce and you did the disgusting thing by breaking her trust which is way worse then her lying. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I (35M) and my wife (34F) have a kid (<1yearM). AITAH for initiating a divorce while my wife is in the hospital after a car accident. And now, one of the kids is famous! So AITA for divorcing my wife? NTA. Update 2 -18th March 2024. But there's more to the story, as it has affected our love life, delayed our plans for children, and involved my wife's passion for gardening. Here’s the story (really really long): First the background: my wife and I met overseas while we were both Active Duty Army. Thanks to the saint of a mother i have, my son is being taken care of right now. I'm just forwarding it all to my lawyer. You’re not divorcing him because he wants a son, you’re divorcing him because he has said some truly unforgivable things. NTA. "AITA for wanting to divorce my wife because she wants to keep in touch with her ex?" Advice Needed. My wife (who doesn't exist, because this post is a crock of shit) doesn't like Star Wars, so I'm going to divorce her, even though we've been married for 25 years (I was 12). I’m also consulting if is possible to sue the biodad for all the money I’ve spent raising his bio son thought out the years. The most obvious reason being my wife and I are both very white and our kid is, well, brown. When I told her I was divorcing her, she broke down in tears and begged me to take her back, saying that she was sorry and that she wouldn't do it again. Members Online AITA for telling my husband that if we don't move than we will end up divorcing because him and the wife next door make me incredibly uncomfortable? He gave me a copy of the paternity test she gave to him. I agree that boundaries are something you enforce for yourself. Background: I'm a 49-year-old man, and my wife is 24. AITA for threatening my wife with divorce after she quit her job to be a "tradwife". My sister would scream at and beat her daughter. My wife and Lisa have been blowing up my phone non stop with apologies. UPDATE We've had an open conversations without judgment, with a lot of understanding. Ive cancelled my ex daughters private school tuitions, all her extracurricular activities and I've contacted a divorce Lawyer. If she’s actually ready, great you’re early. You divorced, it doesn’t sound like you screwed her over in it, and you each have your own lives now. My point wasn't that her getting the reduction was outside of my boundaries. The hypocrisy and insanity that followed were truly unbelievable. My brother just got his divorce finalized. Update 2 - 1st May 2024. We divorced because she cheated twice. but you’re on the right track being so young and seeing We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Mind you I had known her for a week and had no real ties to her. 47 years ago, I met my now-ex wife Ellie Mitchell-Rojas. Also she is refusing to get intimate with me. conjunctivious. My point was that she actively pushed my boundaries by trying to sleep with me in a way where she felt validated her chest. She's been messaging me relentlessly with the most vile things she can say. Ive had a brief conversation with her and I have halted all divorce proceedings for the time being. I (YA, M) have really good genes. You can rut sweep it and hit the snooze button so to speak, but until the underlying pain is addressed things won’t get better. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of Disclaimer:- THIS IS NOT MY STORY ,BUT MY EX- FRIEND STORY WHOM I AM NO LONGER ON TALKING TERMS WITH My wife (27F) and I (36M) are going for divorce Backstory- my wife gave birth to our daughter 4 months back. My sister beat and screamed at my neice her entire childhood. AITAH for giving my wife an ultimatum? Advice Needed. My brother and I suffered because she was never well. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The apartment was small, so, it was hard to raise two kids on my own, but then, the other kid was born. For your husband to say “great, I no longer have to work, you can pay for my shitty mothers home reno - she’s already started BTW, and you have no right to MY money” speaks volumes. I (35m) have been married to my wife (37f) for 7 years and we were together another 3 before that. Earlier this week I sat her down and her problem. Your friend made the right choice for his mental health. FamilyDispute05. . When people get married it’s usually understood that it’s for life. Im not saying that im going back to her, im just saying I need to reevaluate everything again. The only thing that isn’t an asshole here is the picture of the cute cat. It is certainly a superficial marriage from you, you 12 years ago (consciously, sub-consciously) decided to plant revenge internally. I'm 37 and have only felt “healed” for a few years. Around a year ago I noticed my wife increasingly sending me these Tradwife or traditional housewife tiktoks. I’m so sorry about your son - please know it wasn’t your fault. During that life people lose and gain weight, they get wrinkles, the body begins to fall apart and all manner of unpretty things. If it’s real you’re definitely on to something though. We got into a huge argument. I have enough proof for my lawyer to bury her. AITA for considering divorcing my wife after 13 years of marriage? 143 m, and my wife 40 f have been married for 13 years. AITAH for divorcing my wife after she got an abortion? My (27M) and wife (27F) have been together for 4. AITAH For divorcing my wife after 15 years and leaving her with no emotional support. Around a year ago I noticed my wife increasingly sending me these Tradwife or traditional A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility. From the start I had my doubts that he was my biological son. We recently got a family dog named buster for our kids. Here is the background. There is still a lot to navigate and a ton of logistics involved and my decision for divorce seemed a bit in the heat of the moment. Over the years, I amassed a large fortune and started looking for romance. AITA for divorcing my wife because she posted on AITA? I recently found my wife's been posting fake stories on AITA. But the two of us know more than likely it will be 930. Step 1 was ditch my girlfriend. She said he would be rich, she wouldn't have to Very recently, unfortunately one guy self deleted after his wife cheated. ". He´s going to serve my wife this Friday. AITA for divorcing my wife so she could marry up? I was male (33) and she (39) and during the five years of our marriage whenever we would socialize with friends or family, she would talk about what her next marriage would be like. I still had my common sense, so I didn't propose (yet). I dont even know where to begin with this. So tell your wife an earlier time. What isn't acceptable is how you acted by telling your mother to take the dogs and allowing him to freak ADMIN MOD. AITA for having a celebration dinner after my brother's divorce? Not the A-hole. I decided to get a paternity test done on our son without telling my wife. So, AITA?? NTA - People get divorced for all kinds of reasons. I took your advice and met with my sister-in-law over lunch. We have had a child together and live as a happy . We were together for 7 years, and married for a little over 3 and half. First of all, it’s not true. AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility, I (M, 38) have been with my wife, Natalie (F, 37), for 8 years (married for 4 years). I moved to a small town about a year ago. I texted her and told her I knew everything. Update 2- AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility? I’m sorry for multiple posts, but you guys have been so helpful! Definitely more than my family and friends in real life. It's a story about love, priorities, and a video game that means the world to me: League of Legends. On the outside our marriage appears to be perfect. 2. There is no healthy way that you should be eager for this type of near human/animal interaction which borders on sexual pleasure. She was pretty much tortured. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. AITA for ghosting my wife and sending her divorce papers after she told me the truth. He ain’t normal. Being cheated on often causes trauma. paying attention in school is way more important these days, i never knew it along with a lot of people. But I left and staying with one of my girl friends place. I M28 have been engaged to my fiancee F26 for almost a year (what caused a delay was my fmil falling sick). I got turned into a vampire by my aunt in law a while ago (hence why my kids are YAs as I am now) so I I handed my pbstbmyx (psycho bitch soon to be my ex) the divorce papers and kicked both her and the kids out of my house. Over the last couple years she has been gettinf more aand more obsessed and jealous. I have a hobby of doing puzzles and I would often encourage my husband to join me, expressing that it would make me happy if he took an interest in what I ETA: my mother had bipolar disorder, among other issues. AITAH for divorcing my pregnant wife because she looked into my phone. Not just, not enough evidence can prove either way. Save your child. She ended up dying at 54 from heart failure related to the substance abuse (alcohol was the main substance) that she tried to treat herself with. Everybody always knew that we were going to end up together. UPDATE 2: My husband has been cheating on me for almost a year and a half. Family had concerns and I was naive, someone brought up premarital counseling and I asked my fiance she thought we didn't need it. Natalie has a daughter from a previous relationship, Kaya (F, 12). A lot of my friends and family have been telling me the way I did it was wrong so I am submitting this to the court of public opinion that is AITA. TLDR: There is no longer any love in my marriage so I want to divorce my wife. Most common advice for betrayed spouses is no contact and 180. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. 1. And these aren't exaggerated half-truths, they're full-blown fantasies with unrealistic scenarios about LGBT people, autistic people, fat people, reverse racism, the whole 9-yards. Kaya’s dad left when she was a newborn. We plan for it. She was seriously injured but thank goodness no one else was in the car with her. In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITAH for divorcing my wife after she gave birth? I (M35) am torn with self-doubt and looking for outside perspectives on my recent decision to divorce my wife (F33), who is not only struggling with bipolar disorder but also with a severe and destructive spending habit. Single mom. In my opinion it’s weaponized incompetence. Me (28M) and she (28F) have been together since 2017 married since 2019. She was amazing. If she converts to Islam, she'd probably be happier married to a Muslim anyway. We had a daughter (5f). YTA, but not for leaving your wife, I don't care about my partner virginity but i expect honesty from her and she lied to you. I told him I was divorcing him. Originally posted to r/AITAH. r/AmITheAngel. I showered her with gifts and we got married before the end of the year. I do most of the work around the farm, while she sometimes does little chores, which is fine since I enjoy the work. This makes you the asshole. No dad. Welfare. Your friend, for arguing with you about morality in a video game. Me and my Wife have been together for 12 years and married for 8. I never understood it. She was very reluctant to give me any info, but here is what she said AITA for divorcing my wife after I gifted my friend behind her back. I wish you well on your divorce-fight tooth and nail. After her initial immediate demands for divorce she decided that we should "start" working on our marriage. AITA for divorcing my wife and abandoning my 2 children to remarry a prettier woman? The Sims. So, here's some background: I'm a 30-year-old man who's been married to my wife, Sarah, for five years. My fiancee and I decided to have our wedding on Jan 11th/2022. Dated for about 4 months, got engaged and married in 2 months. AITA for divorcing my wife because our kid is not biologically mine? Shitpost. Recently, I found out by a post my wife made, that she is a part of the republican party now, because she has seen how the democrats have “messed up” the country. 5 years and married for 2. Also I had been married and divorced before, and my first ex-wife and I divorced right after I got her sister pregnant. You need to slow your roll OP. We've been married for three years, and she recently gave birth to our son. Furthermore, my wife believes my ex-wife cast a spell on her and I (39M) recently told wife (37F) I wanted a divorce. We live in a house that is hers I moved in right after our marriage. But she didn't beat us. However, I've had suspicions about our son's paternity due to some family rumors and my wife's behavior during her pregnancy. It was totally dead for 6 months before I filed for divorce. He started crying and begged me not to go. I finally told my wife I wanted a paternity test and she refused. If she changes from the person you married to a different person, you don't have to stay married. Mediocre_Mongoose502. My (33M) ex-wife (30F) and I got divorced 3 years ago. When I confronted her about it, she confirmed You, for divorcing your wife and sacrificing your children. While I was busy farming (among other things) I did meet E, and it was love at first sight. AITA for divorcing my wife over getting a massage. That probably explains it. She has 2 kids boy (16) and a girl (15) from a previous relationship. She would start the sentence with, "The next guy I marry. You are sick. Im beyond hurt. My cousin pastor only marries folks who do the counseling, there were some Apparently all geeks have to love Star Wars, and I'm a geek, but I don't like Star Wars. The way this sounds is that your husband put them outside because they were loud, you hadn't even been gone 24 hours. This angered me, so I packed a bag and went to my mom’s house. She and I own a nice house with a good school district, have a great kid and both work full time. Info : are you seeing the doves or… the actual children. AITA for having my wedding on brother's "divorce anniversary". Thanks to u/queenlegolas and u/Direct-Caterpillar77 for suggesting this BoRU. AITA for divorcing my wife and replacing her with a shadow monster? Question. Add the two extra people and the kids run wild and it just takes longer. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Your poor wife. Your husband it’s truly vile to say what he did and that alone is grounds to end your marriage. Get serious mental help, and you have to get rid of Buster if you even wish to have a hope of your marriage surviving. But Thomas told me to keep my husband under a leash and proceeded to block me. I had been a single father my entire life (I used a surrogate to get them). The second you realized you weren’t equipped to give your child what they needed, you should have searched for a way to do so. ADMIN MOD. He sent dozens of messages she had with him and the family in a group chat. I should also mention I have 20 children with 15 different women. She's definitely been unfaithful, as she admitted. Not the A-hole. Backstory: I was a worn out employee at Joja, and I decided to move into a quiet town called Stardew Valley where I became a farmer. NSFW. : r/AmITheAngel. I (34F) and my husband (35F) have been married for 6 years now. But just do the easy thing and build in your buffer. It’s a perfect way to get engagement. I (M23) married my wife (F23) Emily 2 years ago. ago. What he needed wasn’t just the wife to be a good wife and loving and all that. A lot of shit happened and I’m divorcing, and also cutting my wife’s son out of my will, because, I never had a real son and all this time I was putting all my energy and effort raising another man’s child. The drama started and she started to cry, beg me to r/AITAH. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. We have 3 children 12 m, 7 f, and 2 f. Your love is conditional and not suited for the long term. I wound up going on a public date with an old fling before finally divorcing her the next day. A couple weeks after we got married we started trying for a baby and she got pregnant, but was having doubts The same day i immediatly contacted my lawyer and after explaining him the whole situation he started to prepare the divorce papers. Original - 17th March 2024. I have nothing against that type of relationship but I don't think it makes sense for our current family situation. 2 years into our marriage I discover she is having an affair with a former classmate. I (M, 38) have been with my wife, Natalie (F, 37), for 8 years (married for 4 years). I have spoke to her about her driving habits and I warned her. Respectfully, you're an idiot for swan diving into a marriage that quickly. He needed the freedom for a year or two to have bad days. When I went to confront her, she said she has decided to vote for Donald Trump in the election this year. I’m done with his bullshit. I ended up with three kids on my own but we were happy, I guess. It has both hints that he’s a sexist asshole to rile up one side, and hints that he’s a poor forlorn underdog being mistreated by his harpy wife to rile up the other side. You have a serious mental issue. this subreddit is for a podcast called reddit on wiki, that reads reddit stories. Here's the thing. I've had dogs my whole life, and yes, sometimes putting them outside when you're trying to do things is acceptable to do. If she converts and OP doesn’t, they’re automatically divorced according to Islam. I should mention my wife is a mermaid. So after a month i served them to my ex wife and told her that i knew that "our" son wasn't mine so to don't make things complicated and to just sign the papers. We have no idea where he is. Her life is shit. My wife was involved in a single vehicle accident. You’re not getting divorced because of your son, you’re getting divorced because you and your wife turned to alcohol instead of towards therapy and healthy coping mechanisms. Things were good initially but the last year I have been feeling misplaced and honestly exhausted by We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It turns out she's been hiding a lot more than I realized. We had a very messed up childhood for sure. My poor neice has had addiction problems her whole life. First I must say I had a second instagram account If you want to leave, fine, but the least you can do is talk to her about it so that she can understand your side of things and slowly move on. I was just furious, I confronted Spencer. but these days you’re gonna be a homeless bum unless you can make work with your own hands or you go through college, girls will ruin your life, just like guys ruin girls lives. qq xj gu qk az xo ds un gl ex