Reddit aita drunk. AITA for picking up my drunk friends? Not the A-hole.

Recording her and posting it to make fun of her is a totally different ball game. The only other thought to add you this is, yes it's your wedding. To prevent the birthday girl from being a doormat for you, Lia’s boyfriend drove you home and accurately called you out on what trash friends you and Liz are, but you’re too dense to realize he’s 100% right. My boyfriend (26M) does not. Through mouth to mouth, I became inebriated. Though I will say that you probably genuinely dont remember everything clearly because you were drunk - but that's not me giving you credit. ADMIN MOD. AITA for wanting to get drunk instead of babysitting. Driving drunk is one of the rules I refuse to break, and I refuse to get into the passenger seat if one of my friends is drunk and driving. AITA for getting drunk when my partner's dad is an alcoholic? Not the A-hole. My older son « A » is 11 and prior to us moving 2 years ago struggled with friendships at school. YTA. If Robbie doesn't know how to have a good time without getting drunk, Robbie has a problem. Your coach I think is rightly upset though because you badly represented the club by being drunk, and also convincing others to take part in bad behavior. How could you not be? I understand that my behavior was not acceptable and I take full responsibility for my I got drunk while we were playing cards against humanity. They might have died of alcohol poisoning and/or choking on their own vomit if you hadn't asked the RA for help. I just told her I was off the clock and that if it was bothering her, she could Educational_Bet_4652. I have never started to cry because I was by myself and drunk at a wedding. The RA made the correct decision to call 911 and the paramedics made the decision to take them to the ER. Since she lives about a mile or so from us and we carpooled for a while when my wife's car was in the shop after an accident, I offered to take her home. Not the AH. My son was struck and killed by a drunk driver in March. He said no and he doesn't drink anymore and its something his fiance wants. Tobi lives 30 min drive from me and wanted to go home by car completely drunk, i mean really really drunk. Since then, I've watched my dad transform from a kind man to a drunk dick every day and every drink he takes hurts me and brings up past trauma. I used to drink A LOT at parties, including family events. As the night progressed my friend Andrew got extremely drunk to the point where he couldn’t walk or even converse. I went to a friend’s A graduation party, where I did a lot of drinking games. Just in the “I am 21 and drunk rn let's goooo” way. A few days back me(M18), met two of my other guy friends on the road on a pure coincidence. Everything was fine, everyone was drinking. We have a great relationship and we absolutely adore her fiancé (22m). I was too drunk to drive and these 2 drunk girls were not having a good time. esnfnnm • 4 yr. I told him it wasn't as bad as he thought it was and my friend who's apartment we were at was mad at me for lying to my friend. I’m (M43) a single dad to two twin daughters (F18), Jess and Amy (not their real names). So anyways, my birthday was on Wednesday and my mom called my oldest sister, Anna who’s 20, asking to talk to me, but she was already drunk and Anna didn’t want me to talk to her while she was drunk at 4 in the afternoon, causing a huge fight between them. I feel like I’m about to get flamed so throwaway. AITA for getting drunk at work? I know I’m probably in the wrong here, but give me a chance to explain. ? Is my family right, that we both owe an apology?? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. A woman on Reddit asked for advice after her husband was angry with her for leaving him at the airport after he was deemed too drunk to board the plane. One of the moms then comes over to me and reminds me that my students were there, and that I shouldn't be drinking and cursing in front of them. Help keep the sub engaging! A drunk emotional mess is not someone who is safe around a child. When Belinda showed up, Alexandra was pretty drunk. WIBTAH if I don't send my mom's drunk confession to my step-father. You don't owe her a long ride home if she's going to go off on you and attack and insult you the entire way. She insists her house is too close to uber and refuses rides from the rest of us. I think that maybe mixing up words for different things and emailing my teacher while drunk was a bad idea. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! My friends all think I'm a spoil sport or whatever other name you want to use, because I care about laws like these. Award. If anything, that makes you more of an asshole. AITA for leaving a drunk coworker at a bar and not caring about what happens to them. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or AITA for saying that getting drunk at a kids birthday party is trashy. My mom (45F) and dad (46M) got divorced when I (22F) was 14. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more AITA for feeling like I deserve to give my side of the story? Or for the series of events that led to all of this. So where exactly does his culpability fall into what happened? Does he consider himself blameless because he was A bunch of other people brought alcohol. AITA - Being drunk and cursing at a friend’s place. I was on a work trip so my wife was at home with our son. This was a decision made by him after the death of my twin sister. After being at friend’s A graduation party, we went to Drunk or not, you don't deserve to sit in a car with someone verbally attacking you. My (37F) babysitter (16F) has been babysitting for me for about 2 months. When she first started babysitting OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: The action I took that should be judged is crying when my boyfriend told me he was drunk even when the situation was harmless. I’m severely depressed and my friend (f30) knows this. I'm just like, its a bachelor party, getting drunk is expected. My friend offered to let the three of us crash at his place. He’s been one best friends with a girl in his class who’s Tremors2001. Granted, she only lives 15 minutes away, but that’s 15 minutes after shots and beer pong, sometimes stumbling and throwing up. He did end up home, but I’m not sure who took him or if he called his sister to go pick him up. If they continue being loud or obnoxious, out they go. My gf and I have been together for 3 years. Lilly was the one who chose to refuse medical treatment and run away from the ER, not you. You just like sound a really judgemental, annoying, and immature asshole. If you get shit faced drunk to the point where you need a babysister, that's an asshole move. 1. It's the angry ones that people mind. So he is going to respect her. I then got a text from two of our friends/coworkers (female) that weren’t working that day. . I (38F) have 2 sons from previous relationship (16year with their dad). I (26f) have been estranged from my father since I was 17 when I moved several states away to be with my grandparents. You advised your friend to stop drinking, they ignored you, you told them to message you, they ignored you. Hello, I am 22 and this just happened not that long ago. " Being giggly, talkative, and/or just oohing and awwing at everything may get a few eyerolls but that's about it. The thing is, my grandmother was a nurse and worked in the ER for a good long while. Interestingly the O’Douls post was significantly earlier than the others; it was posted in 2020 while the other four all appeared within a span of two weeks in 2021. Reposting this because I didn't finish writing the first one before I posted it in the sub. Thing was, the next day, I actually remembered the party and didn't have a hangover. You don't have your license, under no circumstances should you be in the poistion or be pressured to drive drunk folks to the hospital. Make it clear between you that he shouldn't be drunk in the home whilst she's awake and it's all good. But in general, no you're not an asshole for drinking while grieving. She could reasonably expect that she might upset someone or look silly in front of friends or something of that magnitude. Removing a drunk who disrupts ANY event is a 2-step process. Recently she has entered into a relationship and sometimes I still send her drunk texts but I feel like this may make her or her gf uncomfortable. My ex is dealing with it. He told me early on in our relationship that he does not like alcohol due to his dad being an alcoholic and his family hardly drink outside of his dad. They just make me very uncomfortable and I like to have a few other non drunk female witnesses around whenever I’m near a drunk woman. I was at an after-work gathering at a bar celebrating a co-worker's retirement. I refused to drive my drunk sister home, leaving her car at the restaurant, AITA? TRIGGER: Suicide, death. Significant-Past9506. Sounds like she had some issues with drinking and knowing her limits. You proposed various solutions and ultimately, did get them to the hospital safely. The paramedic is not an AH either for being frustrated in doing his important work but the drunk who was happy to drink until paralytic and simply pass out where he was IS TA in this scenario. Your choices were to not attend or to attend and keep your feelings to yourself. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Honestly, these friends sound very selfish My conflict is this: aita because I came home late and drunk which made him sleep-deprived for work. Calling his dad/buddies/uber for hotel for him to sober up is a great idea. My wife has been nothing but my rock in this. She is holding me up. This incident happened a few days ago and she's still mad at me. She’s a very sweet and quiet girl and is good with the kids (4F and 8M), we’ve only had small problems here and there but nothing major at all. I had asked the chef at the live eggs counter to make me some eggs. I wasn't there, though, so who knows? His coldness could stem from being around a drunk person while sober, too. 172K subscribers in the AmITheAngel community. In fact I hate being around drunk women. Her husband is trashed too. Your tone of voice over the phone may have expressed entitlement. And at first it was fine, but then my boyfriend started making subtle, passive aggressive comments towards me. "To my brother, who narrowly escaped death, who included strangers in his narrow escape, my brother, who drove drunk, who very nearly killed two people who were just going about their daily lives, and to my parents, who think celebrating this, when they know full well my best friend died at the hands of someone just like my dear brother, a Last night, going home in an Uber after partying, a somewhat known friend (25F) was pretty drunk and started touching my (24M) inner thighs and ended up grabbing my package over my pants. Your friends had to deal with the consequences of your drunk ass as a result. Also the alcohol percentage plays part here too. • 9 mo. However, sometimes, when intoxicated, other people's feelings become less critical. They got married and had my cousin-brother One of my friends will drive home, with her 4 month old in tow, drunk. I'm dealing with it. However as a reminder for the future: if you were carrying her and she was really that drunk, as in completely limp and unresponsive, and had been throwing up, you probably should have called her an ambulance or at the very least the RA. Last Friday, she was almost blackout So Reddit AITA for calling out my bro-in-law for being a drunk ahole or did he need a reality check? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here AITA I kicked my uncle out for coming home drunk. He was watching his favourite TV show The Owl House (he's such a Disney Adult!) and suddenly starting bashing his head on the coffee table and screaming while beating his diaper. I asked her if everything was OK. It had been late at night, there were few cars on the road, but the drunk driver crossed over to the wrong side of the road & hit them head-on. AITA for getting drunk at my friends bachelorette party? I (36F) went to my friend (36F) of 14 years bachelorette party, which had 3 attendees including her mom. I got drunk and cried a lot and vented about my life, and 2) My friends told me I burdened them by expressing myself too much. I have NEVER had a large party like this before so I am obviously super excited and today I invited a few of my friends to finalise details for my celebration on the weekend. A woman was in labor with twins. You should be agreeing with your daughter and trying to get your son help. My ex was invited as my parents still really like her and we have a son together. Keep in mind she was the one who drove me and her there to the event. That really stuck with me -- you can't always see drunk drivers coming. I should have been more aware with what I was writing. AITA for being firm with my teenage half sibling in Facebook DMs? Not the A-hole. AITA for taking “advantage” of my gf? Asshole. She also sometimes spends the night over at my place unannounced since I live closer to her university and she can be bothered to drive back to her place when she has night time classes. However, if she a apologizes maybe you can consider under the rule/compromise that sil can't drink or just 1-2 glasses. my girlfriend Ella (21/F) and I have been together for 5 years and recently bought a place and moved in together. People had to take time out of their fun to make sure you didn't make an ass of yourself. Your friends tried to get you to stop and you chose not to. They also deal with drunk people all the time and aren't unfamiliar with procedures to look after them. Another co-worker of mine "Rachel" had a few too many drinks, and was definitely too drunk to drive. He could not even stand properly and was absolutely not fit to drive in his condition. She eventually managed to tell me she was looking for her connecting flight. This, she hasn't apologized. I'd tell bf that you didn't drop off 2 drunk girls, you dropped off 2 drunk girls and 1 drunk guy who got out of the car because HE screamed at them to get out or he'd drag them out. 22 votes, 25 comments. Kinda assholish on your part. And it was very clear she was very very drunk she was hardly able to speak in full sentences. SkeezySkeeter • Asshole Enthusiast [7] • 4 yr. Disagree. You didn't owe them the walk home, meaning you would have had to walk even further alone to get yourself home. Much smarter to wait till morning. Naturally, it's a rather competitive environment - you have to be careful because most people who work there will step on your hands to loosen your grip on the corporate ladder You cannot be an AH for calling an ambulance for someone effectively unconscious in the street. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. I personally have never touched anything stronger than beer so I haven't really experienced what being drunk was. Things are going to change for you, whether you like it or not. We were at a party with friends and came home to my house completely drunk. I asked if he was an alcoholic. I was not found at fault due to the fact I was unimpaired, following the speed limit, and attempted but failed to avoid him. This just looks like you wanted to tick off some weird milestone thing involving "first drink with the kids", and not at all like something a responsible adult (let alone responsible parent) would plan as an educational move to prepare teenagers for legal drinking age. It was around 3:30AM. So we go in and immediately she starts pounding Long Island iced tea. Another example of no good deed going unpunished. You got so drunk it impacted others negatively, that's never a good look. You got drunk. AITA for shouting at my daughter for getting her twin drunk? Asshole. I (26,M) recently went on a vacation with my girlfriend (27,F). Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Ok so my girlfriend has some issues with alcohol her dad was a alcoholic so she doesn't enjoy seeing people drink in front of her or being drunk in her presence. I (25F) love wine. This is my throwaway account. We called 911. And you got one of those kids drunk to the point where she was sick. She was pushed into a pool and nearly drowned. You tossed away the moral high ground when you arrived late, drunk/stoned, and made out with another guy. She’s going through stuff emotionally but that’s not gonna get fixed by showing up drunk and asking to meet James. Getting drunk and telling your secrets is a classic early 20s move. Not to mention, he is absolutely avoiding taking responsibility for how drunk he got, with that just so happens to get drunk comment. We’re very close to her. However, after school today, my 17-year-old daughter (we'll call her Jessica) revealed to AITA for getting drunk at the family Christmas party even though my kid was there because it was my ex’s weekend to look after our son. However, he had to have been a combative drunk or otherwise been considered a threat to be booted from the plane. Last Saturday there was a party and I was really desperate to feel happy and had too many drinks. My (18F) birthday was two days ago, but I’ve been planning a pretty big party for months which my fairly large friend group is invited to. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on…. I rushed to give her CPR, but I didn’t realize she had been drinking. We started with a booze cruise, went to a restaurant and then a bar. I would start with a rum and Coke, and then, I would start "mixing" my own, leaving out almost all of the rum. You have every right to ask your partner to not get wasted so you can enjoy your birthday. When he came back drunk at 11 am, I snapped, packed my bags and took the first bus out of town. I just wish V would have at least let me give my side of the story before making her decision. NTA. My (47M) father (70M) recently got diagnosed with chronic tweakers disease (CTD). My friend was pretty sober. Since I'm their teacher, it was my job to set a good example to them. 14. Am I the asshole for kicking my uncle out the one time he came home drunk Well let’s just start with he’s a known alcoholic he came to me about 5 months ago telling me he wanted to get clean and asked if he could stay with me and my husband. Depends how drunk she was at the point you left as to whether you 'abandoned' her, but NTA as far as you've described. Eh, the only reason I didn’t call it alcoholism is purely because until I was about 11, she drunk a few glasses of wine a night, and saved getting hammered for the weekend but then from 11 to 17, she didn’t drink during the week, but then something happened with her partner and suddenly she was drinking again, and I didn’t really know what to call it because I always grew up with If you don’t trust Ubers when you get drunk, then stop being such a pisshead when you go out. So reddit, AITA? tl:dr: My friend got blackout drunk and vomited everywhere. It's alright. While hanging out with friends (ages 16-18), I spotted John (fake name, 18 M), one of my best friends of almost three years. I got off work around 10pm and came home to my girlfriend getting ready to throw some food in the oven for dinner. It's a fun tradition and I usually enjoy it. You went for door #3, and were an AH. I am the point where I start talking a lot and sort of don’t know when to be quiet. ago. When I got back, I found out that he had been hanging out with his friends and t r/AmItheAsshole. First post so sorry in advance. AITA - Fiancé away working mad because a single dad got drunk at our house. If you have to ask if you had too much to drink at a wedding, you had too much to drink. I (30M) got a call from a co-worker of mine who sounded upset and drunk at about 11 am. I remember the night up until I apparently got on stage for people who I (m39) have a 16 year old son with my wife (f40). The hospital, given her impaired state, is entirely a reasonable choice as opposed to just putting her out on the street. We were 3 people at my driveway: my girlfriend, my friend Tobi and me. They have great staff in there with first aid and the ambulance on speed dial, who would be more than capable of helping her. You knew you should stop but chose not to. I was dealing with the funeral arrangements and everything when my ex came to talk to me about his money. She’s getting married soon. The 2 “staying out of it” may not have said anything to your face, but guaranteed they’ve shared their thoughts to Louise. I apologize for not remembering them all but I currently am still a bit tipsy. YTA and the friend no one deserves. I send the most drunk texts to my friend I'll call her C just because she usually answers my texts and tends to find them entertaining. Well at one point I jokingly slapped two different guys, very softly not enough to cause any amount of physical pain let alone leave a mark. Their marriage ended because my mom had cheated on my dad with my uncle (dad's brother). Rojaddit. Asshole. AITA for yelling at my drunk friend? The other weekend, I (18 F) went to my town's annual carnival, a tradition marking the start of summer where people often drink heavily, including myself lol. YOU have to clean up after him when he pukes and makes messes like drunk people do. Yesterday we had our Christmas dinner at my parent’s place. We don’t have a limit on how much that meal would cost. Since we started dating we have a tradition of paying for each other for dinner for our birthdays. . I asked where this is coming from. Then, you continued drinking once there. She Let me know that she had invited her other friend Belinda and she would be there soon. You did do the right thing, don't let your friends make you think otherwise. When she first started babysitting This is when I saw this girl basically staring at the door of a closed restaurant as if she was waiting for someone to come out. Showing up drunk to a jail to pick up your drunk daughter is a terrible example. You have no way to know what could have happened, she could have tried to take James, or threatened to harm herself, or even harmed the baby. They're your friend but that doesn't mean you have to be responsible for them 100% of the time. It’s unprofessional to show up drunk to a work meeting, no matter how informal. Reply. The start was in a funeral home. He said he really wants us to respect his wishes. On Friday (today, which is my day off), my whole family decided to hold an impromptu intervention. My friend Steve brought the soon to be drunk friend, Andrew as well as another friend to the bonfire. r/AmItheAsshole. If Robbie can't drink/have fun unless his friends (like Phil) are drinking, too, then Robbie has a problem. Steve borrowing his dads car. Most single drunk people at a wedding don't end up cry, at the very least not at the wedding or reception. Turns out they had drunk a bottle of whiskey on the curbside and were now singing jolly Christmas songs at 6 in the evening (💀). One of the groomsmen at my own wedding was asked to leave (along with his AITA for casually saying it was her fault our friend got so drunk? I don't think it was offensive so I still don't understand. I picked her up and very carefully helped her towards the entrance to an underground station nearby. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. At the first sign of trouble, give them their one and only warning. I (f24) have had a really hard time lately. You knew you were getting drunk. I work an EMT and was called to an emergency. My brother came home high off of coke, flipped out and pretty much ruined my Thursday night. They were hurling in the toilet. My uncle was pretty much disowned by the entire family. 5. Just having normal conversations with my friends. AITA for leaving my drunk boyfriend at his friend’s house? I might be the asshole for not giving a drunk person a ride home, but still, Frank offered him a room to stay in. I am 23, she is 23 and our son is 5. this included my best friend (18F), my boyfriend (18M) and my other friend (17F). He (42M) had a fight with his wife, drank a bit and drove to a bar near our work. Out of all the guys on this planet you chose to sleep with your friends ex . Part of fair competition is about sportsmanship and obviously being underage and drunk/hungover is a bad look at a prestigious national event. Their mum hasn’t been in their lives since they were about 6 and as a result, we’re a close family and the girls have an extremely tight bond. Maybe it's an American thing but specifically six packs of beer dont actually as whole contain that much alcohol NTA. I fear I might be the asshole by spoiling his good night by crying and potentially making him feel bad. People die that way (aspirating when they can’t protect their airway) 1. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. AITA for kicking my friend out for the comments he made about my girlfriend while drunk? So, I'm a 21/M. I was in my room getting drunk while playing Team Fortress 2 and screaming slurs at AITA for reacting badly when my co-worker told me I have "bad breath"? I (32M) work as an accounts manager for a large consulting firm (it's a pretty large, think big4). It isn't the best way to deal with your grief because when you sober up your grief is still there, but it doesn't make you an asshole. AITA for getting too drunk and “making excuses” when I tried to apologize. OP, when I was 14 I got to see a family devastated by a drunk driver while hanging out in a hospital waiting room. I'm 5'5 190lbs and I've personally found it difficult getting drunk on just beer alone, but give me some shots of vodka or gin and I'm white girl wasted. Twenty one months ago, while I was driving, a man threw himself in front of my car. For a little background I have 2 kids as well, so Throw away account. Square. AITA for getting upset at the chef and picking a fight with my girlfriend. Update: I posted an update but I guess it got taken down so I'll just update here. It was a chaos. AITA for getting drunk on pizza night when I heard bad news? For as long as I can remember, my kids and their grandparents have had a tradition of getting together at our house and eating pizza on Friday night. I grabbed her calves to signal my consent to her, and she pulled my elbow near her crotch. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA for getting drunk on pizza night when I heard bad news? For as long as I can remember, my kids and their grandparents have had a tradition of getting together at our house and eating pizza on Friday night. He's suggested doing hikes and going to the local national AITA Verdict: YTA In the comments: OP, when your son ends up dead from his addiction or in jail because he likes to sexually assault people, please look in a mirror because you are the reason that it will happen. YOU have to shepherd his drunk ass around the wedding and after. People acting like mums don't get drunk on wine whilst their kids are in bed, all the time. StreetofChimes. People sometimes commented on my "excessive drinking". What is wrong with women like you y’all are trash YTA. They got blasted at a bar and asked if my girlfriend and I could pick them up and He later returned shitfaced and drove me to the event and back home completely drunk. As someone once told me, "No one cares about a happy drunk or a quiet drunk. Something I've learned over many years of drinking - if you have an issue with someone's behavior, wait until the next morning to address it. So last night I (28m) I had a birthday party and got rather drunk with like 10 or so friends. AITA for getting annoyingly drunk on a party. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. If the event is a wedding, the 2nd part is done by either the venue staff or groomsman. In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA came home drunk after a work even and caused my partner to be sleep-deprived. I (42f) and my husband (44m) have a 21 yr old daughter. AITA for firing my babysitter for getting drunk on the job. On the last day of our vacation something seemingly trivial about our resort and how they handled things really irritated me. You seem to be under the impression that you didn’t embarrass yourself and can control yourself, but if it was obvious to others then I think you may be mistaken in your self assessment. so basically i posted a drawing of a girl acting like it's cute to drink at her 7 year old nephews birthday party on r/trashy and basically everyone that's commented told me "your a teenager" "your bipolar" "you don't know how to have fun" "what else are we supposed to do When I get drunk I end up sending my friends drunk texts. AITA for picking up my drunk friends? Not the A-hole. lx xx ak yd ru qf wg hg xz cg