Both oral and injectable YK-11 can potentially stress the liver. I could not include the injectable as part on the PM doses due to my work schedule. Specifically, I'm reading that you can get a localized effect when injecting this compound. I'm completely aware that YK 11 is bordering on more of steroid. In-fucking-sane gains. Consider backing down a bit. Injectable L Carnitine has a bioavailability roughly 4x higher than oral supplementation. I have ran YK-11 in the past at the same dose but using an all oral route. Apr 9, 2024 · The recommended dosage for SR9011 is between 15-30mg a day. •. For instance if it was just say 400mg of test cypionate, there wouldn’t really be much difference other than the fact that cypionate is long acting and thus it takes a good amount of time to get completely in your system and for levels to come all the way up to maximum and really start to work fully. Other SARMs like Ostarine or LGD 4033 are a lot more researched and safe. For example, a 3mg injectable version is comparable to the 15mg oral version. Oral Vs. Gained 17. YK-11 is a synthetic steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). In an ideal world they should only be taken to supplement injectable steroids, such as kick starting a cycle Occasionaly sore injection and site pain for a couple days. ADMIN MOD. Most everyone will prefer the ease of using an oral solution rather than injecting. SARMs are very similar to steroids because they increase muscle growth and can help with fat loss, but they were designed in the hopes of having less severe side effects than steroids while also preventing the possibility of addiction Best hybrid cycle I ever ran was 10mg yk11 with 20mg lgd4033 and 250 test e. Nov 13, 2022 · Lgd 4033 is better then tbol at putting on size, at least mg vs mg for the amount I've used. Thanks for your input bro, as of right now am going to keep it at 10 since am not going to be taking it everyday only 2-3x a week. May 8, 2018 · May 8, 2018. I bounced back to homeostasis a month after the cycle. Strength kicks in quick, muscle separation for days and none of the toxic side effects I've had from AAS cycles that yielded similar results. It works oral or Injectable but inj is preffered. I built another eight pounds of muscle, for a total of fifteen pounds. Did try it IM a couple of times and pip was a bit of a pain but by end it of cycle was doing site inj in biceps, chest, tris, calves etc love the stuff mate doubt il ever use oral winny again as always gave me stomach issues, moreso than any other oral. Test drops to <0. The oral YK-11 was from a different lab. I was hit hard with suppression by the LGD and wasn’t running a test base with it. • 3 yr. So far ive found that all the injectable sarms outperform the oral excpt s23 seems to be pretty much the same oral or inject. So idgaf what how tissue selective it is if I’m smaller and test is wayyyyy less suppressive to your natural test than sarms so I don’t even get why people take sarms besides yk-11 and (sr9whatevrrthefuck) cause those work a little differently Sep 20, 2021 · Injectable methotrexate may be more effective than oral methotrexate, but it still has some limitations. May 1, 2024. Yeah the injectable version, multiple people say it’s nearly as strong as Tren, and it makes sense, yk-11 being a 19-nor Reply reply BIG_YETI_FOR_YOU Jun 16, 2024 · While the time has not been shown to affect response, because the injections are given subcutaneously, they are able to be delayed (within 5 minutes) without affecting the effectiveness, hgh pills or injection. Due to the new studys findings of YK-11s poor oral bioavailability and extensive metabolism into novel progestogenic compounds I was thinking if the sublingual route would work, in theory like with many other substances that lack good oral absorption rates (bromantane e. Jun 14, 2024 · RAD-140 injectable was pretty similar to the oral version, just much stronger. Oral naltrexone is typically taken every day in the form of a 50-mg tablet. IronMag Labs Hardcore Bodybuilding Supplements. Mar 5, 2021 · YK11 injection at 350 and 700 mg/kg increased the survival rate of septic mice by 20% and 40%, respectively, within 72 h (Fig. Injectable SARMs are a waste of time and a pain in the ass. Jan 22, 2020. No need for caption. YK11 is able to drastically improve muscle growth and produce new muscle cells. Male: 5-20mg/day. Jul 29, 2023 · Speed of action: Injections usually work faster since they bypass digestive processes. How to Follow a YK11 SARM Cycle. Sep 10, 2022 · Mac11wildcat said: 10mg is a substantial dose for injectable. And from what I have gathered, for some reason the anabolic to androgenic ratio increases in the favour of anabolic - when injected vs oral. Since adherence is a known limitation of daily oral PrEP, a long-acting injectable is an intriguing option. Sublingual YK-11 application. YK11 is typically dosed at 10 to 15 milligrammes twice day, for a total of up to 30 milligrammes of SARMs each day. Aug 5, 2020 · Injections vs Oral. Hey guys🙂, this is just my experience with these two sarms. 3. hormone because that's how yk11 got it's liver toxicity rumors from. I've never used Sarms until recently so some of you guys may have more experienced than me. Var ill run somewhere between 20 to 50mg. Could have been a garbage source or could have been that oral just didn't work well for me. About 34 mg 1x daily. Here’s a handy comparison table for quick reference: Oral BPC-157. . YK11 also significantly reduced endotoxin levels in the serum ( Fig. springer Oct 25, 2022 · While generally, the dosage of YK-11 ranges between 5 mg to about 20 mg or even 25 mg a day. Apr 5, 2024 · The most noticeable areas where you’ll notice improvement with this YK11 stack is your chest, arms, torso and back. Considering YK-11 is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor, and has gene selective mechanism in inducing very selective activity, such as follistatin release (myostatin inhibition). Yk has bad oral bioavailability and a lot of the posts you see people saying they took yk11 orally and got amazing results they were most likely sold superdrol or a strong pro. 3-0. But as we said, you can go around the low bioavailability of SR9009 by taking it sublingually. Dosing Frequency. When a oral steroid is injected, bioavailability is increased to something like 100%. Since Cardarine enhances stamina so well, don’t be scared to run the extra mile to cut even more fat from your body. #1. It’s important to note that the study estimates the bioavailability of the compound in humans at 24%. No pain at injection point. 2 A). Inj rad aggression is insane, yk11 injectable gives an incredible pre workout boost. A sarm is fine as a boost to a trt regiment, but adding it to 500mg of test will cause some issues. I know bioavailability is higher than orals. Best sarms oral i would say lgd, s23 and rad although s23 has more sides and negetive effects than any other. The Injectable version is strong I didn't get to use it for a full cycle due to the gyms closing down and I caught covid19. Now don't confuse that with me saying s23 is as good as tren because it's not. Actually one of the better sarms for bodybuilding purposes. It might even be more robust than RAD140 (Testolone) when we compare it milligram per milligram. Boosted endurance. Just use real gear. May 13, 2024 · Oral and injectable testosterone medications each carry boxed warnings, the most serious type of warning that the FDA gives medications. YK-11 is fully capable of delivering impressive results at lower doses, but a dose of 15-20mg/day is recommended for more advanced users. Once the substance has attached itself to an androgen receptor, it sends signals to the muscles. Looking at YK11 injectable to see if it's actually better than oral. Ive run oral yk11 and didn't get the same result years ago. A 2020 noninferiority RCT (n = 283) examined the effects of oral vs. Most of these sarm goblins say because it’s more tissue selective but the gains are wayyyyy better on test. Follitonic This is a modified version of YK – 11. that alone Oct 22, 2019 · How much of each are you running, brother?Just 8mg msten and 30mg trest ace td. Liver took serious damage, lipids as well. The main difference between injectable and oral L-Carnitine is the body’s ability to absorb the amino acid. Or. Overall, injection using a Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) base to dissolve the SR9009 is the best strategy for injecting yeah and we have utterly no data that YK-11 is able to offset that increase over time. Took all oct there is. Probably Mar 10, 2024 · Top Benefits: Enhanced muscle mass and strength, bone density improvement, potential for myostatin inhibition allowing surpassing genetic muscle growth limits. When May 17, 2016 · However, some individuals do prefer to take oral steroids, and there are advantages of doing so, such as the avoidance of painful injection sites. Beginning HCG on week 4-8. When it comes to the half-life of these two SARMs, RAD 140 vastly outperforms YK11. Each time running yk11 ran it with 175mg of test e per week and 15mg of mk677 ED. Oral SARMs Vs. Marcelo Trad/iStock via Getty Images Plus. I stacked LGD and Mk677 for a bulk and gained lots of weight (mostly water) and my strength gains were great. Lowering the dosage to 5mg can help reduce joint-related side effects. I am feeling super good on a test cyp base of 250 mg /week and i can feel it kicking in. I'm thinking this might be very effective for my stubborn calves lol. Share Injectable yk11 and oral rad140 60 day cycle? YK-11. Women can also use this compound at low doses of no more than 2. As we previously mentioned, it’s a strong compound. #9. For example, if you’re a beginner searching for a cutting cycle I am sure you don’t need anything more than 5 mg a day. PCT 12. The exact dosage that you should use depends on a lot of factors. The main side effects that are consistently seen both clinically as well as anecdotally with oral SARMs are: Apr 5, 2024 · Most injectable SARMs are modified from existing oral SARMs. #2. I've done the oral yk11 at 10mg a day with rad at 20mg a day for first month and the joint pain got terrible so I switched to injectable versions and it went away I also heard that the oral version is Liver toxic so I only do the Injectable yk11 now. Mar 31, 2021 · After running RAD-140 along with S-23 at ~25 mg inject per day I can confidently say this will be my go to for recomps moving forward. We mentioned that the half-life of this compound is 4 hours, so if you decide for a 15mg dosage, you should take 5mg three times. The oral just seems to be pretty lackluster in my experience and don’t think much gets into the bloodstream. Nov 2, 2023 · Common Vivitrol side effects are largely similar to oral naltrexone. I'm an experienced PED user looking to try some injectable sarms (have done oral before). Apr 1, 2023 · Increased muscle growth. If I was gonna use it again ide do it as a preworkout on big lift days only. This may be an easier schedule to maintain for some Mar 30, 2022 · Methotrexate injection is considered less convenient by many patients when compared to oral methotrexate. Oral and injectable methotrexate are both available as lower-cost generics. YK-11 is considered to be harsher on your lipid panel than most SARMs, and the effects are comparable to that of some oral steroids. Anabolic/androgenic effects ratio: 88/44-57. Speaking of growth, my veins weren’t just vascular, but they were actually bulging through my skin, I felt like a fricking beast. Liver. 1 conversation with him about yk-11 and you’ll be placing a nice order from @GYMnTONIC. The chemical structure of yk-11 is quite similar to that of steroids. Injectable at 10mg was about as strong as 20-22mg oral. These are listed in Table 2 . The sides are the exact same as the oral counterparts but more extreme/potent. Mass Construction consists of 30mg LGD-4033, 50mg MK-677 Ibutamoren, and 20mg YK-11. 1/2 inch 25 gauge, sometimes I’ll use a 1/2 inch 28 gauge, it is a little slower draw but works. stsrted at 15mg. May 13, 2016 · My protocol was 10mg injectable in the AM , 10mg oral in the afternoon, and then 10mg oral prior to retiring. Jayway9. (update) going into my third week on yk 11 10mg/ and rad 140 10mg/ (oral) and so far my strength is going up and my shoulders and arms are blowing up and my traps. Dosage. Long-term effects: Some studies suggest that oral administration might offer longer-lasting benefits because of slow digestion and absorption rates. He researched with injectable Ostarine, LGD-4033, Cardarine and YK-11. Feb 21, 2021 · Myostatin inhibitors work by allowing the body to develop or increase muscular capacity at a rate faster than the body can do on its own. Apr 1, 2022 · YK11: Dosage, Usage and Benefits. It sounds like nothing but sustainable gainz. [1] [2] It is a gene -selective partial agonist of the androgen receptor (AR) and does not induce the physical interaction between the NTD/AF1 and LBD/AF2 (known as the N/C interaction), which is required for full transactivation of the AR. 1. oral antipsychotic). I used them both separately and stacked. Increased strength. It does this by naturally increasing follistatin cells, whilst suppressing myostatin (a protein that stops excessive muscle growth). I did a second cycle of it at 15mg a day with injectable lgd3303 and it was great. Thank you! I'm going to start my cycle in 2 weeks, that I why I was curious. Jan 22, 2020 · 4. Mar 5, 2021 · There are several differences between oral and injectable medications and your healthcare provider may feel that injectable medications are a better way for you to manage your blood glucose levels. Injectable naltrexone, or Vivitrol, is administered by a doctor monthly in the form of a 380-mg YK-11 Injectable – Product Details. Mez has been running injectable YK11 and seems to have good results but the bioavailability of YK is unknown. 25 liquid HCG 500 IU 3 times a week. 2ngl vs 2-3 ngl on s24 from 850-900 baseline Now im not saying you or data is wrong, but experience & response vs generic data for me here. Oral SARMs are a waste of time. I was going to run 10mgs daily last 4 weeks of cycle but after your comment I will do 5mg instead. Mar 19, 2022. Oral SARMs have shown to have a handful of common side effects in a clinical setting, with numerous other side effects cropping up when utilized in a performance enhancing context at higher dosages. Which it did help with joint pain, but after a few weeks the pain came back. I experienced my second minor side effect: Acne on my back. Finished at 30mg. I have cycled injectable YK-11 prior and I will say that it's definitely a game changer. He said bioavailability and potency were better, with injectable Ostarine at 5 mg having the potency of 50 mg oral Ostarine, 5 mg LGD-4033 were like 20mg oral LGD Jul 5, 2023 · Once-daily oral semaglutide versus injectable glp-1 r as in people with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on basal insulin: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. #4. Ok so I’m 3 weeks into my SARM / ANABOLIC cycle I’m on a low dose of test and npp but have been running YK11 at 15mg titrated up to 25mg and I’m having extremely noticeable results and feel on top of the world. People may also experience reactions at the injection site such as redness, swelling, or pain. Nov 30, 2018 · The data analyses were conducted in terms of both research type (RCT vs. It’s often present as a mix of Dec 2, 2023 · Some users will find that joint pain becomes severe as early as the first week of a YK11 cycle. I was ready to go IM but if sub q works I'll do that. intramuscular vitamin B 12 in patients from Spain who were older than 65 years with vitamin B 12 deficiency (defined as a level Dec 17, 2015 · My protocol was 10mg injectable in the AM , 10mg oral in the afternoon, and then 10mg oral prior to retiring. clownfish1348. Conversely, RAD 140 boasts a 60-hour half-life, which means that even if you miss your daily dosage, your blood concentration Jan 13, 2024 · Cholesterol [A] YK-11 will cause dyslipidemia. ago. Here is a short writeup on yk11. I take 3000mg milk thistle on cycle and tudca/NAC detox for 3 weeks at 750/750mg each after each cycle. Rad 140 VS YK 11. 2 B), and the levels of inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12p70, and IL-10 in the lungs of mice ( Fig. This compound has a lot of lucrative benefits, but keep in mind that it isn’t fully researched yet and is still currently undergoing research. Any personal experiences with injectable vs oral? Looking at YK11 injectable to see if it's actually better than oral. In my opinion, the difference is night and day between the two. Regardless of gender, it is critical to begin cautiously. Apr 5, 2024 · 15mgs per day. Trying to decide which compounds to take, but I've heard that LGD4033, RAD140, and YK11 are all good potentials with injectables that have a different punch than the orals, so I'll probably pick from among those. And because every injection is administered in the office, this option would help PCPs track adherence. [13] On the downside of the time scale, it is possible that the skin may be painful from the injection, dbol injection vs oral. The most common dosage of Myostine (YK-11) for most users is between 5-20mg/day. S23 I used oral and Injectable. But I took a shot yesterday and today cause I started to go to the gym again but I'm gonna run anavar and s-23 with test E starting june 10 and then replace the anavar for yk-11 at 6 weeks on. If oral steroids are taken the cycle should be restricted to no more than 6-8 weeks. I find that sprinkling the anadrol on my lucky charms works best I split Been looking into yk11 for a long time and have used it my fair share of times. Form: Oral tablets. I would use it at a very high dose at the end of a bulking cycle. 8-10. This is especially true with regards to vitamin cocktails. the one in mice show it has shit oral bioavailability and the HED of an injectable YK-11 is guestimatable at about 60mg/day to be comparable to testosterone at a MUCH lower dose, sure it worked out at about 10mg/day testosterone in the equivalent sepsis wasting study. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The reason why injections and vitamin IV therapies are so effective is that they are able to bypass many of the issues which orally administered nutrients are plagued with. Oral BPC-157 is known for its convenient administration and potential for addressing gastrointestinal issues prior to systemic absorption, whereas injectable forms offer . The most obvious benefit of YK11 is without a doubt rapid muscle growth. It has short and fast acting esters along with intermediate and long acting esters. I think I'm progressing faster on AAS than I did before with YK oral. 5 of enclomophiene for 2weeks then after Jun 15, 2024 · To take liquid SARMs, you will need an eyedropper or a syringe. I’ve used injectable yk11 at about 30mg daily and that was the main side effect I noticdx A lot stronger than oral. YK11 becomes attached to the androgen receptors found in the body. Fat loss. The 8-week period between injections offers convenience, allowing primary care physicians (PCPs) to schedule their patients in advance. Just ordered injectable rad from supreme. For example, if you have a bottle of GW501516, it will probably say ‘20mg/ml’. 99. Sub q has been good. @Mac11wildcat has shared his protocol for its use, an example of excellent bro science (as opposed to bad bro science, this is very good): Mac11wildcat protocol (YK-11): YK-11 treatment mid-cycle (observed that MSTN peaks mid-cycle in his Injection route gives us the closest effect to what was observed in test tubes. Injectable SARMs. I think 40lbs may be a little exaggerated but I guess it would depend on the amount cycled, length, and work ethic. Any personal experiences with injectable vs oral? Jul 10, 2014 · Midwest. May 1, 2024 · Legend. For many people, this is a deciding factor when deciding which route to go. YK11 has stirred up massive amounts of attention in the fitness and bodybuilding communities primarily due to its potential ability to inhibit myostatin; a type of protein that is expressed in skeletal muscle and acts to limit overall muscle fiber growth. add any other oral, but a sarm. (I tapered up on oral in order asses sides from each dosage) dosed down to 6mg to lessen sides. Oct 22, 2020 · The research shows that oral administration results in a 2. I have taken oral LGD, Mk677, and YK11. The use of Partial agonists along side Full Looking at YK11 injectable to see if it's actually better than oral. BA321 can reverse bone loss without androgenic effects by binding to both AR and estrogen receptors (ER) in orchiectomized mice ( 13 ). As YK11 is an experimental drug candidate and a non-approved substance for humans, scientific data on its metabolism is scarce. 2 C). If you’re looking for liquid YK11 we sell that as well. Which one is better muscle building wise in your opinions. By the end of your cycle, your HDL cholesterol will be considerably lower and your LDL cholesterol higher. Then I came across the injectable version of it, mostly from enhanced athelete videos and was intrigued. On the flip side, Cardarine has very good bioavailability and you don’t have to go through any charades while imbuing it. observational study) and medication type (LAI vs. Injectable yk11 won't tax your liver I've done 3 yk 11 injectable cycles with either rad S23 or lgd-3303 even anadrol and my liver always came back great. YK11 is a synthetic steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). Cycle Length: 8 Weeks. Keep in mind, the dosages of the injectable version are a lot stronger. I personally can’t wait to try it. there are 2 studies on yk-11. Yk11 has a higher binding affinity for the androgen receptor in muscle and bone that test, taking yk11 will kick test of the recptor making it go to where you don't want it like prostate, skin, scalp etc. For 30mg/day of injectable yk11 I’d believe that but for oral yk11 not stacked with anything I’m calling bs. As you can see, after a bulking cycle with YK11, PCT is absolutely necessary and for extra caution, we’re using Clomid for the extra punch it packs when it comes to alleviating Testosterone suppression. Half lives. I am thinking of switching it up to the injectable version of this sarm due to watching a couple diff 386-283-5972. I've been doing some research about this follistatin 344- supposed to work wonders for lowering your overall myostatin levels. The benefits of S23 are: Increased muscle mass. Side Effects: Potential for liver toxicity, changes in cholesterol levels, hormonal imbalances. Blood pressure was way off, but felt awesome (both physically and mentally). g which from my own research works OP • 1 yr. • 2 yr. Worked out for Lance Armstrong. HGH needs to be injected under the skin (but not into your vein), while nutrobal is taken orally. Heart risks. By leveraging the distinct mechanisms of action of each compound, Mass Construction Injectable offers a comprehensive approach to studying muscle growth and overall body composition. Injectable L-Carnitine. Timing: Some injectables can be taken only once a day, once every two days, or even once a week. Some minor hair loss and bloated face. 10-12. This can include just about any joint in the body: elbows, knees, shoulders, and even the fingers. Generally speaking, a good YK11 dosage is anywhere from 5 to 10mg per day for optimal results. You have to take YK11 twice a day to feel its full effects, as it has a half-life of only twelve hours. Anyway, I've never taken AAS, just a Apr 5, 2024 · S23 Benefits. It is derived from testosterone as a synthetic steroid. Average Cost: $64. Oral and injectable testosterone both have a boxed warning about the medication’s effects on your cardiovascular Jan 10, 2019 · When it comes to vitamins and nutrients, injections are generally more preferable than oral medications. 2% absorption rate, while injection results in 100% absorption. 50mgs of Clomid per day. YK-11 Injectable is offered at 64mg per ml for 10ml, totaling 640mg. In their oral forms I had good results. CAS Number is stated as 1370003-76-1; Molar Mass is 430,541 g/mol; It has a Chemical Formula of C25H34O6 Jan 28, 2024 · He raves about the injectable. 1 non detectable fsh lsh vs s24 howering at 0. The standardized mean difference (SMD) or relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) from each of the individual RCTs were calculated, and meta-analysis using the fixed effect model was fitted. Due to its steroidal backbone and the arguably labile orthoester-derived moiety positioned at the D-ring, substantial metabolic conversion in vivo was anticipated. Apr 3, 2024 · SR9009 VS Cardarine - Bioavailability. This is due to the fact that injectable L Carnitine does not have to be absorbed through the gut YK-11 and Anadrol stack. It also came with more aggression, more hairloss, and more side effects than the oral version. MK 677 needs to be taken orally once per day. Injectable yk11 vs s23 . 5-5mg/day. Yk11 injectable pre workout was different in sensation but strength and pumps were fucking great. and the thread will enevitably be taken over by that irrelevant question. Still, bloodwork of 25mg tested s23 vs tested lgd injectable shows <0. Awards. I did enjoy it but having to pin it, and the increase in side effects were not worth the increase in strength and the increase in muscle mass. definatly-not-gAyTF. Female: 2. With LGD you could just run a higher oral dose and likely get the same effects but, you know, suppression is gonna be a bitch without a test base. Average effective injectable dose: men = from 350 mg to 600 mg per week; Average effective injectable dose: women = 100 mg per week. I'm doing injectable rad and injectable yk11 along with mk677 as a 6 week experiment. I'm very tall and muscular. Im considering doubling it for the next 3 weeks but the sides are non existent right now so I'm going to take a day a two and give it some serious thought. As you can see, the difference is huge. These warnings are related to the medication in general — not the dosage form. The common ones found are: Ostalone This is a modified version of Ostarine, also known as MK – 2866. YK11 Recomp Stack (YK11 + Stenabolic) Week. https://link. 25mgs of Clomid per day. SR9009 has very low bioavailability when taken orally, so you have to take it sublingually to feel anything. Cardiolone This is a modified version of Stenabolic (SR – 9009) and Cardarine (GW – 50156). If you're gonna inject just use real gear also injectable SARMs are less effective than oral. Nov 2, 2019 · Recently, four SARMs—BA321, YK11, ostarine, and LY305—have shown promise in the potential treatment of osteoporosis. Mass Construction is offered in 100mg per ml for 10ml, totaling 1000mg. Apr 3, 2024 · I had changed my body composition in just six weeks with YK11. Starting to notice the ladies more and my energy is going up. The first thing you need to do when it comes to measuring liquid SARMs is to be able to read the label. 5 after 8, 16w mark. The injectable version seems to hit you right away, where you notice a difference the morning you wake up after taking it the first time. so I decided to give it a try. Women normally begin with significantly smaller dosages, no more than 2 milligrammes per day as a starting point. Detection time: from 4 weeks to 5 weeks. You’ll have to get used to the bad taste when taking SR9009 that way. Apr 5, 2024 · The main reason is bioavailability which doesn’t matter when it comes to the injectable version. An interesting experiment idea came to me during one of my psilocybin experiences. Responsible-Bee1027. Injectable yk11 50mg ED for probably 3 months. Nov 15, 2023 · It seems good, at least on paper, as it's both a SARM (partial AR agonist) and myostain inhibitor. 2. Average effective oral dose: men = from 50 mg to 100mg per day; Average effective oral dose: women = from 10 mg to 25 mg per day. It's like the tren of the sarm world. /. This does not mean that the compound is a Nov 21, 2022 · When speaking of YK11 dosages, we’re going off anecdotal experiences. 👍: Apr 29, 2024 · The efficacy of oral BPC-157 versus injectable forms showcases their effectiveness in synthesis pathways and wound healing potentials, highlighting their respective strengths. YK11 is a Potent Myostatin Inhibitor. 5. Basically, the best dosage and what most people seem to be taking is between 15 and 30mg a day. Its an underrated sarm primarily due most likely to under exposure. But I've used both at 40 and lgd is the winner. When you get your SARMs bottle it will tell you how mg there is per ml. i recently got injectable yk11 + lgd from behemoth labs and so far i’m 3 days in and haven’t felt a single energy rush or any “crazy” pump normally with sarms even as weak as ostarine you’d feel a crazy pump in the first day or at least with my experience so why is that i can feel oral ostarine 10x more than injectable yk11 + injectable lgd even tho they go straight to ur bloodstream Apr 12, 2024 · YK11 VS RAD 140 – Half-Life. You can find them for less than $12 at certain pharmacies with a free GoodRx discount. Thats a starting oral dose. Methotrexate injections can Injectable yk11 vs oral yk11 is night and day. Getting an additional prescription for syringes, as well as sharps contained to dispose the syringe/needle, and sticking yourself with a needle each week can be a hassle—and some people are needle-phobic. I don't believe I've ever used more than 50 mg of t-bol. Oct 17, 2022 · Oct 29, 2022. Yk 11 the injectable seems to be much better. You should split it into three parts, however, because of A poster from /peds/ and /pedsr/ basically pioneered that stuff and even published guides how to homebrew them. 5 pounds, kept around 9-10. Any personal experiences with injectable vs oral? Injectable yk11 and oral rad140 60 day cycle? Thoughts on Rad 140/yk11 cycle Cycle: Injectable YK-11 30mg starting week 4-8 weeks Rad 140 20mg for entire 60 days of cycle Enclomophine during entire cycle for a “test base” taking 6. I've tried YK11 in the past as an oral version with enclo test base dosed at 15mg, it was pretty great but definitely gave me some aggression. Injectable Rad140 and yk-11 . rs qm uh xe sx zg sa es dm ps