Nestjs fastify redirect

Nestjs fastify redirect. In vanilla Passport, you configure a strategy by providing two things: A set of options that are specific to that strategy. Fastify middleware does not expose the send method or other methods specific to the Fastify Reply instance. code (statusCode). Become a Member: https://www. 3. Published on 1676997410. Licenses Learn more about license information. This. Sep 20, 2021 · I fail to enable the CORS for testing with the latest NestJS 8. init has to be changed. 4, last published: 2 years ago. field2: 'The second field you want to pass to session'. sendFile (). So if you need to develop a full blown enterprise application NestJS with fastify is the way to go as you have a clean architecture to keep the codebase maintainable even with dozens of developers on it. Route Prefixing. Url building. Open main. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional NestJS is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. This entry is part 89 of 147 in the API with NestJS. It need not be a big app, just create a TODO with Auth,Validation and DB. forRoutes ('*'); Then check the URL within the middleware. 7k stars on GitHub and 234,034 downloads a week, it is known for its speed and performance. . js framework, is less popular as compared to NestJS. I am using the Fastify Adapter in my NestJS application and would like to add some logic to do JWKS validation, similar to the passport example on the Auth0 website. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). Oct 22, 2019 · 8. Async Await. listen ('port') line, this doesn't happen with Express. First, we need to install the required package: yarn add @nestjs/platform-fastify. Sep 28, 2022 · NestJS supports two platforms. , logging in) Subsequently, you need to verify a user's credentials. If you have not previously used this module with npx, you will be prompted to install it Passport module for Nest framework (node. Nov 15, 2020 · Openid-client implementation also does not work for NestJS with fastify, without the appropriate fastify-passport and fastify-secure-session, etc. create(ApplicationModule); app. If you are needing to set a static header value as well, you can always use the @Header () decorator on the route handler so you could have. Register the route on the fastify instance in the plugin function. 2022-03-09T11:21:22. statusCode - Read and set the HTTP status code. // fn is the function passwd fn (req, res, that. Jul 21, 2023 · In conclusion, NestJS and Fastify are an unbeatable duo when it comes to building high-performance applications. redirect() directly). $ npm install --save @nestjs/platform-fastify. ts. Nov 22, 2022 · In the 2022 Tech Empower Web Benchmarks, ASP. Code: throw new RedirectException({. In this chapter, we'll introduce the built-in pipes and show how to bind them to route handlers. Latest version: 10. register (helmet) Alternatively, you can use a class middleware and consume it with . npm i -s @nestjs/graphql @nestjs/apollo @apollo/server @as-integrations/fastify graphql. HTTP2 is supported in all modern browsers only over a secure connection: reply. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Introduction. customOauth2. Once the installation is complete, create a project folder: mkdir VideoStreamApp && cd VideoStreamApp. It serves as a test-runner and also provides assert functions and test-double utilities that help with mocking, spying, etc. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP Aug 8, 2018 · Use the filter in main. com/ansonDonate on Str Jun 19, 2023 · To create a controller in a Nest app, we have to make use of the @Controller () decorator. To redirect a response to a specific URL, you can either use a @Redirect() decorator or a library-specific response object (and call res. But we must fix that on our side as it works with @nestjs/core v9. import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { PassportStrategy } from '@nestjs/passport'; import { ExtractJwt, Strategy Nov 19, 2021 · I have fresh NestJS application using Fastify. We saw that by default, NestJS doesn’t actually handle middleware itself: Nest middleware are, by default, equivalent to express middleware. } This operation will add to the request headers the new values that can be read calling request. #13317 fix (common): fix stacktrace regex ( @hokaccha) Jul 29, 2023 · Setup Apollo GraphQL. In the case of passport-local, this means ensuring that the user's session is valid. and try to solve same problems Nest. You can set the renderPath options on the ServeStaticModule. May 21, 2020 · First install the multipart package from the repository. Those are the main differences. apply (MyCustomMiddleware). 9 (and because that issue is open since 2020 lol) kamilmysliwiec added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 22, 2023. To get around this, you can decorator the FastifyReply and FastifyRequest objects with methods and properties to make passport work. The following snippet can be used to modify and decorator the objects accordingly: Sep 22, 2022 · I don't want to use the register method in main. }); May 1, 2022 · So the middie function itself gives us two methods - use (), which adds a middleware to Fastify (remember fastify. NestJS with Fastify brings significant performance benefits over NestJS (default is with Express). Promise resolution. 1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><path d May 1, 2022 · Khety Aviles. Motivation. $ npm i --save-dev @nestjs/testing Unit testing # In the following example, we test two classes: CatsController and CatsService. Auto validated body, guards/transformers/pipes, free almost zero-config integration with Swagger, GraphQL, etc. Start using fastify-https-redirect in your project by running `npm i fastify-https-redirect`. A working example is available here. Fastify won't let you bind two handlers to the same route. Feb 23, 2024 · Static server nestjs + fastify problems with cache. With this in place, we can now use the decorator in a route handler signature, as follows: @Get() findAll(@Cookies('name') name: string) {} Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. The adapter object exposes several useful methods to interact with the HTTP server. headers. ts, edit bootstrap function as follows to enable CORS. Aug 15, 2018 · For anyone using Fastify trying to solve this issue, one workaround is to check the path within the middleware. To specify a custom response header, you can either use a @Header () decorator or a library-specific response object (and call res. js web framework (@platform-fastify). . It is built into web browsers and determines whether it is safe to allow a cross-origin request based on HTTP headers. So, I need to apply the middleware in the AppModule. import { Injectable, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ServerResponse, IncomingMessage } from 'http'; @Injectable() export class AppMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {. I'll show you how I've measured it, and describe how only validation and JSON serialization can affect entire server performance. This function allows filtering the served files. 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'. They determine whether a given request will be handled by the route handler or not, depending on certain conditions (like permissions, roles, ACLs, etc. A rate limiting module for NestJS to work with Fastify, Express, GQL, Websockets, and RPC 🧭 - GitHub - nestjs/throttler: A rate limiting module for NestJS to work with Fastify, Express, GQL, Websockets, and RPC 🧭 Oct 28, 2023 · However, it also offers compatibility with Fastify, providing developers with the best of both worlds. nestjs. For example, on Vercel, there's a limit of 1,024 redirects. status (statusCode) - An alias for . Reply is a core Fastify object that exposes the following functions and properties: . js web applications. If the function returns false, Fastify's 404 handler will be called. ts file at the time of bootstrapping the NestJS application. Apr 12, 2019 · You can still sent an other code by providing it in the redirect like so: res. Fastify supports this out of the box: Nest comes with a number of built-in pipes that you can use out-of-the-box. If you need to create middleware, you have to use the Node req and res Jun 11, 2023 · Analysis. redirects may have a limit on platforms. In the src directory, create a new file app. Let's follow the above steps for the / route and see how far we get. First, you need to perform the authentication step (i. forRoutes ('*') within the AppModule (or any other module). Is there a way to do this? UPDATE. May 22, 2023 · The answer is, nestia (+ fastify) increases NestJS server availabitily about 10x to 30x. com/ansonthedeveloper/joinBecome a Patreon: http://patreon. use (require ('cors') ()) from the previous section), and run (), which calls all of the middleware that have been added. I created this middleware: Feb 7, 2022 · Open the terminal and run the following command: npm i -g @nestjs/cli. If you want to make it some/path/to/file you can set renderPath: 'some/path/to/files/* and it should work out. For people looking for a proper exemple here is a way of doing it using jest-mock-extended. Because of this, you either need to change the @Get () to have some sort of route associated with it, change the ServeStaticModule to have a different Hooks. 6 and a fresh http + ws project. If you are looking for a plugin to generate routes from an existing OpenAPI schema, check out fastify-openapi-glue. At 200 concurrent connections, we get 17K RPS from default NestJS, while NestJS with Dec 6, 2022 · Add needed Fastify backend and React frontend dependencies with TypeScript; Set up the PostgreSQL Docker instance; Create the API backend app using Fastify; Configure the React app. While the workaround in that thread works, it leaves open handles and has to hardcode port number. core, platform-fastify. Fastify has got its own set of loyal followers on StackShare – which are quite less than NestJS. Setting up a PostgreSQL database with TypeORM. , the Express instance) directly, call the getInstance () method. code(200). Both of these steps are implemented via Nest guards. addHook method and allow you to listen to specific events in the application or request/response lifecycle. Create React components; Running the app; Further learning; Set up OAuth2 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) We’ll be using Okta’s SPA redirect model to authenticate. Full declaration. Decorator for handling Fastify Redirects with NestJS. js) 🔑. I came from plain old JS + express to NestJS, and it feels good to know how it works under the hood. May 16, 2019 · I have a NestJS application that is trying to make an http request to an external API. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). However, if you want to access the library instance (e. However, even though NestJS offers full support for Fastify, not everything is rosy, uploading files can be a little bit tricky in a NestJS environment powered by Jan 11, 2022 · The reason is that Express is widely-used, well-known, and has an enormous set of compatible middleware, which is available to Nest users out-of-the-box. Dec 31, 2023 · Conclusion. Apr 14, 2023 · There are several ways to implement this flow in NestJS, for example this are my recommended 3 ways: Use adapter specific packages: Passport for Express; Fastify-OAuth2 for Fastify; Implement an NestJS External OAuth Provider, using dynamic modules; Implementing External OAuth Routes under a feature flags. This Fastify plugin decorates the fastify instance with the simple-oauth2 instance inside a namespace specified by the property name both with and without an oauth2 prefix. Set your routes to the * wildcard: consumer. 11 votes, 14 comments. Node core req and res objects can be either HTTP/1 or HTTP/2. Their unique strengths, when combined, create a powerhouse of scalability, speed Plugin for fastify to forward http requests to https. As mentioned, Jest is provided as the default testing framework. The validation and the serialization tasks are processed by two different, and customizable, actors: Ajv v8 for the validation of a request. I thought I can develop a Nestjs middleware to register the fastify plugins that I need. headers is a getter that returns an Object with the headers of the incoming request. Guards. To conclude, NestJS provides a variety of ways to handle redirection, from basic to more advanced patterns. Read more about CORS here. @Post() @Header('key', 'value') async method() {. Whether you are defining static paths, constructing dynamic URLs or integrating complex asynchronous operations, understanding and utilizing these redirection strategies will enhance your application’s flow and improve the user experience. Nest - modern, fast, powerful node. oauth2CustomOauth2. js is fastify/express I know, i wanted to say if one does not use Nest. That said, I want to see the Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the servers response (so that the client nestjs-fastify-redirect v1. code (statusCode) - Sets the status code. 0. Import Header from the @nestjs/common package. Using Fastify middleware with NestJS. env I mistakenly typed ttps instead of https, where there are no https or http at the beginning of the redirect route res. Your uploaded files will be stored in it. Passport doesn't always work well with Fastify, especially with the OAuth specific strategies. Aug 23, 2020 · Summon528 commented on Aug 23, 2020. header () directly). 131Z [ info ] : Starting Nest application However, I would also like to include the request/correlation id in the message and the name of the file the log message occurred e. By using hooks you can interact directly with the lifecycle of Fastify. Current behavio Bug fixes. </p><h4 tabindex=\"-1\" dir=\"auto\"><a id=\"user-content-redirect-response\" class=\"anchor\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"#redirect-response\"><svg class=\"octicon octicon-link\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" version=\"1. Mar 9, 2022 · This seems to format the logs using winston as expected. To set a prefix for every route registered in an HTTP application, use the setGlobalPrefix () method of the INestApplication instance. @Redirect() takes two arguments, url and statusCode, both are optional. Embed. bar. Global prefix. I'd like to be able to intercept this outgoing request and modify headers on it before executing it. enableCors(); This method helps you to pass additional params for cors. I've tried using Interceptors to no avail, the incoming http requests get intercepted but not the outgoing. If the function returns true, the file will be served. Nov 4, 2022 · 2. Nov 7, 2023 · When making e2e tests, you probably want to mock your call to prisma, but it might be complicated with NestJS module to find a way of doing it properly. With over 20. January 2, 2023. This exemple use Prisma as a module. Once the installation is done, we need to enable FastifyAdapter within the main. But worth mentioning NestJS works with either express or fastify under the hood. For name: 'customOauth2', the simple-oauth2 instance will become accessible like this: fastify. The route methods will configure the endpoints of your application. oauth2. Jul 17, 2023 · Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism for disallowing or allowing resources to be requested from another origin. g. Create a new folder “uploads” in your project folder. A Fastify plugin for serving Swagger (OpenAPI v2) or OpenAPI v3 schemas, which are automatically generated from your route schemas, or from an existing Swagger/OpenAPI schema. You don’t necessarily need a fast framework most of the time. I always choose NestJS with Fastify, it works incredibly well in most cases. Dec 28, 2020 · I kinda figured it out, I was trying to redirect to a route but nest kept redirecting to current controller path + redirection path, this happened because in . ts Aug 3, 2021 · So this is pretty basic, but i didn't find an answer anywhere, as the title states, my NestJs application running with Fastify, simply does not execute any code after the app. https://docs. I have a static server setup with nestjs and fastify, but when I upload a new image it can't be seen if I don't shut down and restart the server. ts, and therein, we can define a Nest controller: import { Controller } from '@nestjs/common' ; @Controller({}) export class AppController {} That is it! The above tells fastify-compress to only use gzip and deflate encodings, preferring gzip if the client supports both. Contribute to nestjs/passport development by creating an account on GitHub. It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). You need to setup jest. redirect does this -> current view route + redirect route Sep 29, 2022 · However, in order to work with Fastify, we need to install the platform-fastify package using the below command. Mar 3, 2020 · 1. 2022-05-01. Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. Router instance. Oct 21, 2021 · NestJS abstracts a lot of the express'y' stuff. When trying to npm run test:e2e I got the following error: [Nest] 14894 - 11/19/2021, 10:29:10 PM [ExceptionHandler] The "@nestjs/platform-express" package is missing. return something; } Share. The default value of statusCode is 302 (Found) if omitted. You should, instead, use Fastify equivalent packages. ts as I want to make use of the Nestjs dependency injection. strategy. nestjs is setting the http status code default to 200 or 201 depending on the type of request (GET, POST). By default, NestJS uses the Express platform and we don’t have to make any changes to the starter project if we intend to go with Express. Measured on Surface Pro 8. I hate 2 line snippet libraries too, but there are no sub-dependencies and there's more going on here if you check out the github source Both methods (snippets and libraries) have their pros and cons and I guess it all depends on what the programmer requires. OBS: I'm referring to the main. youtube. useGlobalFilters (new RedirectFilter ()); And in controller, if you want to redirect to an url, just do this any time you want. API with NestJS #1. Nest (NestJS) is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. In this article, we explain the CORS mechanism and use it with a NestJS application. com/middleware. Next, create the new NestJS project by running this command: nest new backend. First generate a key with: npx @fastify/secure-session > secret-key. If you like this little gizmo, you may also be interested in the NestJS Cookie decorators. Also, they seem to conclude that something in app. , by using app. On your main. You have to register a hook before the event is triggered, otherwise, the event is lost. Jan 1, 2016 · @AlexanderFuchs In my opinion the accepted answer solves the problem more completely as it considers redirect loops and query strings. const app = await NestFactory. An implementation of fastify passport and related support in NestJS will be highly appreciated. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. Normally the path is '*' so anything that doesn't match your other defined routes attempts to get sent via res. Hooks are registered with the fastify. Sorted by: 1. #13337 fix (core): middleware is not executed for root route when global prefix is set ( @kamilmysliwiec) microservices. Jan 20, 2020 · Add a comment. ts: app. send({ hello: 'world' }) ALPN negotiation allows support for both HTTPS and HTTP/2 over the same socket. Start using @nestjs/platform-fastify in your project by running `npm i @nestjs/platform-fastify`. #13285 fix (microservices): fix rabbitmq no-assert not being applied correctly ( @sorooshme) common. ts we configure the platform if we use Fastify. setGlobalPrefix('v1'); You can exclude routes from the global prefix using the following construction: Oct 10, 2023 · Hi, I have a local dockerized NestJS app over Fastify in my local machine. Mar 28, 2022 · Viewed 3k times. I for the most part was just going off the docs and trying to piece something together, forgetting that Fastify's server instance is different than that of Express's and because of that is incompatible with the built in http(s) module(s). Its always good to know how it works under the hood. config. By default, Apollo GraphQL requires you to set up at Using a pregenerated key. js then they have to manually do everything using fastify/express/koa etc. So let’s configure that, in main. You can set custom headers like this: request. 1. true. Install the required packages. E. register(): import helmet from '@fastify/helmet' // somewhere in your initialization file await app. Right now I'm using the nestjs framework. In my previous article, we looked at what a NestJS middleware is actually made of. Looks like Fastify abstraction uses NodeJS vanila http objects (The res injected here is http,ServerResponse ) // app. 1. Oct 12, 2021 · Fastify: Fastify, despite being an equally competent Node. This is because Fastify wraps the incoming req and res Node instances using the Request and Reply objects internally, but this is done after the middleware phase. create(AppModule, { cors: true }); Or. To retrieve the request full path without directly using the Request, you can make use of Reflector and the ApplicationConfig injectable in the following way : import { Injectable, ExecutionContext, CallHandler, NestInterceptor } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ApplicationConfig, Reflector } from '@nestjs/core'; The request. If running in Windows Powershell, you should use this command instead: npx @fastify/secure-session | Out-File -Encoding default -NoNewline -FilePath secret-key. Moreover, you can still access the standard request A working example is available here. done ) Let’s first look at how middlewares are added. There is nothing wrong starting with NestJS though. Now, due to its abstractions it also provides additional features. create<NestFastifyApplication>(. ) present at run-time. js server-side applications. Sep 9, 2020 · 7. Mar 22, 2023 · might be related with this issue on Jest side: jestjs/jest#10577 because it works as expected when using detectOpenHandles: true. I want to configure an external third party service to push data on some endpoints in my app. com/stuyyBuy me a Coffee: http://ko-fi. middleware. We'll use @nestjs/passport below, but first let's consider how vanilla Passport works. Share. There are 147 other projects in the npm registry using @nestjs/platform-fastify. fast-json-stringify for the serialization of a response's body. elapsedTime - Returns the amount of time passed since the request was received by Fastify. Collectively, the @Redirect(), @Cookies(), @SignedCookies(), @SetCookies() and @ClearCookies() decorators in these packages provide a convenient set of features that make it easier to manage redirects and cookies in a standard and declarative way, minimize boilerplate code, and continue to use Nest The @nestjs/passport module wraps this framework in a Nest style package, making it easy to integrate into a Nest application. Default: (pathName, root, request) => true. There are 3 other projects in the npm registry using fastify-https-redirect. Shorthand declaration. * and prepare a file for prisma mock. Update the route itself so that it conforms to the Fastify API. npm i fastify-multipart. $ nest g controller health Info It is highly recommended to enable shutdown hooks in A working example is available here. e. A guard is a class annotated with the @Injectable () decorator, which implements the CanActivate interface. Improve this answer. headers = {. // src/authz/jwt. Nest currently supports multiple routing libraries such as express and fastify. ts file. So it appears my original answer was incorrect. Nest. Controllers, routing and the module structure. 3, last published: 24 days ago. Dec 30, 2017 · If you do, providing the fastify request and response objects to middleware functions seems like a starting point, although I'm still not convinced that provides complete compatibility with Express (can't speak to Restify) because the Express req and res aren't identical to the Fastify request and reply. contoller. 2. Edit 11/20/19. Also, with the help of the request object a more complex path authentication is possible. Jul 22, 2019 · Passport supports authentication in two modes. You have two ways to declare a route with Fastify: the shorthand method and the full declaration. create( AppModule); app. return 'This action adds a new cat'; This is a super-simple way to fix CORS errors when debugging your UI locally. import {Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import {TerminusModule } from '@nestjs/terminus'; @ Module ({imports: [TerminusModule]}) export class HealthModule {} Our healthcheck(s) can be executed using a controller, which can be easily set up using the Nest CLI. May 1, 2023 · 1 Answer. @ To use redirects, add the option to your next. You can also build your own custom pipes. redirect(404, '/login'). My app is listening on port 3000 using HTTP, but the third party service uses client authentication. Routes options. platform-fastify – This is the second option and it uses Fastify as the underlying HTTP framework. NET Core ranks as the 14th fastest framework: While NestJS, using a Fastify backend, comes in at #239: Please note that these benchmarks are arbitrary speed calculations of how fast a framework would respond. redirects can return a 307 (Temporary Redirect) or 308 (Permanent Redirect) status code with the permanent option. Jan 2, 2023 · Replacing Express with Fastify. You most likely have a @Get () under a @Controller () (most likely your AppController) which is binding the GET / route already. addSchema (schema). These two separate entities share only the JSON schemas added to Fastify's instance through . We'll then examine several custom-built pipes to show how you can build one from scratch. Use with Fastify # If you are using the FastifyAdapter, install the @fastify/helmet package: $ npm i --save @fastify/helmet fastify-helmet should not be used as a middleware, but as a Fastify plugin, i. platform-express – This uses the Express framework. Jun 28, 2023 · To migrate an Express route to Fastify, you need to: Remove the route from the express. Architecture (even though Fastify has an approach to architecture) Nest brings structure, good practices and opinionated guidelines. API with NestJS #2. oauth2 and fastify. url: 'the url you want to redirect', field1: 'The first field you want to pass to session'. Latest version: 1. The rest works fine but not the new images, I thought it would be a cache thing but I haven't turned it off and it keeps happening. Bug Report Original issue here fastify/help#228. js file: See the redirects API reference for more information. js has solved like deciding folder structure, setting router, controller, testing, microservices, graphql etc. For reference, you can run the benchmark program on your computer by following below commands. Guards have a single responsibility. ff gk qf lv ys tm qd tf pm ix