Aita for not donating my liver

It does make me question what type of relationship the uncle had with his children, as I do find it disturbing that he had these thoughts, about how OP should've been his daughter. I have a basketball game. It is a sad situation for that side of the family and unfortunately they are taking it out on you. I (34F) grew up in the Bible Belt with a “good Christian father” who has me as a daughter, who he see’s as his worst nightmare, his greatest disappointment and his punishment for past sins. Donating plasma when my mom asked me not to as a condition of helping me. And my husband came about a decade later. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! r/AmItheAsshole. By the time we met he had been sober for years but he had cirrhosis on his liver that doesn’t look to be getting better and had some really bad lab results. His blood type, coupled with comorbidities (fatty liver from alcohol ADMIN MOD. He says "we should be able to get 500 for his car" . Livers are pretty special. Its hard finding sperm donors for lesbian couples, AITA for not sharing who our sperm donor is so they can start a family. So the donation from OP would be useless because it isn’t enough hair. NTA - her problems are not your problems and you owe her nothing. To all the people saying it doesn't take that much hair to make a wig: it does. Your liver is an incredible organ. Ops sorry sister doesn’t feel like going out. Be prepared for a breakup or maybe just completely ghosted, though. I dread receiving a call asking me to fill that role. Mine is long enough on its' own for a full wig, and my aunt doesn't want synthetic hair mixed in to supplement it. 0001% chance of ever happening so that she can get drama out of it. It is also likely you won't be the most desirable match even though you are closely related. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. AITA for donating things to charity instead of giving them to my colleagues? Not the A-hole. •. So, AITA for not wanting to donate my bone marrow to a brother who I don’t know? edit: typo Edit: they had the means to take me in(at least one of them) and knew about me. I have not brought up that I own the building as it is not something I tell many people, if people ask me I of course tell them that I own it, but if they just assume I am a renter then they can believe that. ADMIN. This does carry an inherent risk as any surgery does but it's relatively low and normally goes smoothly. All the power to her for her beliefs, I just didn't expect her to deem us sinners. It should not be a difficult decision to make. Lololol gecko. Loving caring people ask. Donating part of your liver is a HUGE surgery, its much different then donating a kidney. You owe nothing to anyone. Yes, R can grow her hair herself to a length that it is long enough to be used for a wig. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Donating a part of yourself is an act of love. It wasn't obligatory, the surgery would have happened either way, but they asked in case the family was able to or wanted to, and if it ended up not NTA. Jane is totally the a-hole for calling you out in that way and your friends are "a-holes" for confronting you about your decision not to participate. An acquaintance told us that she basically believed this baby was a sign from God to change her ways, warn everyone against sin and becoming sinners. You are not obligated to donate anything, even if it was a simple surgery with a quick recovery time. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Apparently your opinion only matters when you agree with her and she needs her own choices to be validated. I am planning on selling my van for $2,500-3,000. One average donation of hair doesn't make a full wig, they match it with other donations. But don’t ask other employees to provide 100% of the support for another employee while the company sits on its ass and does nothing. NTA your kidney, your choice. Nausea. Not to mention my gasto specifically told me (I have fatty liver) to not gain or lose weight tooo fast- both can have a negative impact on my liver. Op's uncle put OP in a very awkward situation. angelfishsticks. AITA for not wanting my boyfriend to donate his sperm ? No A-holes here. We didn't even need the backstory, she doesn't need to give it up if she don't want to. AITA for not convincing my daughter to give bone marrow to her brother. I started to throw them in the garbage, but at that . Not to mention he will need another kidney in 10-12 years (average) when his body ultimately rejects the donation and have to receive another. You can donate your kidney though. You see, I’m a lesbian who married a black woman. After you donate it, over time the portion that was donated actually regenerates. You are a little bit of an asshole for sht-posting though. And if the actions your aunt took now come back to haunt her, it's not your fault either. 29 votes, 47 comments. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Donating my organization’s money to charity 2) Might make me an asshole because I was trusted with that money and it was meant for the organization. Right now, that's a huge difference. Not sharing who my sperm donor is to another lesbian couple. My bf (31M) in the past had a binge drinking problem before we met. Not donating also has consequences, and do keep in mind that even if your relationship with your dad is not great - his death might still weigh on you, especially if you could have prevented it. A small clarification: Apparently my SIL became a born-again Christian when she moved to my MIL's house. I got full custody of our daughter because my ex wife tried to kidnap her and drive into a This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. 馃し馃徎‍鈾傦笍 Unless her contracts are spoon fed to her, are all strictly listings, and she never has to actually leave the house to show, meet, prospect r/AmItheAsshole. Separate your finances. • 2 yr. You tell them NO for this reason alone “As she is genetically my sister, I face 50% POSSIBILITY of the same risks (to my kidneys failing). AITA for refusing to donate my kidney? I never thought I'd find myself posting here, but the situation I'm in is so bizarre that I need some outside perspective. Aug 21, 2020 路 NTA tho nobody has to give an organ if they don't want to. They will not test you and will just report to your brother & family that you are not a match. Tell the doctor you don't want to donate but you're being pressured into it, and the doctor will tell them you weren't a match. TayLou33. Not donating to the funeral expenses because the person committed a crime. AITA for not taking down my video that was a gift from my best man. The hospital asked me if I wanted to donate his organs. My husband went through the process to try to donate this year, and it is extensive. There is a local market by my work that does charity events, and asks the businesses for donations. 11M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. Missed the plotline where OOP's stepmom's son from a prior marriage broods his way into OOP's marriage and seduces her into donating the bone marrow and all throughout this revenge-affair she falls honestly and passionately in love with him. Any surgery can have complications. 353K subscribers in the AmITheDevil community. Read this before contacting the mod team. The thing is, after all these years, Ellie is basically a stranger to me. AITA for telling my bf I wasn’t donating part of my liver to him? Not the A-hole. I have the same blood type but haven't tested for compatibility yet. Please don't try to sell or fundraise through this community, and please don't be an Asconaut to other people. AITA For NOT Donating My Liver To My Uncle?Reading AITA Posts and Deciding If They Really Are A Jerk Mar 19, 2022 路 Story 1:AITA for telling my bf I wasn’t donating part of my liver to him?Story 2:AITA for deeply insulting my mom's boyfriend's son at a family event because Mar 19, 2022 路 AITA for telling my bf I wasn’t donating part of my liver to him? NTA, you can't donate your liver you only got one so it will kill you. I’m also a bit of an asshole in the decision. For the past five years or so, she has repeated the cycle of going to the hospital over a (usually) minor issue, lying to doctors in order to get painkillers, mainly oxy NTA - Donating a liver is completely your choice and nobody can force you to do this. To top it off, when she says 'you'll probably just spend it on alcohol', that makes her an ass hole. There’s no reason to say no to organ donation except selfishness, I think. Not the A-hole. Maybe when you come to terms with death and dying you will be more comfortable with understanding that being a donor is a good thing, a hopeful thing, something that may help another person live a healthy life even after you’re gone. Nta- donating or not donating is a HUGE decision. My mom suggested that I donated some of my spare lego (I have tons of spare pieces) as I have 1. Long story short, my ex wife and I were married for 7 years. 181 votes, 121 comments. quitstalkingmeffs. I had an interaction the other day with three fraternity brothers who were tabling while walking to a test. AITA for not wanting to donate blood for a transfusion for my brother with advanced cancer? My (25f) brother (16m) has advanced leukemia and has become anemic. My mom (55F) has been in the hospital for over a year now, and normally, I (20FTM) wouldn't be all too worried about it. It’s unfortunate, but he can get on a donor list and wait. If coworkers wish to participate, fine. in a couple days, my grandparents are going to Cuba (specifically one of the poorer parts) and they asked me if I wanted to donate anything to the poor kids in need there. 13. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place… OP is NTA. Getting type 2 diabetes so young is really bad, but if one is able to control his blood glucose well, I think most of the complications of diabetes can be prevented. The transplant team will interview the donor quite rigorously and if there is any hesitation or misgivings at all, then they won't take you as a donor. ADMIN MOD. Instead of wondering why not go to a blood center and see what they say as they screen you like crazy and have a list of what medications keeps you from donating. He has unfortunately been unresponsive to treatment, doctors say it's a matter of months now. But I’m reading a lot of misinformation on this post, so the rest of this is educational for readers, not OP. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… AITA for being honest when asked why I’m not donating to my friends hospital bills I live in a neighbourhood that’s secluded and to get to you take a windy road. I considered donating my breastmilk after my third baby was diagnosed with a rare disease that unfortunately prevented him from being breastfed more than 1-2 times a day. Because you can't know when you'll need your second kidney, your other kidney might start failing in the future due to an illness, accident, or whatever else. Even if they haven't, at least in the US, all they have to do is tell the Dr they're not comfortable donating a kidney and the Dr will say they're not a viable candidate for donation. Not the A-hole POO Mode. It is what it is. If you don’t 100% want to donate your liver, my advice is that you don’t ADMIN MOD. r/AmItheAsshole. Donating bone marrow is a low-risk, mild discomfort procedure. Especially for new mothers. If this is how your "friends" treat you, then I think you need some new frients. She is continuously taking her anger out on me by being passive aggressive and mean to me (as she’s always been). I have a sister that’s 6 years older than me. So, a bit of background: I (29M) have a stepmother (55F) whom I've never really had a close relationship with. I was organizing my new desk and checked the drawer and someone had left 7 snack bags of Lay’s potato chips that had an expiry date of apr 2020. Members Online So yeah, donating sick days and PTO is a huge thing (and legal) in the US. You don't have to do this. This money is supposed to be for when I get a car, or for college, and just generally my future. The topic of a landlord, the renter downstairs or the owner of the Today she told my siblings and i that she wants to test our blood to see if we can be a possible donor for her. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Made a bet and didn’t follow through. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. The chances of him getting one from a dead organ donor seem pretty low, especially as he has a rare blood type. They’re yours and she has no right to them. Liver donations are not like kidney donation. Most employers don't offer paid maternity leave, so new moms will ask their co-workers to donate their sick days or personal days, so that they don't go broke while recovering from child birth and handling a newborn. ESH. We split up because she had mental health issues that led her to repeatedly cheat on me with a coworker. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if… Donating an organ CAN impact your own health for the rest of your life. The rest of the family had been tested and none could donate, and my mom wanted me to get tested because I’m her full brother with a high likelihood of a match. You wouldn’t be eligible to donate for a few reasons, the major one being you don’t want to. $10 can be alot to people, and she doesn't understand that. ago. I told her I am not comfortable being a donor for her and that I don’t want to be one and she was really angry and said that she would do it for me and how there’s people all over the world that donate their organs for strangers. Here are the risks associated with donating a liver: Possible allergic reaction to anesthesia Pain and discomfort Nausea Wound infection Bleeding that may require transfusion Blood clots Pneumonia Bile leakage, bile duct problems Hernia Scar tissue formation NTA. Ok, if you are a uterus owner, it is normally advised not to donate a kidney due to possible want to have children. NTA. Pain and discomfort. I agree, not being grateful or saying its not enough is a horrible way to act. Yeah. putyerphonedown. I (32m) have a rare condition that took my kidneys from normal to ESRD (end-stage renal disease) very quickly. Giving a kidney is a major surgical procedure on the donor. Its recently that the news that I've struck the lottery got to my family, and my sister, whom I've not contacted since last year came to me and asked if I could lend her some money. My parents for years cancel on me last min because of my sister. It sounds like you shouldn’t donate because your liver is damaged, they wouldn’t let you donate I’m guessing. Jan 11, 2022 路 My only sibling, an older brother, is facing kidney issues and may need a donor. He's going to die and his organs are not useful. One of my girl friends (I'm a woman) asked me (via text message) to donate blood, in the event she needs a blood transfusion after her C-section. I'll be turning 16. Bro atleadt make these stories make sense. Now, for some context, my birthday is coming up in a few days. All of those “round up to end cancer/feed kids/build a well” drives are helping the corporation have a giant tax write off. (B) A court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the child was conceived through assisted reproduction and that, prior to the conception of the child, the woman and the donor had an oral agreement that the donor would not be a OP is not an asshole for not wanting to donate their organs, not because they have some kind of magical “right” to be rude. You did nothing wrong by not donating. Possibly trade his car that has a lot of issues AND they heavily smoke in. Edit: after it was pointed out that the question in judgement was whether OP’s response is appropriate, I am changing my judgement to YTA for that appalling response to someone who so distraught and may be close to The only thing he contributes to is groceries, that we split 50/50. Also, donating a kidney makes you more vulnerable because if you have a higher risk for problems (not unlikely after your twin died from kidney failure) having only one kidney is not exactly helping with the risk. That’s the limit for siblings too young to consent for themselves, and even minor siblings old enough to consent for themselves generally aren’t allowed to donate kidneys or liver lobes until they’re 18. Help keep the sub engaging! (A) The donor and the woman agreed in a writing signed prior to conception that the donor would not be a parent. But overall, living liver donation is safe. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! My uncle was having surgery and they asked the family if anyone had the same blood type and would be willing to donate blood for the surgery, my brother was a match so he gave blood for my uncle. 169K subscribers in the AmITheAngel community. AITA For not wanting to give my liver to my mother. Subreddit Announcement NTA. What she did is took advantage innocent people. NTA—You’re not required to donate to your friend’s go fund me. If you’re Step sister want to get child support she needs to go to social services to take care of it. I do not want to donate a kidney, and THEN find out I need a kidney donation myself a year afterwards. it seems that he had no idea about the artist's sexism, and just thought it would make a cute gift because 1) he knew you like art and 2) the guy looked like him, which unfortunately is part of the reason you dislike the gift. NTA OP, you're not your brother's keeper. Firstable, you were being honest. AFrenchAss. 5. Asshole. Even though live liver donation is considered a very safe operation, it involves major surgery and is associated with complications, which may include: Possible allergic reaction to anesthesia. YTA. I had a great supply and really felt for all the fellow moms in the NICU, so I went to the nurses and suggested I donate the excess milk. I am graduating ops sorry sister had a bad day at work. You don’t have to explain your charitable donations, especially not when put on the spot at the cash register. 3 years back some of P's disabilities had led to him needing a kidney, being adopted we holded AITA for not donating to a children’s charity. Nta it’s your body and your organs. My mom is angry with me for not considering even being tested to see if my sister and I are a match because it would make her feel better to know I can’t give her my liver. Also, they’re not dying cause I won’t give them my marrow. I, (14m (young, I know)) am a very avid lego collector. If she truly believes it was the right call she will be transparent with the donation before moving ahead. The odds of finding a living donor are ridiculously rare. They have no idea what their constant contact may be doing to you or what it is doing to your life. He has three older kids (half siblings) but none of them are compatible. If you haven't been tested as a match yet, when you go in to see the doctor about it, say you don't want to donate. LuminousLoon. Definitely not the asshole. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. She didn't ask to be born, she's automatically in your family the moment your got pregnant, birth her and kept her. It usually takes 2-3 heads of hair for a full wig. 8. They take part of your liver, and it will grow back to full size in your Tell them you got tested but weren't a match. When we were quite young, he regularly beat me up, switching Jun 10, 2024 路 If an employee needs time off for a personal or family situation such as described here, the company needs to step up and assist the employee. My father was in a serious car accident a week ago and isn't expected to live. Recently, my mom reached out to tell me that Ellie was in the hospital and needed a kidney transplant. Living liver donation is safe. NTA, it’s your kidney and you absolutely can choose not to donate it, especially when your brother’s health problem stemmed from his own bad habits. 29 votes, 30 comments. Mostly, though, any religious group that demands your valuables, or attempts to guilt you into donating your resources, time or treasure is a parasite. And that is your right. My father has been battling liver cancer for a few years and now is in a stage where a liver transplant is the only option. It is difficult for the pregnant person if only one kidney. GoFundMe is used for raising money for medical care or helping someone going through hardship not for lawsuits. Those siblings don't get to harass you to make someone else feel better. NTA your step sister is using GoFundMe illegal. Not to mention, if the sister is having kidney failure at her young age, it could be a genetic disorder that may affect OP's kidneys later on. If you aren't a uterus owner, then site your hereditary fears. AITA for refusing to even entertain the idea of helping my father? Not the A-hole. The cashier doesn’t care if you say no, and neither should your “friend. This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. FWIW, I wouldn't have given her one penny either. your communication definitely doesn't sound as great as you make it out to be. To donate because I knew at 18 that my BIL might need a kidney, and I told him at 18 that when it came down to it, I’d be willing to donate. OP, there is a larger issue than DONATING you can use to say NO. 2. It actually regrows to its original size within six months of a living liver donation surgery. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. From my understanding, which I will preface is very little, when you donate your liver, you actually only donate 1/3 of it. Wound infection. Ok so context, i have 1 biological brother and sister, 1 adopted sister and 2 adopted twin brothers, (We will call them M and P) both are disabled mentally P far more so than M. I was running late to my test and one of the guys started asking me if I would be interested in donating to a charity benefitting starving children in the local community. Like any surgery, the procedure does have some risks. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place… There are plenty of good reasons not to donate a valuable item to a church, event if you consider a religion a beneficial purpose (I don't) and even if you're a member of the church. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Stories do NOT have to be AITA but should be seeking advice or feedback on situations. I asked my mom, if she could maybe get me a computer for school. Second, it should be clear from the gecko that she asked a hypothetical situation that has a 0. My (23F) father (71M) has chronic kidney disease and needs a kidney transplant for survival. I spent a month or so going around in my spare time and donating my money anonymously to various organisations, rural schools and hospitals. Your wife made a very selfish decision for a selfless cause. They do not get to blow aside your wants and needs to assuage their own guilt. 174 votes, 45 comments. His best chance seems to be to find a live donor to give part of theirs (yes, for those of you who didn't know, you can donate part of your liver and it will regenerate). ”. Idk- this guy def has a savior complex. there's nothing wrong with not NTA, your friend should understand your financial situation, and you never have any obligation to donate even if you were rich. Sounds like he never told his dad his intentions w his liver and is just lording it over him so he feels bad. Its not just about blood type there are lots of complicating factors. They think his kidneys, pancreas, liver and heart can be matched with people who need them. Even if you weren't in pain it's absolutely inappropriate for someone to pressure you like your Aita for considering not donating a kidney to my brother. I bet if you said, "Yes, of course," she'd reply, "Dumbass, I wouldn't give you an organ," and laugh at you. Reply reply. Even putting relationships and history aside- You didn't even know they were in of a kidney and already had tested, matched, and made an appointment to donate to your friend. I do not want to dip into it anymore. And also to tell anyone this story. Hello everyone, Throwaway for privacy reasons, mobile formating, etc, etc Last week, my boyfriend (24M) and I (25F) were talking about new laws for medically assisted procreation, and during the discussion, he said that he was considering donating sperm. The one coming up is a “bottle raffle”, and I happen to be someone who doesn’t really drink but still gets gifts of alcohol. My mom helped me with something under the condition that I would not do this. To my knowledge is for a good wig from natural hair the hair from more than one person necessary so R better ask more people in her family to grow hair. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: AITA for not donating winnings back after already donating almost $200. Bleeding that may require transfusion. -5. I don't think you should be "required" to donate a kidney even if your girlfriend's sister's kidneys are failing and, since you're not a match, you donating a kidney does not necessarily mean that one more kidney will suddenly become available for her sister. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Please be aware of that. We broke up almost 3 years ago, & she moved to another country. Nta, they're assholes for asking for your second, not already claimed, kidney. Second this one. I didn’t give him a choice. Today, my husband calls me and says he wants to GIVE the van to his dad. They just didn’t want to. 569 votes, 188 comments. Three days of testing including A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. My ex & I are in the process of getting a divorce. Help keep the sub Reddit Stories | AITA for not donating my liver due to a lawsuit and the person died?#aitareddit #redditstories #reddit #askreddit #aita Food Allergies keep you from donating full organs like liver or kidneys but you could donate you eyes, tendons and many other types of tissue. AITA for not donating expired chips to the homeless. Only entitled people expect a donation. I returned to the office last week after working from home for two years. You should only ever give one of your kidney if you are absolutely certain that you want to sacrifice a part of your body to save that person. Even if you do have the means, it is inappropriate of her to be begging for your money, using your perceived wealth as a reason to guilt you, and to for her to feel entitled to your assets. There’ are lots trees so to be safe you really need to go if go under the speed limit or otherwise you risk getting into the other lane and possibly hitting the traffic going the This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. And this was already a thing. I do RealEstate and when she said she was making six figures with her license AND working 50hrs/wk at a new accounting firm I felt like either she has infinitely better time/people/schedule management than I do, or this story is bonkers. Our team will always act in your best interests and safety as a donor. 5M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. AITA for not giving a kidney to my father. She's your daughter, she is family and you did force her into the family. I'm the same blood type and obviously he wants me to donate. He…. I’d made my choice a long time ago. One of the older brothers was a lawyer, literally represented my mother in the trial. The doctors are more likely to take a donation from your parents -- the doctors kind of prefer donors over 50. But from what I’ve heard, this surgery would put you out of commission for a while. fk av tv xy zu cs hi cc xm fv